Small delights in my garden – Mulberry goodness 

I think I can be quite romantic when it comes to my garden. I get easily swarmed with joy. I’d be very delighted and happy at the sight of butterflies, flowers and even the way the sun shines through the petals of my maroon kemboja blooms.

Anyway today my mulberries have ripen. Azman and I hardly grow any fruits/ fruity vegetables like long beans and pumpkin mainly because of Chip and Dale. Haha! There are a few squirrels in this area, they are very cute and playful but they nibble on our edibles. Huhu!
They are small, but yet so bright and pretty. When I was in Janda Baik, I saw these berries more than an inch big. Wow.. But it ia very cool there and of course you know Klang Valley whether like…

BTW, Mulberry trees are traditionally grown for their leaves as they are the only food that silkworms can eat.

Because of their sweet flavor, impressive nutritional value and numerous health benefits, mulberries are gaining increased interest worldwide.

I join a Malaysian Gardeners group in FB and from there I can tell that more Malaysians are interested in this fruit. They say Chinese herbal medicine has used mulberry trees for thousands of years to treat diseases like heart disease, diabetes, anemia and arthritis. But I know any fruit colored deep red and purple have high antioxidants content.

Mulberries are most commonly made into wine, fruit juice, tea, jam or canned foods, but can also be dried and consumed as a snack. I don’t think I will ever produce that much… But these first 8 berries are already making me happy!

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Author: Diyana

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