This pizza will go straight to you thighs

I think Azman is a very patient person. If I were handling a wife like me I probably had long time ago fell for Mel Gibson because the wife I have at home is most annoying. But nope Azman never does that because he is duhh! not gay. And because he is also very patient. Isn’t that the whole main point of me writing this paragraph? To tell that Azman is patient?! then why the hell I go mentioning I have the hots for Mel Gibson?? I thought I was gonna write about pizza??! Fishhh..
Oh I remember now! I was extremely exasperated and frustrated at Pizza Hut recently,that I had annoyed my patient and cool Azman. You know lah men around 30 memanglah cool kan??? Faktor usia lah katakan…

The problem with dining at restaurants in Malaysia is they tend to lie!!! They are all bunch of deceitful restaurateurs out there; the pictures they put on the menus are so intensely exaggerated it will bring shame to the sound engineers that dubbed the dush! dush! kebaboom! effect everytime Salman Khan throws a sissy punch on bad inspector Shahab in those Bollywood movies.

Being the early twenties muda remaja darah bergelora perut tengah lapar pulak tu I have given the waiter a long lecture on commercial deceit. And how I shall have him withered in pain as I murder him if I catch him spit on my garlic bread after my educational lecture.

Then we went home and I made my own pizza. It was a life threatening attempt. To think that I put Azman’s digestive system at stake yet another time makes me feel very brave. Luckily the pizza turned out damn good. You guys ought to try. ( All recipes attempted at your own risks; the author of the blog will not be held reliable for any diarrhea, vomiting and mother in law’s abhorrence).

Here is the recipe.

Pizza ala Malas Malaysia

Because I am lazy innovative, I don’t bother to make the pizza dough myself so I used pita bread as the crust for my small sized pizza. Then I reused my pasta sauce recipe here as the pizza sauce. I spread the sauce generously on the bread before I dumped lots of grated parmesan on it. Scatter pineapple, paprika, sausages and chicken bits on top. For the chicken, marinate with your favourite seasoning, leave in the microwave on high for 7 minutes. I lather another thin layer of sauce and another straight to the bum layer of cheese. Ten minutes in the oven and I got this.

Laden with topping heaven. Can this still be called pizza?? The juicy toppings are overflowing!! Yummm!!!!

pizza malaysia



Author: Diyana

13 thoughts on “This pizza will go straight to you thighs

  1. Di, Mel Gibson… ermm not bad taste for u n Azman, just in case he turns gay!

    That looks more like cheese kebab la…….. but I am sure it taste great…… (Tengah bodek for a bite la ni).

  2. Nampak cam Sedap jek Pizza tu..!! ataupun itu hanya hiasan jek diyana? ;-P
    tp azman (cfood) tu mmg org2 yang sabar..termasuk saya lah..he he

  3. DG,
    Can a straight guy suddenly turn gay??? Mintak simpang malaikat 44!! Yeah…it does like kebab isnt it? hehehe…..
    u want a bite?? Raya nanti jemputla datang rumah k? hehe

    I have to admit u are a very sabar person, dan blur dan pemalu and gedik di alam cyber! hehehe

  4. diyana..
    “gedik di alam cyber!’ macam satu perkataan ajaib jek..kekeKeKekek
    alam cyber adalah satu alam maya & bersifat sementara saje..emmm =)

  5. nyam nyam.. satu ni baper kak? 😀

    p/s: whats wrong with pizza and gay? they need to eat too.. *glup*

  6. mehehe aku nak tgelak sgt coz benda yang sama happen kat aku…gambar je cantik kat dlm menu tu tp takde bendenye,sakit ati aku,budak pizza tu pon kene sound ngan aku..dan yg paling sakit ati,lpas mkn laki aku bayar ade hati nak bg dia keep the change as a tip la kunun..huhu sakit ati..

  7. Yummy…yummy…with the overflowing juicy toppings…you buat air liur kak lady overflow…

    Memang pun..kalau dalam iklan ke …menu ke…kita tengok pizza or whatever yang di gambarkan…sunggung menyelerakan & kaya dgn macam2 ingredients…tapi bila sampai kat apa yang kita order…alamak…seciput je…

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