For a car, she is such a drama queen!

Here is what happened on Sunday. We were going out for lunch. It was a beautiful breezy day. Miki was in a good mood. He had a sheet of tissue paper in his hands and I was not gonna initiate the next collision of tectonic plates by having him scream in anguish if I ever took the tissue away. The boy was using his delicate little thumb and forefinger to tear microscopic bits of tissue paper and sprinkle them all over the car. Like snow in London. Let him be. As long as its peace and quiet here in the car.

Then Azman pulled into the parking lot. Reverse parking. Butt first. I heard loud honking sound on the background! Pon! Pon! Pon! I didn’t waste a nanosecond of time. Immediately I waved a skinny fist out the window. Who the hell was that? takde kesabaran ke orang tengah reverse parking ni? Tampar kang?!

Then I realized it was our car. Heh heh! Sedikit malu disini. Sila abaikan.

Azman did not realize that he might have accidentally pressed on the horn so we just shrugged the whole thing off.

Later in the afternoon we went out again to take Miki to the playground. We were lucky it was just a stone’s throw away from home because my beloved vigor red GEN 2 High-line was SCREAMING PON PON PON PON PON!!! THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE 5 MINUTES DRIVE!

Azman and I was all panic and trying our best to shut the car up! I felt sweat trickling down my temple. Pedestrians had hands on their hips staring at us with eyeballs almost popping out!

I yelled at Azman “Stop it! Stop it! Stop honking! People are looking at us! They can see my black heads!!”


Miki also yelled “BUAH! BUAH! BUAH!” while pointing at our neighbor’s mango tree that was laden with fruits. Thanks Miki for the help.

And the pedestrians continued to glare the icy glare. We were sorry! We weren’t pressing no horns!! Its the invisible leprechaun, people! It’s him sitting on Azman’s lap and honking away! Sorry! Sorry! Oh my Godddddd!! They are not gonna let us live in this neighborhood anymore! We have to move to away ! to BANGI… Noooooo…

Finally we arrived to a proper place to pull over. The 5 minutes drive definitely felt like 5 lunar years. Each time Azman moved the steering wheels, Amir Raja Lawak the leprechaun pressed on the horns mighty loud. I saw a boy of 12 waved a skinny fist at us. Skinny fist. Déjà vu.

After Azman turned off the engine, it hadn’t been able to start again.

My beloved vigour red car, almost 4 years old, that Azman had assist in my process of procure, by paying, thus had been regarded as my engagement present, now had turned its back against me.

I understand cars get broken. But why can’t it got high temperature, berasap-asap kinda broken? Or punctured-tyre kinda broken? Or minyak hitam menitik-nitik kinda broken?


genny on tow

Genny is now recuperating from a broken spring in the workshop. Proton Service Center advised that she would take 3-4 days to recover from the drama.

Why it takes that long is a different story. A story that involves me giving a piece of my mind to Proton Customer Service. Save that for another time. Phew…


Author: Diyana

10 thoughts on “For a car, she is such a drama queen!

  1. phewww… disconnected from the www world for awhile (lappie kena virus) and missed reading your story. its all worth it, you are still dramatic, funny and interesting to read.

    now, kereta pun buat drama? hehehe…

  2. Hmm…. bkn kali pertama dengar cite gen2 hon sendiri… tp punca masalah berbeza… takpa lar sekali sekali pun nak glamer cara yg tak diingini… bila lagi org nak tunjuk skinny fist kat hang… muahahah

  3. Eitanz….D kan drama queen…tuh everything connected to her pon drama jugak…wahaahahahahaha.

    D…..kete hang bunyi hon….kete mak akak bunyi alarm…ahahahahaha

    P/S: nama kete saya smurfy…sbb dia kecil cam ala2 kartun smurfy tuh…:D

  4. aku paling suka part miki menyibuk jugak menjerit ‘buah buah buah’
    hahahahhaaaaaa….sangat pandai budak kecik itu 😉

  5. haha, i enjoyed this very much, diyana. thnks for putting a smile on my face 😀

    ps/: dulu, my kereta charade buruk was named ‘comot’, and after that i got a blue kancil which was named chomel. i don’t have a nickname for my current latio though, maybe cik lat should do it

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