I hate Sanjaya! I hate Sanjaya!

Oh boy! I have so much to blog about but I just don’t have the time. I am treating this website almost as a diary and really almost everyday is an exciting day for me. I am very blessed to be surrounded by extremely crazy cool people at all times.

I have dozens of stories about my career. At the office, the work load can be paralyzing but getting them done while laughing till my tummy muscles go cramp is not bad at all. My colleagues at the office are a bunch of interesting intellectuals.

Peah* likes to walk around the office trying to regulate the ratio of hydrogen and methane in the air. She always stop at Buyong*’s work station when she releases her nicely composed fart. Allen* who sat across the room from me murdered an old lady when she was six. At the hospital when visiting her mum’s friend, she switched on and off the life support machine of the coma patient about ten times and fled when the doctors came running in.
I mean wow!! How cool is that? I never had a chance to do that when I was a kid?!

On TV, the America Idol is very much taking me through the journey of self recognizing. I have now realized that I am capable of hating someone to a blood vomiting point simply because his smile is too sweet. And from that I have derived a conclusion that Sanjaya is gay. Because I hate him. I don’t really know why but the smile..ughh..it haunts me.

I gotta stop now..I need to pack. We are going to Sabah tomorrow to celebrate my birthday. I hope to be at the highest peak of the south of Asia on my big day.
Wish me luck guys! Yeehaaa!

*Not their real names

Author: Diyana

6 thoughts on “I hate Sanjaya! I hate Sanjaya!

  1. Isn’t it just comforting to know that we work with NORMAL SANE people in the office?? hahahahah

    Well I have a friend name Saraswathy* who sits behind me in the office who has the appetite of a monster (but badan so kurus kering I hate you Saraswathy*!) and who likes to bother me incessantly to no end, in which without her would make me world disturbingly quiet 😉

    Here’s to you kiddo…or shall I say Saraswathy* (hihihihihihihi)

  2. frankenstina, coincidently i have a colleague named diyanaletchumy which best describes that saraswathy of yours. she’s the very kurus kering, and she talks like the Japan bullet train and she laughs.. huhu…

    and i wonder is sanjaya really as u say? and why all the names yg hang letak tu terlampau komersil? hmmmm

  3. kadevallle…kadevalle…. awat teruk sgt si peah tu???? tak civilised langsung!!!! kesian si buyong……

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