The Day I Almost Vomit Out My BigMac

We went to TESCO Puchong last night to get some groceries. Stopped by at McDonalds to eat and just like every other time, Miki would be storming the playground will all his might. There were many kids there last night, almost all at around his age. So Miki was extra excited, having all those equally energetic friends to play with.  He climbed the steps on lightning speed, slide down the slides on his tummy, then head first, then commando crawled up. His hair began to drench in sweat, his face flushed pink.

He was having a jolly good time. He was the great King and the little playground was his Kingdom. I had to interfere several times, especially when he was getting into a fight with another kid that accidentally pushed him a little bit. He didn’t even fall down from the push, but my lil Chikadee just need to stand up and protect his territory – a spot in front of the see through plastic wall.

Then suddenly Miki came rushing down, and from very bottom step he fell on his right leg. Falling is normal. We don’t always pick up our kid when he falls down. Strong boys get up by themselves. That is why Miki is tough and doesn’t easily cry.

As usual he got up by himself. But this time his right leg was bent and he couldn’t seem to be able to straighten it. He took two wobbly steps and fell down. Got up again, two or three unstable steps later he fell down again! Nevertheless he kept on trying but MY SON WAS LIMPING!

We picked him up and asked him if it hurts? Where did it hurt? Miki could tell us if he feels pain and showed us exactly where the pain is since he was 13 months. But this time he didn’t answer.  His gaze was still fixed on the playground and he doesn’t seem to be in pain AT ALL! That consoled me a little bit but when we put him down. His right leg was still weak!

In my head I was screaming MIKI HAS A DISLOCATED JOINT! We examined his knee, it was bending smoothly and in the right way, but when Azman checked his ankle, he said that it felt different.

At that point I feel blood rushing up to my brain and stayed there forming a big red pool. My face felt hot and I wanted to puke.

Azman then denied that Miki’s right ankle was any different than the other and he had put Miki on the floor but his left leg remained limp and lifeless.

When I looked at him unable to walk, I started seeing stars.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BABY? DID HE SPRAIN HIS ANKLE? OR KNEE? DID HE BREAK A BONE? WHY COULDN’T HE WALK? I felt my head spin I knew I was gonna faint.

I went to a corner and sat down on the metal rail that was supposed to protect the glass wall from being rammed by TESCO trolleys. Like a mad woman. Without anyone telling me I knew I was dead pale. Azman kept assuring that Miki was ok. Because he was not in pain.

But even he was puzzled why Miki cannot walk. I took some time to put myself together and calm down. It was a panic attacked that I have never felt before. I was so afraid Miki was injured.

Remember the scene on TV when a mother faints upon hearing the news of her child involved in an accident, or arrested by the cops or simply fallen ill. I remember my late grandmother collapsed when she got the news that my uncle who was abroad had gotten sick.

I know now how it feels.

I can also foresee my own cause of death later in my life. Imagine me 50 years old and blogging knitting my in garden when received an instant message from Miki saying that he is engaged with a girl from THAT STATE IN MALAYSIA. I will automatically drop dead!

Don’t do this to me son, don’t you ever!!

Until now we do not know the cause of Miki limping. He was limping for full 10 minutes or so. But on our way home, Miki was alright again, all bouncy like a big rubber ball, dancing and giggling. We realized that Miki had KETAQ LUTUT!!!!!!

Yes, Miki yang ganazzz itu seorang yang gayat! He was afraid of heights.  For some reason he had suddenly felt giddy and insecure by the way he fell down and decided to CREATE A DRAMA TO MAKE HIS MOMMA SCARED!

I am just relieved that he was not hurt. Phew.  Miki, sehero-hero ko ni, tak sangka ko sangat gayat orangnya. Mummy and Daddy loves you son! You will get over this fear of yours soon! Muaahhhh!

mikael are you kidding me

“Mana ada Miki gayat Mummy?! Miki saja je pratice nak masuk Anak Wayang nanti..”

Author: Diyana

15 thoughts on “The Day I Almost Vomit Out My BigMac

  1. cimiki2.. bijak lak nak kenakan ibu dan bape… sebaik la mak anda tak meroyan kat tesco tuh…

    comel lak miki wat muke macam tuh… hahhaha

  2. bauk, miki tu mmg banyak akal sangattt!!! sekejap dia camni sekejap dia camtu… selalunya dia akan buat lawak tahap kitorg ketawa terbahak2 tapi semalam dia buat panic!!!

    ya ampun… mujur aku tak bawak pegi spital dahhh…

  3. pandai miki, dia ketaq lutut, mak dia yg senak perut.

    this happened to me once. ada one time nunu hurt her leg (tak ingat how) but she kept complaining her legs hurt. malam2 terjaga & meraung2. she even walked & ran funny and made me really worried. this went on for 2 weeks – i almost went completely loco

  4. Thank God Miki is alright. I know how you felt that day cos one day Ashley woke up limping on her left leg. I almost went bonkers. She was limping for a week. We realized that she had sprained some muscles on her leg. What a scary week for me.

  5. come Miki, auntie Mel will teach u more tricks on how to make your mum scream and gila meroyans…and match make u with some gals from THAT STATE..hahaha

    D, anak hang ni budak yang bijak and licik…:)

  6. Aku ade terpikir benda yang terkeluar tajuk skit. I wonder where is “THAT STATE IN MALAYSIA” that you’re talking about…hehehe. Anyway, bagusla Miki dh okay..cerdik Miki ni….

  7. kisah benar: tadi aku breakfast dgn diyana and the rest of the gang, bukan skali aku makan dgn perempuan kampung ni, tapi banyak kali dah. diyana suke sangat bila dah separuh akhir masa makan, dia main dgn makanan dia. pastu, bila cimiki main dgn makanan, dia marah cimiki…ade ke patut? moga tuhan membalas

  8. ha ha..miki gayat!! kepeh kepeh kepeh…takpe miki, nanti pertingkatkan skill shuffle…!! baru ada aura..

  9. I read enthusiastically until … Imagine me 50 years old and blogging ??? adoiyaii, thus i realized that… erm .. not serious unlike cimiki was admitted into hospital story. nothing bad happen to miki, Alhamdulillah. My prayers to him and your family.

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