Crazy About Miki

I might be going away for a few days next week. Without Miki. Gonna miss my little boy a lot. He is turning 7 months soon. I am coming up with a development report for his first 6 months of growth. Stay tuned.

Luth Mikael

Isn’t Miki such a cutey?

Author: Diyana

20 thoughts on “Crazy About Miki

  1. he is sooo cute! i was away for 7 days and it was hard i tell u. i swear i was seeing melissa’s image on every corner of the street from where i was. Oh, and she got sick missing me too 🙁

  2. hi, salam perkenalan..

    i’ve been reading your blog for along while now but have been a silent reader since. i think your blog is interesting, and i love reading about little miki’s development. i have a 2 mo daughter, so hopefully that explains why i love to read other mommy blogs as well 🙂 well, yours isn’t technically a mommy blog as you also write about a lot of other stuff, but i particularly enjoy it when you write stuff and post pics of miki the cutey.

    can i add ur blog to my blogroll?

    anyway, i would like to award your blog for the brilliant web blog award. u can visit my blog to see what the fuss is all about. no biggie, but it’s fun, even if it’s a little childish hihi..

    keep on blogging!

  3. hi diyana,

    like oyis, i have been reading your blog for quite some time. it is really interesting, fun and filled with drama. no wonder you call yourself a retired drame queen.

    i have a baby girl, same age with Miki. hope they can be friends some day.

    btw, how do you find time to blog? i have started to blog but hardly consistent. i’m a wannabe writer. thats why i blog…

    your friend told me you got paid writing this blog. isit true?

  4. Eintanz, i’ll be going away today (wednesday) till friday. its gonna be torture.. for all three of us.. 🙁
    Thanks a lot for the award! Ive gotten the same thing from another blogger but I havent got the time to figure out-I guess I must paste it on my website banner, and gave the same to my fave blogs, yes?
    Pls do add me to your blog roll! It would be my pleasure. I started to blog long before Miki, thats why the blog is not Miki-dedicated..ehehe… If Miki wants a website about himself he’d better learn to make his own! hehe
    Terima kasih dik! Nanti akak tampal gambo bebanyak lagi.. Kalau nak tengok entry pasal Miki, ada kat category Luth Mikael & Parenthood. 🙂
    Little Mama,
    Thank you. He is the apple of my eyes…

  5. Hi Balqis,

    Thank you! Your baby girl be friends with Miki? Great idea and should be no prob at all. Miki is very friendly and loves being around babies and kids.
    Well, if you want time to blog just DONT DO YOUR LAUNDRY!
    I am kidding! :p Pardon me! :p
    Funny you should ask about my time to blog because as you can see I hardly update anything more than twice a week.
    Who is that friend of mine that have been telling you things? hehe. Well I dont get paid for blogging per se, the blog is the catalyst for me getting income from advertisements, links and reviews that I wrote on products and services.

    Thanks and good luck in your writing career.

  6. awww that so cute!

    hehee.. i called hariz Ewok! LOL in that hat! heheee

    cptnye dah 7 months i rasa baru je u deliver him. how time flies..

  7. hi diyana,

    this is my first time dropping at ur blog.your Miki cute to the max! esp with the hat. mana u beli yer?

  8. Guys,
    Thank you! The hat is from Pumpkin Patch! Try the one at The Gardens. Last Saturday I saw there was one hat left!

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