Its 3rd of June again…

Azman and I met for the first time when I was 19 and he was 25. I was a first year student at Universiti Malaya and Azman had graduated the year before. He was wearing a white football jersey with blue jeans and I was wearing a white boatneck shirt with blue jeans. I thought he was really cute and he thought I was really a punk.

It was 3rd June 2001. It was his birthday.

A few years ago I threw him a surprise party-sorta at Port Dickson. We drove to the beach, set a picnic on the sand, built a tent. Then I told him to walk me to the washroom urgently. When we came back, his best friends Nize, Abul and Komeng waited in the tent with a cake and shouted Surprise!!! We hang out at the beach barbequing, swimming, playing guitar and singing under the stars until late at night.

It was 3rd June 2005. It was his birthday.

Last year I was pregnant with Miki. I was fat, nauseas and tired. After work I rushed back home. Watched TV for a while and called my friend on my cell phone. Then I took a shower, went to bed and slept till morning.

It was 3rd June 2007. It was his birthday. I forgot.

I am sorry I didnโ€™t remember your birthday last year, hubby! It wasnโ€™t me, it was your son Miki, he was sucking the nutrients from every cell in my body. But hey look this year I have gone good and I remember. So today on your birthday and the anniversary of our first date, i am wishing you, my husband, my best friend, the father of my child, Happy 32nd Birthday. Mikael and I loves you more and more every day.

Author: Diyana

13 thoughts on “Its 3rd of June again…

  1. nasib baik la si miki tak diletakkan nama ‘june’ atau pun ‘juned’

  2. awww so shweet mweet. happy birthday azman. semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan dikurniakan banyak junior lagi. aper pun, i know your gorges wife will always fit into that 24″ (was it 24″? cis!!) jeans of hers..forevah!

    hidup manchester!

  3. happy birthday azman ๐Ÿ™‚
    may Allah bless you with lotsa happiness and love always..

  4. Happy birthday to Azman ๐Ÿ™‚ What a sweet posting. Anyway, my birthday pulak in another 2 days :p hehe.

  5. tersyahdu plak baca post ni..
    terkenang kisah dulu dulu..

    thanks baby for everything..ur the best!

    hepi birthday to apeck & carneyz jugak…
    dan jangan lupa…
    rafael nadal punya birthday juga pada 3rd june…

  6. Kerajaan Malaysia bagi hadiah besday yang paling bermakna melalui Pak Lah semalam….

  7. hahah baru nak kata azman chan, hang dapat hadiah yg paling menyayat hati…

    anyway semuga panjang umoq murah rejeki okeh…
    semoga berbahgia dgn cimiki dan diyana G sokmo hehe

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