Daddy’s Dilemma

Since Diyana got pregnant 9 months ago, I have never written anything about parenthood. Diyana urged me a couple of times to write about my feelings and anything on her pregnancy or parenthood. She thought it would be memorable to read later on in our lives. I would love to write something but the problem is… I don’t think I have anything to write. After all the pregnant one is she and the vomiting one is also she. It has been an easy and quite normal life for me. I never thought that I need to prepare for anything. All I know is Diyana and her mother will take care of everything and I will slowly learn from them all the easy parts. Hehe. The only dilemma that I have at that time was what should my baby call me?? ..ayah?? ..abah??..pak???.. papa??.. daddy??..emmmmm..

However, as the time of delivery came closer and closer… people keep asking or rather reminding me about a lot of important things that have never been in my mind before. Thanks to them, now, I started to worry about my preparation of being a father.

They say, I must recite the Azan ( Islamic call to prayer ) at my baby’s ears as soon as he’s born. So should I Azan loudly until that the whole hospital can hear me?? Or should I just Azan quietly?? I am really not sure about that. The only relief is.. I still know how to Azan although the last time I did it was when I am in form 5 for Subuh prayer as a punishment by my hostel warden.

Then, they say that I have to clean the placenta, clean it with this and that and then bury it in a good place. I just learned the word placenta and now I have to clean one of my wife’s inner organ!? Great! Furthermore, where should I bury it?? There is only a small piece of land available at our house and most of the time it is used as “jamban” by Lulu Cat and Lili Cat.

Besides that, I have also started to think about how I am gonna handle the situation when the baby is around. Changing a diaper looks easy. Carrying him should be no problem either because I never get any problem while carrying Lili & Lulu.

However, since babies love funny faces and slapstick jokes, I think I may have a problem with that because after practicing a couple of time with my wife, she never laugh!! To make it even worse.. she really hated it and asked me to quit!!!! Maybe I need to watch a lot of Raja Lawak and Senario after this. Most of their stupid jokes are easy enough for me to learn.

Now, I am beginning to think that I should stop talking with people that have children because the more I talk to them, the more nervous I get!!

Author: azman

27 thoughts on “Daddy’s Dilemma

  1. hmmm….bang perlahan jer azman…mcm berbisik to your new born baby boy. Kan ke nak bang kat telinga dia….kalu hang bang sampai satu spital dgr…tak ke bleh pekak baby tuh nanti….uhuuhuhu

    placenta or tembuni in BM….silalah tanam kalu bleh tanah umah sendiri (bukan sewa). Kalu kat kampung lagi baik…ehehehehe. All my siblings placenta are in kuantan…uhuk.

    anyways…good luck…alah you’ll learn things day by day….don’t worry…this is your first experience beselah tuh.

  2. mostly it’s always the mom-to-be thoughts that I read, so it’s kinda refreshing and funny to read about a dad-to-be thoughts. Keep on writing, you are doing good…and don’t worry, i bet you will become a good daddy and hubbie to Di 😉

    Happy New Year!!!

  3. Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah….

    Konklusi yg padat lg tepat..Tahniah dr aku buat ko dan Isteri…Seronok jd Ayah,Daddy, Papa , dan ntah apa2 laaa lg yg anak ko tu pggl ko nanti…Walauweyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

  4. Hey new daddy, I could tell that you are one funny guy and a good daddy too 😉 Diyana and the lil’ one are lucky 😀 Just take it easy and enjoy yourself before the baby makes his appearance…heheheheheh.

    Just want to wish you and Diyana a very Happy and Healthy 2008 😀

  5. kalau nak belajo mimik muka kelakar: nize
    kalau nak belajo lawak bodo: nize
    kalau nak tanam placenta tu, kawasan yg dicadangkan: klcc, bskl, pusat pentadbiran kerajaan persekutuan, masjid negara, klia, litar F1 sepang
    kalau anak hang panggil aku pakcik/uncle atau yg sewaktu dengannya, jangan harap la nak dapat duit raya atau yg sewaktu dgnnya dari aku. aku tetap maintain as ‘abg’!!!!!!!!!!

  6. One thing every daddy and mummy to be kena blaja is: SABAR. Bukan senang nak jaga anak oiii…

  7. – biaq anak korang panggil di gundu amma and u appa…
    ok what? hehehe

    – tanamla tali pusat tu di tempat yg elok. not kat jamban lili and lulu.
    – dukung baby tak sama dgn dukung lili and lulu.
    – changing diaper is not easy.
    – kena pikiaq rutin baby tu nanti, tingkah laku, bila dia nanti lapaq, bila time tidoq…
    – mmg mula2 susah nak buat memek muka but later ok since u suka sengih and terkernyih so shouldnt be a problem. my adik yg muka serious manjang pon dah blh buat memek muka

    gambatte kudasai!

  8. tu diaa…. farah komen macam la dia dah beranak 10…
    wei, orang nak tanam uri la bukan tali pusat…

  9. Iena;

    oo..kena bisik2 ka?…kuat2 kan ke bagus. tapi..takkan nak tanam kat kampung kot?..berapa lama mau tunggu?..mau berkulat nanti..heheh

    ayaq, joling, abe beso, 13may, mommy to chumsy, apeck, kawaii
    thank you utk kata2 semangat dan nasihat anda juga!

    kat bskl pun boleh ka??..dan..nize ada mimik muka kelaka ka??…bukan dah muka original dia dah kelaka ka?

    happy new year!!

  10. emm..emm..putss..teruskan semangat juang MU..!!
    Uuu..Uuu..bani, jgn komen aku lebih-lebih ar…! kepeh kepeh kepeh..patut aku terbatuk-batuk, ada org kutuk aku rupenye.. =P

  11. Bukan selama ni dok prektis ngan Lulu ngan Lili ka? Takpa lebeih kurang ja cuma malam malam baby tu jgn la dok letak kat luar rumah peh tu kalau berak kencin kena basuh pampers kena salin. Peh tu bagi susu dalam botoi bukan letak dalam mangkuk


  12. placenta is best ditanam di tempat yang elok dan selamat dari gangguan2 stray animals. it is believed kalau kena ganggu ngan e.g. cats or dogs, nanti your child will be disturbed..i mean..crying all time. sakit perut etc. and oh, have you heard yang some people tanam stuff like pencils, notepad together with the placenta? it is also believed untuk bagi your child jadi pandai menulis and membaca etc. hehe a bit superstitious but no harm trying and listening to the elders eh.

    good luck you both.

  13. Azman,

    Bukan lah bisik…tp pelan-pelan dah ler….uhuhuh. Tp kalu hang nak bang kuat2 pon….hang buatlah..anak hang..mesti u know wat is the best..betoi tak? Kalu D beranak kat sini, hang terpaksalah tanam kat umah hang sekarang jer…tp aku tak plak nampak tanah lapang dlm kawasan umah hang…hmmm…masalah jugak tuh. Takpa…when the times come, u’ll know.

    Anyways….wanna wish u and D a happy new year!!

  14. From experience, dont use PAPA. my dad blamed us kids for he’s not a billionaire for calling him that.(papa-kedana =poor ass) So i suggest, u use KAYA instead 🙂
    Anywho..Diyana&Azman, dont is obvious to all that you guys are a match in heaven and would make a wonderful parents to any kid in d world could have..hugz!

  15. Eintanz, so cool can tanam with gadgets!!! 🙂
    Azman, lets bury it with your old Viao notebook… who knows the baby can be super genius nanti… hehehe

  16. placenta or tembuni tu….just give it away to those ppl yg amik upah basuh. slalunye kat spital ader la….dulu masa time nak deliver irfan ader sorg makcik ni dtg ty, nak upah dia tak basuh that thing….better bagi org yg terer basuh laaa…kekekek

  17. lupa lak..tuk tanam..ikut org2 tua kata, better tanam kat pokok pisang. sejuk hati, baik budi pekerti..ntah ye ke tidak…kekekek…

    di, my irfan dah blaja jalan….sonok tau..dok layan budak kecik….layan makan, layan cakap(walaupun aku tak paham apa dia ckp)

  18. lepas ja baby aku lahir sampai 5 bulan pertama berat aku kurang 10 kilo, kena jaga malam la buat susu, baby nangis la, tak cukup tidoq. wife aku kurang 20 kilo. sekarang baby aku dah 8 bulan, aku bertambah 20kilo bini aku tambah 30 kilo. happy tengok kelatah dia plus qada yg terlepas sebelum ni. baby aku pun tak sempat aku nak dukung, atok, nenek,pakcik,paksu,makteh,makngah dok dukung ja… relax lah sket..

  19. KA;
    thank you brader..

    ya betul..akan ku suruh anakku memanggil ku..”en. jutawan” !!kuang kuang

    kalu ikut prektis dgn lili dan lulu, 2 ekor kucing itu juga adalah pengelap kaki yg bagus.

    esok2 dah kurang pakai kertas dan pensel dah kot. ada baiknya di tanam bersama2 laptop dan URL website ilmiah.hehe

    susah sangat ke basuh placenta tu sampai kena upah2..?? ingatkan senang saja. pakai mesin basuh takleh ke?

    maknanya sekarang ni hang bertambah gemuk la ye???…macam mana la hang boleh tambah sampai 30kilo? penimbang rosak kot? tak tercapai akalku..

  20. hahaha..lawak laa..takkan nak basuh pakai washing machine kott..bukan susah..tapi leceh la…nak kena basuh pastuh campur dgn bendalah ni la tu la…lagi satu placenta tu full of blood..tahan ke? 😛

    tapi tu pun org yg bagi tau…aku pun bukan reti pun..tu yg upah org jek.lagi pun leceh la ngan pantang..buat cam ni takleh la..kena buat camtu la…so bagi org..amik yg dah siap basuh…dulu makcik tu siapp balut dlm kain putih…masa nak tanam, carik tempurung…tuk elak benda tak elok…..tahla..aku pun tak paham sgt..ikut jek..kekeke

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