Do you think the boy is better now?


Baby swimming in aquarium

We have an aquarium at home in which we used to rare same koi and guppy fish. The koi have long gone to heaven and what’s left are only three little playful guppy in 2 inch deep water. The water was left to be that much on purpose due to our worries that if ever Miki decided to dive head first and join his pets swimming, he would only drown up to his dongga head, you know the one that he inherited from me. And Albert Einstein.

This picture was taken 5 minutes before midnight, yesterday 12th Jan.  A few days after he got really sick. It was late, but Miki was showing no sign of sleepiness. He climbed on the table, started to talk to the fish and then found out that the fish was lonely. He came down again, grab a thing or two and throw in the aquarium to make tukun tiruan. It was a RM5 note and my credit card statement.

I wish I can tell the bank that I won’t be able to settle my debt because the statement has been contaminated with guppy fish shit. I also wish that RM5 when soaked with aquarium water will turn into RM50. Yeah I wish.
When Miki started to bend really low and splashing the water to catch the fish, we decided that okay! Miki must be feeling much better.

Then he lifted up one leg to try to get IN THE AQUARIUM and BATHE IN THE FISHY WATER, we decided that okay! MIKI DAH SIHAT!


Author: Diyana

14 thoughts on “Do you think the boy is better now?

  1. heheh…Alhamdulillah….miki dah back to normal. takpe miki….kalau akuarium tu tak muat untuk swimming , soh mama buat swimming pool ek…ngeh ngeh ngeh

  2. pandai hangpa memperalatkan miki. aku tau la, sebenarnya angkara semua benda dok dlm akuarium tu angkara hangpa. pastu hangpa letak la cimiki kat situ sebagai menutup kelakuan hangpa yg sebenarnya…aku tau….

  3. cimiki di paksa naik atas meja tu…iskk iskk kemudian mereka menangkap gambar!! sungguh kejam kelakuan kedua ibubapa ini..

  4. huhuhu… rasa mahu luruh jantung, hati, isi perut segala bagai bila buah hati jatuh sakit. used to see him melompat, berlari, terkinja2 etc… but suddenly duk melepek atas katil… tak sanggup kan?

    Alhamdullillah, MIKI dah sihat!!! MIKI is strong, kan…

  5. hi diyana, been readin’ ur blog for a while, decide to de-lurk now. hihi he’s being himself, so he must be OK! hehe i can sooooo smell his ‘masamness’ from here

  6. Rafidah, kalau aquarium tu tak muat, kan lebih afdal miki swimming dalam toilet bowl aje?? takpun dalam kuali.. hakhak..
    Mommy to Chumsy, yeah I am so relieved!! thanks..
    Bani & Nize, yg suka naik atas meja berlatar belakangkan lagu Can’t Fight The Moonlight adalah Shanu Sangkuriang…
    Ayaq, toksah layan bani kertu dan nize kertu itu… hehe

  7. Kak Anie, terima kasih.. memangla dia amat comel di mata saya.. 🙂 (walaupun selalu sememeh dan masam2)
    Fahidayati, tul tu… memang saya syahdu giler n kesian… nak nak pulak masa tu dia tgh praktis berjalan.. terbantut terus…
    Ina, ye nakal seperti Rapip Cekodoks Comel!!! hehehe..
    Yasmin, alhamdullilah… harap janganla sakit lagi dalam jangka masa terdekat ni..
    hehehe.. why larr do you have to ‘lurk’ in the 1st place? hehe yeah he is ok now and as MASAM as ever! 🙂 thanks for visiting 🙂

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