Berbaju kurung yang ayu ke Sri Pentas

This morning I had a formal visit to Media Prima with my bosses and the Deputy Minister with his officers. Last night prior to the visit, my boss the COO sent a wassapp message to the SLT group chat, he said

“DY, since tomorrow is an official trip with YB TM, please dress appropriately. The officers from the Ministry dah tegur dulu…”

When I read that I was like WTH????   BILA PULAK AKU TAK APPROPRIATE?? Jilaka pula PTD ministry officer… ni mesti sebab aku pakai jeans koyak pergi meeting dengan KSU hari tu… dammit!

So I replied “OK, I will wear baju kurung tomorrow”.

Dengan hati yang hiba I went to bed and in the morning penuh kegigihan I ironed my baju kurung yang paling appropriate liplapliplap ada beads bagai.

In the morning I drove to Sri Pentas and apparently my bosses arrived earlier than me (diva kan? fashionably late katanya!). Once they saw me coming, both started laughing. CEO and COO.

They were both in jeans and t-shirts with jackets. I was in my liplapliplap baju kurung raya tahun lepas. When the guys from the Ministry arrived, even they were clad in pants!!!

Hampeh kan?

No body complained about inappropriateness. There was no issue at all.

I kena tipu by my boss. Hidup-hidup. Haishhh…



Author: Diyana

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