How to make me vomit blood, commit hara-kiri, become a pontianak and haunt you for life

It is really easy you know! Just do like what some people do to me.

First ask me about when I will get pregnant for more than 5 times in a week. Then launch a lecture on why we should have a baby as early as possible each and every time we meet.

On top of that you can also tell me how to plan for my life in vivid details expressing the well known taboo saying that if a lady delays her pregnancy for a few months; chances are she will never get a child at all. Please tell that to me as though my highest education level is standard 3 mid term exam and there is not a slightest chance that I may even be smarter than you; in which you just don’t know it because all these while I have been respecting your feelings!

For best result (the pontianak of me will not only haunt you but your next 7 generations as well); you can teach me the optimum way of MAKING A BABY. Please do it casually as though you are teaching me how to make cekodok pisang, make sure not a speck of shame sprinkle out of you while blather on and on about the dos and dont’s of getting conceived.

And while you are at that, don’t forget to ignore the utter look of repugnance (at this point I begin to reach out for my samurai sword already and beginning to despise you very-very much already) that is displaying on my greenish blue face.

If you believe in a lot of other extremely stupid taboos and ridiculous tips of planning your baby’s sex according to the orbit of the moon, don’t hesitate to teach me, I will automatically puke not only blood but use my toes to tear out my ears as well.

For implementing above methods, please utilize all the channels of communications that are available in this century, not only when meeting me face to face but when you call me on the telephone, by text msg, by yahoo messenger and hey! Don’t forget I do check my mails regularly!! So write me at length all about there-is-nothing-in-this-planet-that-you-can-do-but-be-obsessive-about pregnancies!

The last time a friendly soul did this to me I did not wait till I start to puke. Instead I just avoid that freaking person all together. So I guess these simplified methods not only applies when you want me dead of compulsiveness but simply if you just want to get rid of me or me getting rid of you.

Happy Trying!!

Author: diyanazman

6 thoughts on “How to make me vomit blood, commit hara-kiri, become a pontianak and haunt you for life

  1. ALamak!! I disagree la for newlywed to have baby early. At least have la 2 years honeymoon… or maybe up to 5 years… but must make baby also la…. by 5 years.. if not ppl think u got pregnancy problem…..

    And I can teach u technics to get boy or girl… hehehe.. sure u want to rip off your ears…????

  2. u’re still young…let c what i got:

    KEUPAYAAN wanita untuk hamil sendirinya berhenti selepas menopaus. Selepas didatangi baligh, kesuburan wanita bermula, ia sampai ke kemuncaknya pada usia lewat belasan tahun sehingga awal dua puluhan.
    Pada usia 28 tahun, kesuburannya didapati menurun buat pertama kalinya….

    c;mon laaaa..u still got enough time to make a baby…..just ignore la what other ppl think bout u….

  3. Some people they just feel nervous to see others happy and presume their life is perfect enough to be followed by others too.

    I hate them… People I described above.

  4. Dade ( daddy)!
    you are so mengada…you know i am so menyampah you lagi nak rub it in…

    I have been ignoring but menyampah tetap menyampah..hehehe

    Jelly O’;
    Thanks for dropping by my blog. You are right. This kinda people are just jealous I think…


  5. Hmmm…..I had a friend who encountered something like that as well….Same scenario…..Twig shaking ferociously, unexplained mystery and then……two weeks after that…something weird happen to the girl….but i dont think its nice to scare the shit out of u by telling it….Sweetdreams Dee

  6. Shazmi, thanks dude! Thats a lotta help in explaining botanical science to me. I think you watched too much The Ring already.. :p
    Thanks for dropping by at my blog!!

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