The Psychotic Goal Keeper Mom

The Giant near our house has a huge playground on level 3. As it has been raining cats and dogs pretty often recently, we have been bringing Miki here to play and exercise. The playground is so cool and Miki loves this place, he can play there for hours non-stop like a spunky little lamb that accidentally had too much coffee berries for breakfast.

He hops around and rolls on the floor. He “drives” the kiddy ride like it was some kinda race car that was moving in the speed of light. He gets on the regular slides again and again. He even climbs those tunnel slides from bottom up.

The Giant playground also has this fun Wii –like movement detection game that keeps on running for free non stop. Miki’s Mom Our kid loves that thing. Everytime we get there she Miki would definitely wanna play that game.

This evening, for some reason there was a little extra people so Miki’s Mom little Miki was malu-malu sikit. So I had to carry him and join the other kids to play. I Miki had so much fun!

The motive behind the publishing of this video is to show you how black my hair is and long my legs are what loving Mom I am. After I my son created a new high score, I carried him high enough to ensure his photo is captured.

Itulah pengorbanan Ibu yang psycho penyayang.

Author: Diyana

19 thoughts on “The Psychotic Goal Keeper Mom

  1. Bani, seandainya Miki nak cari Mak Angkat yg lain, haruslah Mak Angkat tu kaki lagi panjang dari aku dan boleh menghayun budak 12 kilo lagi violently dari aku. Oh dan haruslah blogger lebih tegar dari dirikeww… kalau tidak? hmpphh mak sentapz!

  2. cpm, lepas tu Miki terus lari naik slide ikut bawah bukan ikut tangga. agaknya struktur otak dia tergoncang sket kot. ala… sket jerrr takpeeeee kan kan kan???!!!

  3. muahahaha… aku rasa diyana yg lebih enjoy dri miki… hehehe…
    time amik gambar tuh budak2 lain tuh sungguh keliru ala2 nurul n ajai
    hahahah… aku n azli biasanya yg jadi mangsa dhea….

  4. eintanz!! betul! betul!! anda ibu berpengalaman!

    eeiii so many typos in this entry tolong jgn muntah darah uols.. i will correct them.. yucks

  5. OMG D, Miki dijadikan macam joystick huu~

    Budak yg pakai baju putih tu kat tengah mesti heran, aperhal makcik ni dtg dgn anak dia nak enterframe aku nih~

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