Buah Kurma Mystery

It has become a tradition in my office, whenever anybody goes on a trip, make it a vacation or a business trip… He or she will always buy EVERYONE or at least ALMOST EVERYONE in the office souvenirs.

I on the other hand am very tak malu, I usually ASK colleagues to buy me a present – a can or a bottle of Coca-Cola to add to my collection. Oh I have never blog about my Coke collection now have I?

Anyway,yes, people I work with are very nice people. The souvenirs could be from chocolates to key chains, from fridge magnets to paintings! We usually goes around the office like Santa Claus and if you were away from your desk, you will soon find a nice little surprise left in front of your computer when you came back from the pantry gossiping the surau praying.

However I have noticed that Santa had failed to visit my cubicle a few times already! Every time I saw some goodies on each and everyone’s desk I would be wondering how come I didn’t get any?

Its not like I really want those pack of chocolates but hey, chocolates are my favourite okay? don’t my colleagues love me anymore? Have I lost my sense of warmth and friendliness? Have I lost the touch of office camaraderie and they have started to hate me now? Oh no! Its the datelines! I must have been to stern on the datelines!!

Oh no!… What am I gonna do? My colleagues don’t love me anymoreeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Today one of the managers came back from Umrah in Mekah and as souvenirs, he gave away packets of dates to everybody. Once again I found none on my desk and my heart bleed. What did I do for not deserving date fruits? I don’t even like date fruits but this is cruel! Cruel!! ISk! Isk!

As I couldn’t take it anymore, I went to my colleague and asked him why? Why? WHY DIDN’T YOU GIVE ME BUAH KURMA????

He assured me that he did,in fact he went 2 rounds around the office to make sure he didn’t miss anybody. He said he was sorry it went missing and he would bring me more tomorrow. I told him its okay and of course I believed him, he doesn’t have to swear on the Al-Quran like that faggot and I would believe him but now AKU DISELUBUNGI MISTERI!

Someone has been taking my souvenirs? Hmmm… Who could it be?

Author: Diyana

11 thoughts on “Buah Kurma Mystery

  1. You guys think I got fart cursed dont ya? ehe..
    Mien, what difference does it make? If someone is stealing my stuff the note wont stop him…

  2. hmmm…just check around and see who is putting on weight…muhaahahahahahaa.

    Hey, just wanna wish you and your loved ones Selamat Hari Raya. Have a safe trip if you guys balik kampung ya? btw, i love the hari raya songs you have in your blog. brings back lots of good memories 🙂

  3. Hello! Came from SocialSpark 🙂

    Jahatnya whoever curi the souvenirs meant for you. Jangan sampai dia tercekik makan buah Kurma tu nanti ye.. heehe

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

  4. takpalarr stakat kurma n chocolates ja..cuba dia curik duit raya anak hang ka..sure lagi sakit ati..

    btw aku dah dapat kad raya hang antaq from might…thanks! aku dok tunggularr spaghetti tuh.

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