Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki : Reasoning and Penaakulan Mantik

We seriously think that Miki speaks wayyyy too much for a kid his age.

On Saturday while Azman was cleaning Miki’s poopie bum-bum; he talked to Miki ( haa.. korang suka kata aku banyak cakap kan? Eii laki aku lagi banyak cakap la! tengah basuh berak anak pun nak berleter!). Azman complaint said

“Makan dadong, bak dadong! Makan nasik, bak nasik!”

Bak is berak in Mikictionary. The reason that I excel in baby feeding and totally neglect my responsibility in poop-poop cleaning is the absolute grossness of looking at whole sweet corn grains that survived Miki’s entire digestive track without losing its shape/color/texture a single bit. Gosh these babies are amazing. You can tell what they have had for their last meal at the highest precision by just a glance into their soiled diaper. Corn? Carrot? Spinach? Raisins? Hey, isn’t that the missing bead from my dress??

Anyway, the moment his Daddy finished his kiddy-influenced sentence; Miki immediately continued

“Makan shooshoo, bak shooshoo!”

Azman burst out laughing. We could never expect Miki to create another sentence like that with accurate continuity that reflects his understanding. Smart boy but CAKAP BANYAK LA KO MIKI! Diam lah sikit! Dahla berak jagung!

On Sunday we grabbed some snacks at McD (I missed the last COKE contour glass, anybody got an extra?) and of course Miki feasted in his little cup of sweet corn. Azman tried to feed him some cheese

“Miki, makan cheese ni.”

“Tak nak!”


“Tak nak! Tak nak! Dadong lagi sedap!”And continued to scoop a spoonful into his mouth.

OMG!! JAGUNG LAGI SEDAP KATA KO??? I couldn’t believe he was giving an EXCUSE!!! My jaw dropped that time. Miki kid, you gotta take it easy! You are just one year and nine months. I don’t wanna be debating with you by the time you turn three.

Author: Diyana

14 thoughts on “Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki : Reasoning and Penaakulan Mantik

  1. diyana… so sweet. but believe me… at the age of 3, u mesti akan berdebat dgn ur son. sb my son pun mmg byk cakap mcm miki. and at the of 3, confirm aku berdebat dgn dia. skima jawapan dia terlalu byk…

  2. omg, babe, i burst out laughing sooo hard at “Dahlah berak jagung!”

    and yerp, you’re rite, laki metrosexual zaman skarang lagi kuat berletiaq

  3. ooo be prepared. kids this millenium are different. mmg bijak terlebih. mine dah pandai cakap i dont care! huh…mcm nak cubit-cubit. tapi cute sangat kan this creature…camno?

  4. oh gosh! i think miki is a very, very smart boy. mulut dia pon cpt eh (speech development dia sgt cpt if compared to budak2 his age). what’s ur secret diana? share la with me…. sharing is caring!

  5. Diyana ur story remind me of my friend’s story – once her son poop dadong and she looked away for a few seconds, when she looked back – the son already hold the corn and putting it in his mouth!!! *gross#$)(&^#!!*

  6. anne, metrosexual ke???? oh tidak…
    eintanz? hahahaha kalau i jumpa lissa nanti nak ajar dia cakap “Whatever!” sambil kibas rambut ke sebelah dan sedikit mendongak dan menghayun tapak tangan. kelassss..
    oyis, eh ramaila budak2 besar miki dah pandai cakap! but as for your question, well the secret is not secret – WE TALK TO HIM ALL THE TIME!

  7. oyis, kalau anda ada masalah anak lambat bercakap atau kenal sesiapa yg mempunyai anak dan menghadapi masalah yg sama, letak saje anak2 itu bersama diyana selama seminggu nescaya anak2 itu akan pandai bercakap apa saja dan juga mampu mempelbagaikan aksi mereka

  8. dalam ertikata pelbagai bahasa dunia jawapannya adalah tidak…ini kerana jika komen aku didalami maksudnya jelas menunjukan tiada ruang waktu bagi anak2 itu utk bersuara juga insan2 yang lain sekiranya berada sebumbung dgn diyana kerana bak kata miki bahawa maminya pot pet pot pet pot pet ngeh ngeh ngeh

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