The Little Kid That Likes To PotpetPotpetPotpet Non-Stop

Miki rolled to his tummy (meniarap) at 2 months. We realized that he could stand with support at the age of 4 months. He cruised or move about while holding to furniture at 7 months and stand without support at 8 months.

When do you think he could walk without support? I’d forecasted the 10th month.

But nope, that’s not what he did at ten months. Even though we were positive that he has all the capabilities to walk even before he reach that age but the little boy didn’t budge. He refused to even TRY walking!
No! No walk! I don’t wanna grow up! I am a Toys R Us kid…

And he kills his mother slowly inside… I used to hold my breath everytime Miki got up on his two feet and start dancing to music. I keep my fingers crossed during the times when he stand up on his own to play with his toys. He was suffocating me with confusion, if my son can stand up and shake his booty to MTV so vivaciously THEN WHY CAN’T HE MOVE THAT LITTLE FEET AND START WALKING?

At 12 months Miki finally walked, he just get up one night and start walking towards me. His posture straight and his arms hung forward just like Hantu Pontianak Cina. You know the one that would go paralized if we paste the yellow prayer strip of paper on their forehead? Yeah like that! Miki was the cutest Hantu Pontianak Cina I have ever seen and I have never been made happier by any Hantu Pontianak ever in my whole life.

And from then on Miki has been walking around. With his mouth potpetpotpetpotpet! How come nobody ever warned me this?! They say once you baby start walking he will make a mess out of the house; they say when the baby start walking we can never rest; they didn’t tell me that THERE WILL ALSO BE NOISE POLLUTION!

When I took this video, I put Miki’s big blue ball in front of me and to stop it from rolling away, it was placed on Miki’s plastic bowl. Our Miki loves and extremely kuat berangan, if he can get a hand on the bowl, he will pretend to eat from it while making sound effect – nyom nyom nyom! And he can also say ball as bah and dah as in sudah ( we’re done).

So when Miki say

“Ehehe! Dah! Beh! Bah! Haha! nyom nyom nyom NYOM! heheheheheh!! Dah…”  like in the video; what do you think he could be saying?

Translation 1 – “Ehehe! Dah ada ball pulak dah! Hahaha! Nak makan ball! Nyum sedapnya! Hehehehe! Dah sampai!”

Translation 2 – “Ehehe! Dah! Jaga- jaga Cik Salmah! Miki datang nak makan belon! Hehehe! Hah! Kan dah jatuh!”

Selamat Berjalan, Miki! We love you very much!


Author: Diyana

21 thoughts on “The Little Kid That Likes To PotpetPotpetPotpet Non-Stop

  1. And from then on Miki has been walking around. With his mouth potpetpotpetpotpet! How come nobody ever warned me this?! They say once you baby start walking he will make a mess out of the house; they say when the baby start walking we can never rest; they didn’t tell me that THERE WILL ALSO BE NOISE POLLUTION!

    nobody warn you because their kid is not like miki……i think miki get the potpetpotpet talent from his mummy!!!hehehheh……muahhhsss…cayang miki…
    like irfan, he’s now as garang as i am….hahahahahah..sudah nye aku yang pening!!!

  2. my mom told me i started walking when i was 9 months. it lasted for a few months then i got bored and went back to mengensot on my butt to get around,

    i don’t think my daughter will pick up on this. the terkinja-kinja dah start dah but we’re still a long way from walking kot.

    baru 7 bulan. hehe dah tak sabo nak tengok dia dapat kaki.

  3. Untung nyer parent zaman sekrg, dpt rakan every stage of their child development…. dulu2 mana ada tu sume, paling koman pun still pics je…

  4. heheheh…your friends’ comments are real funny lah!!

    err…Hantu Pontianak Cina actually melompat and sangat menakutkan. Of course lil miki doesn’t look like that. He is so cute 😀

  5. aww so cute was that a cry or a laugh or both? and i warn u once he starts walking he’d also be climbing and jumping and there u go! and once he masters talking he’d be questioning every lil thing sometimes you wish you could invent the who-could-stay-quiet-the-longest game and winner gets vitamin C (oh boy kids loveee them!) hehehe

  6. Atie, bukan talent emaknya saja ok? bapanya dan kawan-kawan ibu-bapanya juga!!
    Acat, owh you just don’t know.. we though Miki would walk earlier but ended up at 12mo. Who knows next week, your daughter will suddenly get up and move her feet?!
    Nize, macam robot kan? ehehhe
    Akuni, itulah mmg seronok dapat rakam macam2 yg anak kita dah pandai buat.. seperti pandai bising dan pandai ngamuk…
    Kak Anie, hahaha! mana kak anie tahu hobby saya adalah berjalan-jalan sambil berpotpetpotpet?? kantoi I!? hehehe
    Eintanz, now that he is walking I have more reasons to buy his shoes! ehehe and my shoes too! so that they match! 🙂 sonoknya!!

  7. Mommy to Chumsy and Doreen,
    OMG I used to be so scared of Hantu Pontianak Cina, ok! They were so freaky! I remember holding my breath too when the characters in the movie hold theirs so that the hantu cant detect their whereabouts. I was so silly! How come they dont make such movies nowadays?
    Why all hantu now either lil pale kids or long haired women??? BRING ME THE JUMPING PONTIANAK!!!! I WANT JUMPING PONTIANAK!!!
    Hahaha! He was giggling in delight at the ball that suddenly was in his breakfast bowl… tu dia nak pegi makan bola tu la tu… Thanks for your warnings babe, I now know what to expect… hehehe

  8. Hey Diana & Azman,

    This site has been inspiring me. I too have a talkative and hyper-active son though he is now turning five and no longer small and little. It’s such a wonderful feeling to read your writings on your marriage life and the development progress of your cute lil son. Take care.

  9. haha hantu pontianak cina is the classicest and the best ponti evarrrr!

    suka betul miki buat sora nyom nyom nyom tu haha

  10. Diyana. Has. Inspired. Someone?
    *sesak nafas..hukhakhukkk… pengsan di lantai atas carpet**

    Thanks Yan! I look at every angle of life as moments worth to be cherished! Everybody should! 😉 Take care…
    Ayaq, dah lama dah Miki suka buat nyom nyom nyom tu… tapi kebelakangan ni je baru kami perasan sebenarnya nyom nyom tu mintak makan or minum.. hahaha… giler ignorant nye makbapak!

  11. cutenyerr…pas ni amik video dia sembang2 ngn mummy dia lak ye…hehehe pas ni gi sopping MIKI leh pilih toys sendiri lar…mummy siap duit jer la ye…

  12. Nidda,
    aku ada video Miki sembang2 macam bercerita dengan aku masa umur 2 bulan. memang tengok tepat kat muka aku walaupun masa tu dia kecik sangat lagi. sweet sangat dan sayang aku tak record betul2 time tu.

    Miki pandai pilih toys sejak 7-8 bulan gitu la. masa tu dia nak patung kucing. sekarang giler bola, nampak bola atau belon kat kedai akan jerit Bah! Bah sambil tunjuk2 kat bola tu… selagi tak dapat tak diam mulut. sabor jelah!

  13. alahai.. comeynye miki.. i keep watching this video too.. sangat terhibur tyme2 tgh tension nie..

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