Mamy Poko Model Wanna Be

Azman wants Miki to be like Ryan Giggs someday. I want him to be like House. His Opah wants him to be an al- Hafiz but I think Miki wants to be a model!

Oh my God!

He practices his poses everyday and each time his poses get better. Miki is trying hard to be like his idol, the Baby Mamy Poko! hahaha!

Mamy Poko model wanna be

Author: Diyana

15 thoughts on “Mamy Poko Model Wanna Be

  1. he CAN be a ryan giggs and a model too. the line between footballers/models have somewhat blurred after becks fell slave to victoria’s lifestyle.

  2. Omigosh!

    There’s such a strong resemblance between Miki & the baby model! Di, you make me wanna have a baby! NOW! AT THIS VERY MINUTE! *point at own womb and command hubby’s sperms to swim faster and harder*

  3. uish…dah nak sama dah post. Tulah bleh apa….main bola n be a model at the same time. Lagi kaya ooooo…

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