Baby diarrhea and vomiting and another mother I would like to murder

After work on Thursday, I gave Miki one of his favorite snacks – Calsi-Yum. Later when Azman has arrived, we went out to dinner. In the car, Miki suddenly vomited on himself and I. My pants were soaked and so was his shirt. Leftover vomits were making puddles on the car seat.

We detoured back home, clean ourselves up. Miki looked tired so we figured he needed a nap. He drank two ounce of formula and slept. After a few minutes he stirred and barfed. IN HIS SLEEP! Milk vomit splattered all over, on his clothes, on the mattress, the floor even on his head.

I called his babysitter to ask if he had been vomiting at her house but she said no. There was another kid however, slightly older than Miki, who had been suffering the same sickness the day before. We changed him and while we were getting ready to see the doctor he barfed again. Traces of rice he had earlier sketched world map on my beloved sofa and the carpet.

Before we even got a chance to clean him up he vomited again this time just clear fluid. Panic stricken my heart, we rushed to KPMC hospital near our place. No pediatrician around at 9pm only the GP. She said Miki needs to be admitted and be given the drips. I winced at the idea of a needle poking my baby but I guessed that is for the best.

So Miki was admitted. We were given a room on the third floor. No other patient was there. And wait for the paed to come. And we wait. Miki barfed one more time. And started to get cranky.

I breastfed him and he fell asleep. Then he woke up whining. At 12.30am the paed arrived. I told her if the treatment for my baby is waiting in a room, we also have room in our house. Azman kept quite, if he opened his mouth, nastier words would come out.

The doc said Miki was okay and could go home. He probably got the bug infected from the sick kid at the babysitter’s. She said I need to continue breastfeeding and that’s all. We were given the syrup in case Miki got fever.

On the way home suddenly he had diarrhea. It smelled like rotten fish. I wanted to scream in despair. Just after the doc said that he was okay, he had gotten diarrhea.

Miserably we decided to wait and see. Through out the night Miki tossed and turned. He pacified on me and I only got to sleep no earlier than 5am. Luckily no diarrhea or vomiting during the night, but he did soaked his diaper with diarrhea the moment he woke up in the morning.

He continued to vomit a couple of more times so brought him the see another paed. Got the same advice by her – feed Miki ORS and breastmilk.

My problem is Miki refused the ORS and I don’t produce milk like a New Zealand cow anymore. Miki has been drinking 4-5 bottles of 7oz formula everyday plus unrecorded breastmilk at night, I doubt I can naturally feed him that much without the help of good old formula.

Luckily Miki didn’t refuse 100Plus. Yes, he drank flat 100Plus as adviced by the paed. So throughout Friday Miki lived on 100Plus and breastmilk. He stopped vomiting by the diarrhea continued. He looked hopelessly lethargic to me. By Miki’s standard, sitting on his parents lap dengan penuh sopan-santun is scary. That’s not him. Miki is supposed to be meleding-leding macam ulat beluncas. That’s the real Miki.

On Saturday he totally refused 100Plus. Only wanted breastmilk and nothing else. Surprisingly he seemed so much better and started to become his ulat-beluncas self. I must still be a New Zealand cow without knowing it. But to my dismay he had gone as light as feather:NM

Today on Sunday, I praised God his condition has improved a great deal. He pooped only 5 times whereby only once diarrhea. ( yesterday 6-7 times diarrhea) I am glad his stool is not so watery anymore, but I am so distressed with the fact that he has lost so much weight.

I WORKED SO HARD FATTENING HIM UP BEFORE I CAN EAT HIM WITH GRETEL! He was 9kilos before he was sick and now I just don’t wanna know. He has emaciated so much its heart breaking!

I know this kinda bug infection is pretty normal. But dammit I cannot stop this boiling anger inside me from quit cursing the mother of the sick child at Miki’s babysitter’s. What the hell!! Her baby was vomiting every 20minutes and still she sent him there.


Please mothers out there, try not to spread your child’s disease if you can. Its just cruel. And please let me know any tips to cure Miki fast.. thanks… Its his birthday next weekend. ?

Author: Diyana

30 thoughts on “Baby diarrhea and vomiting and another mother I would like to murder

  1. OMG! Hope Miki is recovering ASAP!!
    when i read .. the vommitting n diarrhea.. my mind was strting to think rotavirus’sorry!! but if the doc says its ok n u did took the vaccine long time ago..guess that was why Miki dh mcm ulat beluncas few days later.. Thank GOD!!!

    no tips here.. just keep him warm at night with some vaporrub and cover with socks. and try not to lie him down immediately aftr his feeding esp FM..

    hope he gets well SOON!!! Amin…
    and u take care!

  2. Aku jua amat sakit hati terhadapt ibu yang sedemikian..
    selalunya aku mmg tau punca dari siapa anak aku dijangkiti..geram sgt..
    kalau anak aku sakit aku tak kasi jumpa orang takut jangkit kat anak orang tapi mak bapak orang selamba je biar anak depa batuk ke apa ke depan anak aku..
    tertekan sungguh!!!!

  3. betul tu..aku pun sakit hati dgn mak budak itu yg tidak bertanggungjawab. lebih sakit hati lagi aku tak tau KPMC tu kat mana pada hal aku dok lalu situ hari hari. dan lebih sakit hati lagi diyana ingin menggelarkan dirinya lembu baka New Zealand..huuuuhhh sakit hati betul, lembu batu caves mungkin la kot…

  4. oh poor miki. that much of vomitting and diarrhea? sure la kuruskan. hope he get well soon and have a great time at his party. take care babe.

  5. Nize, tu la pasal… kesian dia dahla kurus sekarang makin kurus..
    thanks for the tips and prayer… come to think about it.. Miki is so strong, he is now recovering fast.. yesterday he was already being himself although still have diarrhea. Paed said for kids his age once kena cir-bir mmg boleh sampai ten days, just have to watch out if he is not active and dehydrated… so kesian la tapi… huhuhu
    Yas, tu la bila aku dengaq danish pon demam I was like apahal ni ada wabak ke apa?? aku mmg sakit hati dengan mak budak tu.. selalu mmg dia la bawak kuman selsema n demam kat anak aku… mujur Miki kuat jugak tak kena teruk,demam pun sekali je seumur hidup yg cecah 38deg.
    kali ni yg paling teruk la… anak dan husband dia kena sakit muntah2 tu.. tatau la dia masak apa bg family dia makan.. grrr… jangkit kat anak aku yg aku hangin ni!!!!
    Eintanz, thanks dear.. mmg dia dah kurus sgt.. dukung pun ringan je.. kesian jugak kat i yg kena cuci byk baju, cadar, car seat etc yg kena poopoo dia.. huhu
    Bani, aku sakit hati dengan kebengapan hang yg tatau KPMC kat mana… lagi satu Cimiki tanya besday dia Uncle Bani nak bg hadiah apa…

  6. cakap kat cimiki chikadee, uncle bani tak nak terapkan unsur materialistik ke dalam diri cimiki, maka uncle bani akan berikan doa kebahagiaan dan keselamatan dunia akhirat kepada cimiki sekeluarga….

  7. erm…miki ada amik rotavirus tak dalam vaksin schedule dia? kalu tak de baik you amik. sbb our paed yang suggest utk elak infants kena diarrhea. ye la bdk kecik kan mmg senang jangkit. sumtimes virus tu datang dari mcm2 source. kena tgk gak la toilet rumah pengasuh tu bersih ke tak.takut kids yang kena jangkit tu main sepah2 je dia nye sisa muntah.

  8. Bani, Cimiki kata ‘Uncle Bani lame!’
    Miki tak amik rotavirus vaccine. I asked his paed once but the doc say its unnecessary for perfectly healthy babies yang cergas-mergas macam miki. And this time around I dont know if its rotavirus or not. He didn’t reach a point whereby he needs to take a blood test and what not… syukur la dia tak teruk sebenarnya… tapi sebab dia jarang (almost tak penah) sakit, jadi hatiku amat murung sekali melihat dirinya bermuram durja buat seketika.. (chewah!)

  9. diyana!!

    apsal bangang punya orang tuh hantar anak sakit gak yea kat babis u know!!
    fuhhh marah betul aku nih…

    i pray for cimiki to get better babe…..

  10. Bani,
    Miki taktau wtf tu apa sebab dia suci murni. KIKC tu dia tau ” Ko ingat ko comel?”
    Pastu Miki pon jawap kat Uncle Banban ” Mestilah saya cumil sebab tu saya boleh merampas Mea Khaleela dari uncle..” hahahah
    Rafidah, aku yg kena cuci poopoo dan muntah ni lagi marah babe!! aku jg anak aku susah payah tanak kasik sakit walaupun diusung kesana-kemari budak tu tetap sihat… sekali jumpa anak dia jek terus muntah kuar kat hidung… horrornya!! waaaaaa

  11. dear cimiki,

    yes, i know ur bday is around the corner and u may sit at the corner of your house already. here are the items u may choose as your bday gift from your adorable uncle bani:

    1) key chains ( i got lots of them given to me as souvenirs from my colleagues)
    2) fridge magnet (as above)
    3) pencil
    4) paper clips
    5) staples no. 3-1m
    6) double clip no. 111
    7) nokia hp charger (muncung kecik)
    8) highlighter
    9) ash tray
    10) business card

    u may choose wisely cimiki dear

    yours truly
    adorable uncle bani

  12. bani..bagi la hadiah besday kat aku juga..aku nak jarum & benang..utk ku menjahit seluar ku yang koyak ituuuu… Uuu..Uu.. =P

  13. ntahnye Bani ni…
    Cik Salmah kerja nurse la.. pergi kerja dia naik basikal, samseng kampung dusun suka kacau dia..
    Si Rose barulah kerja cikgu.. pi kerja jalan kaki, balik kerja bujang lapok ikut…

    :p I heart P. Ramlee movies!

  14. aku rasa la kan…citer nujum pak belalang kalau zaman tu diyana masa kecik dah ada, kompom watak tu sesuai dgn diyana (merujuk kepada imej beliau di tepi air terjun satu ketika dulu)

  15. By Miki’s standard, sitting on his parents lap dengan penuh sopan-santun is scary. That’s not him. Miki is supposed to be meleding-leding macam ulat beluncas. That’s the real Miki……sebijik cam prangai irfan….
    aku pun cukup takut bila irfan jatuh sakit…last saturday, dia demam, cecah 39deg….alhamdulillah, nasib baik satu hari je, kalau tak, terpaksa ku korbankan cuti aku sehari.

    aku tak paham dgn mak2 org yg anta anak dorg yg sakit pegi babysitter…kalau aku la….aku lebih rela amik cuti untuk jaga irfan dari hanta pegi nursery. at least aku boleh tgk perkembangan dia dan jaga schedule ubat dia…..setiap kali irfan sakit/demam, tak penah kurang dari 2 hari aku amik emergency leave…..baik jaga dia sendiri…..

  16. OMG siannye Miki saket a week b4 his bDay. Get well soon baby miki. N selamat buat laundry Diyana 🙂 Take care.

  17. Ohhhh… kesiannya Miki… get well soon ya! I can ‘feel’ you.. that’s exactly how I react when my boys kena vomiting and diarrhea. ‘Alamak.. berapa kilo la dah kurang ni…’ me too trying so hard to fatten them up, so bila kena kes2 cam ni… frustrated kan… Normally diarhea and vomitting should not last for 4 days. After 5th days normally baby dah recovering. Dont worry too much k.. it’s part of growing up. Drink lots and lots of liquid ( but not formula) and just give him crackers, plain bread to ‘relax’ the bowel movement. Some says banana and apple sauce help too..

  18. bani, merujuk pada babak hang kena sekeh dgn bappak hang sebab nak bawak cebok pi mandi sungai ka???

    hang ni serupa macam sudin la nak siram pokok2 besaq hahah

    hang jgn skali2 violate cerita pramlee okeh, die hard fan dia ramai kat sini!!

    aduh siyapaakah yg membuat dengki pakaian bani abih dicuriiii
    seruling hikeeemat pun dibawak llaaaariii bagaimana kita sekarang iniiii???

  19. knapa korang ckp nk gemukkan la nk kuruskan la cimiki tu? korang tahu ke dia nk ker tak jadik montel? mungkin cimiki seronok keraana dpt menguruskan badan. lain kali nak senang bagi je cimiki makan pil ciket ciket ciket tek aun. kompem terus baik.

  20. oh dear. it’s heartbreaking to see the lil one like this. Thank God he is getting better. Normally the paed would suggest Isomil when a child has diarrhea and let him/her get well on their own. Ashley’s paed suggested to take probiotics to get rid of diarrhea. Not sure if it is advisable for children below 12 mths. Probably you could check with Miki’s paed?

  21. akhirnya…boleh gak aku komen..intenet ofis aku gile..

    lol..siannya cimiki 🙁
    seb baik skang dh ok..

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