The Magical Plate of Chapati

My mother came to visit us last Friday. She came with my kid sister and her three grandchildren, sons and daughter of my elder brother and sister. They are Adam and Nurin both turning 8 this year and Arash who will be 5 in October.

diyana arash nurin adam at TAR road

Adam and Arash are two very naughty, adorable boys. Arash sometimes gets too obnoxious I almost cut him into pieces and bury him in the basement. I came this close to doing that until I realize that I don’t have a basement and he is actually too damn funny.

When my mother went to visit my aunt at the ukm hospital , the kids got too noisy we had to leave the hospital and hang out at the nearby Mamak restaurant in Bandar Tun Razak. Everybody ordered drinks, Arash wanted a Roti Canai. It came in the nice standard steel plate with three partitions for three different kinds of gravy. Coincidently in the Mamak he always go with his parents in Penang, that plate is used for serving Chapati.


chapati stainless steel plate


“This is not mine, I want Roti Canai”


He looked around for the waiter to bring him his food.

“This is your Roti Canai, Arash”


“No, Roti Canai is not on this plate”

Like hello! Thanks for your attempt to fool me but I know Roti Canai don’t come in this kinda plate ok??

“It’s just the plate,Arash, the Roti Canai is the same, eat it!”


“No this is not Roti Canai, Roti Canai can be eaten with our fingers!”

In Malay “Bukan ahhh! Roti Canai boleh kepak dengan tangan” like, who are you fooling Cik Diyana, I KNOW roti canais ok?I have been eating them since I lose my diapers??


“Well then eat it with your fingers!”



“Cannot,there are fork and spoon here”



I asked for a normal plate from the waiter; put the same Roti Canai from the steel plate on it and Arash ate happily for 10 seconds before he threatened the mamak for some Sugus candy.

Author: Diyana

12 thoughts on “The Magical Plate of Chapati

  1. tetiba aku rasa lapar plak pepagi nie… dah ler kena keje pagi nie.. huuhuhuu..mntk capati yg ko buat diyana satu… kurang manis ar…thanks…

  2. apsal ko kerja hari cuti ni? pergilah berdating ke apa…lagi berfaedah.nanti aku pos capati pakai courier kat ko.

  3. arash mengingatkan daku tatkala masih lagi kecil dan cilik (baca dalam suara bergema mcm dalam gua diiringi muzik dari lagu ‘kawan’ nyanyian ruhil secara instrumental). di suatu ketika pabila musim kemarau, ayahku buat pertama kalinya mengajak ku ke air terjun. “adik jom pi jeram, kita mandi kat sana” ajak ayah ku.

    “yey yey..besnye…sat na! ayah pi la setart moto dulu, sat lagi adik turun” jawab ku yg ketika itu masih kecil lagi kiut miut.

    ketika aku turun dan berhadapan dgn ayahku yang berada di atas motor (soundtrack dari filem godzilla-main theme yer..korang cuba la bayangkan) kecepuuuukkkkkkk..satu hinggapan tapak tangan kanan ayahku hinggap di kepala ku.

    “adeeiii…sakit la ayah..awat ayah pukui adik” jawab ku…. “YANG HANG PI BAWAK CEBOK NI BUAT PA!!!!!!” pekikan ayah ku bergema dalam nada marah dan kecewa yang amat sangat!

    “dah ayah kata ajak pi mandi…adik bawak la cebok” jawab ku dalam nada yg paling innocent.

    ayah ku tanpa berkata apa apa, langsung start moto dan tinggalkan aku sorang sorang kat tepi tangga rumah…….mesti dia tensen giler..tu nasib baik aku tak bawak besen/baldi/timba/perigi sekali har har har

  4. ermm…teringat citer mase i kecik (8 tahun) mase tu i makan at kedai capati..then i tiru mamak tu punya style nk baling2 capati..kononnye jatuh kat my plate balik tapi terpaling kat muka makcik sebelah i tu…sian….abes muka die bermekap kan kari…hmm sedap2..

  5. Dade Ghost,
    Tak habis2 nak mengayat aku ada anak sendr…ingat senang cam beli anak kucin kat pet shop ke? hehehe

    Ko memang sejak kecik2 dan comel lagi dah sengal ye?? hahaha..manada org mandi air terjun pakai cebok…kakakakaa

  6. Frankie,
    I think he got it from his aunt’s colleague called Suzy..

    Dasar GB memang begitu…hehehe

    Hang ingat ni tulis untuk annual report ka??? suka ati aku la nak kasi tajuk Farah The Holy Girl tapi main argument dia Farah The Holy in the Looks Only…. hehehehe

  7. Hi Kaezrin…
    hahaha! thanks my dear for dropping by… this blog is created last month after I moved my friendster blog here… read your too and i think the bride is so pretty… hehehe!!
    take care!

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