Open Letter to My Son – Those Precious Kisses

Dear Miki,

It has been so long since I last wrote a letter to you. It is something that I deeply regret and I hope I will be able to forgive my very own self. You see Miki, though these letter are addressed to you, it is myself that I see reading it back many-many years from now, as loving reminiscence of how much your Daddy and I are in love with you, our one and only son.

father and baby boy

at Taman Warisan Putrajaya

taman warisan putrajaya

A little while ago you made me cry, Miki. You climbed our display cabinet happily because well that’s what toddlers do. However, while you are at your conquest to Mount Cabinet you knocked your Daddy’s notebook, it fell down from where it was sitting and came bumping on the floor. Your Daddy raised his voice and you came to me running and bawling in tears.

My hugs and kisses stopped your wailing and snuffles but they didn’t wash away the look of gloom and remorse on your beautiful face. Daddy demanded you to apologize. You leaped from my embrace, throw your arms around Daddy’s neck, look at him in his eyes and said, “Sowweee!” for sorry.

That must be the sincerest apology that the world have witnessed. And you didn’t stop there. You showered Daddy with your soft baby kisses. On his left cheek, then right and left again and again and again and on his forehead too before you looked at him and said sowwee one more time.

And so I shed my tears.

I do not know what those tears were for. Could it be me watching the sweetest drama in the world starring two of my favorite boys?

Or is it the inescapable melancholy inside my heart that accompanies the adventure of watching you grow? You indeed grow very fast, my son. I am barely catching up.

mikael at putrajaya
Miki, 27 September 2009

handsome mikael

Age 1year8 months

taman warisan

You started to understand apologies when you were about a year and six months old and almost all the times your ‘sowweee’ would make my heart melt with love. Now at one year and nine months you have mastered the cutest way of asking for forgiveness (sowwee), thanking people (thanchuu – thank you) and say you are welcome (welchom!). Every night before we sleep, you would kiss us on our faces, say goodnight (oonight) and “I you you!” for I love you. I am extremely smitten with this bedtime routine, baby! Owhh, but when you demand me to sing “Burung Kakak Tua” non stop for 20 minutes before you doze off, I am just beaten not smitten.

I am sure all other kids your age are doing the same thing but especially for you my son, I am telling the world that I am extremely proud. I hope and I want you to continue to be this person that although so tiny in size but has all the ability to have the adults wrapped around your finger. Not by screaming, kicking or throwing yourself on the floor but by continuing what you do now – charming people with your smiles and friendliness; your wit and humor; never forget to thank and appreciate people; be quick to admit of your wrongdoings and be quick to apologize. And when you do so, say it through your lips and feel it sincerely in your heart. It is a tough world out there my son, be kind and the world will be kind to you.

I love you and if there is any mosquito out there dares to lay one micro leg on your body, my son, I’ll burn that damned kelambu.


Author: Diyana

25 thoughts on “Open Letter to My Son – Those Precious Kisses

  1. u know what cheq na, i just noticed something. miki ada dahi luas. itu tanda orang yang sangat cerdik.

    kids do grow up fast. although i have none, but having an experience raising my sister’s kids, i kinda know how both of you feel right now 🙂

  2. bauk, selepas dimarahi Miki tidak akan melakukan perkara tersebut….. hingga keesokan harinya..hehe
    nazroll, thanks! 🙂 geee i wonder where did he got that dahi dongga luas yang melambangkan kecerdikan ittew? hmmmm

  3. one word, and one word only – awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhh…

    (ps; ni bkn baca mcm aw aw nyah tu ye…. but seperti orrrrhhhhh… sgt mencuit hati n cute)


  4. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..mommy is so sweet and miki is soooooooooo cute!

    and sgt benar ye, melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya 😉


  5. dear miki,

    hang tau la kan as usual, lepaih mak hang tulis surat, aku as your one and only super cool great uncle mesti nak tulis jugak kan. hang tau tak, mami hang dok bgtau kat aku yg hang adalah budak yg pelik. budak lain dok gila makan ais krim dan segala jenis makanan merapu, tapi hang dok gila makan sayoq sawi. apekah? kenapakah? mengapakah?

    why la miki, why???? tapi takpa la, baguih utk kesihatan hang dan mak hang pun suka tak payah la dia masak makanan yg payah-payah kan. lagi satu miki, aku, ya’ni the one and only uncle yg bukan saja super cool dan great malah ensem jugak nak pesan kat hang, mami hang mmg drama gila, dan cukupla dia sorg je drama. hang tak payah la jadi drama gak, haiiiiiiihhh. sian kat pak hang. hang kalau nak drama gak, pi drama ngan mami hang dan juga pakcik nize hang je. depa dua suka la drama-drama ni.

    ok la miki, nanti aku kenaikan hang kat adik zaquan hang na. hang tarbiah la si zaquan tu apa yg patut.

    miss u miki,

    yang benar, uncle ‘namni’ hang yg super cool, great serta ensem

  6. oic…br ku tau…rupenyer mmg tu cr bdk2 minta maaf…i had experienced the tu aku tgh tgk tv, skali aku pusing aniq tgh mengorek2 keyboard notebook dan berjaya mengeluarkn 6 punat…so aku yg blur ni tak tau nak buat apa trus nangis sbb aku tak leh mrh…aniq pun nangis sama…heheh then dia hug aku…tnda minta maaf la tu…sbb aniq tak pndai ckp sowi lg…hehe…papepun…i strongly agree that raising babies is such a wonderful experience… :=) bravo to all mommies out there!!!!

  7. omg! mata mak actually berlinangan ayaq mata okayy!! damn u diyana. damn damn. skang ni u are not only my msian version of kinsella but cecelia ahern too! btw miki teramat la lucky dapat mak yg terrer karang surat tangkap leleh ni. i wish i could do the same for lisa. huhuhu nak jugakkk!! u tolong tulis kat lisa bleh? bleh laaaa

  8. huhuuu…aku terharunya…sedih baca ‘letter’ ni sbb aku bygkan yg aku adalah miki skarang berumur 27thn & hang adalah mak aku(i wish she’s still alive)…
    hang tinggalkan kenangan yg banyak utk miki ingat bila hang dh xdak(mintak simpang,aku doakan hang pjg umoq)….dont worry D..aku yakin bila dia besaq segala ilmu yg hang ajaq yg baik utk dia msti dia akan jadi lelaki yg akan dikagumi setiap perempuan..blm besaq lg aku dh kagum..camna??anak aku blm ada nak book dia ni..hehehee

  9. hi all, thanks for your comments…
    Ruhil, hang buat aku pulak jd syahdu.insya Allah Miki besar jd seorang yg beriman to Allah swt dan menjaga hubungan sesama manusia. tak payah le dikagumi setiap pompuan kang jd player la pulak. hehehe… jadi orang yg baik cukup.. takpayah over2.. heheheh insya Allah
    Al-Fatihah untuk arwah mak hang *tears*
    mamasyazmar, thanks for visiting my blog.. aah la tak keluar gambar heart tu..:)

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