Not burping a hot air balloon up to into the sky just yet

 A couple of weeks ago, my uncle’s wife who is just several years older than me asked when am I due?  I was not sure if she was asking about my road tax;  or my upcoming appointment with my hairdresser,  considering the roots of my rebonded hair have become a cross between an eagle’s nest and a berus dawai.

She was indeed checking on my schedule but not to get my hair fix but to get my vajayjay slid!  In a gruesome case of e.p.i.s.i.o.t.o.m.y.  FOR MY SECOND BABY!

I said WHAT PREGNANCY? I have just gotten two rabbits? They can do the reproduction for me?!

Apparently someone in my huge family has mistaken me for someone else who is expecting. Terus I feeling2 pop star fofular sebab orang duk speku-speku I preggie.. boleh?

Anyway this question is really making me vomit blood la… Before Miki they kept asking about our first kid. Now that I am struggling with the first kid ( HAVE YOU NOT READ THE PREVIOUS ENTRY?) they kept asking about the second.

Gimme a break la people… I am young.. I am just twenty *cough*batukberdarah*cough* only.. I can still make babies like Kokades and Min Min do.. relax!

You know I still haven’t folded my maternity dresses from my last pregnancy yet! They are still there in the rest of the pile of laundry yet to be sorted and ironed and folded into the wardrobe. That was just two years ago? What’s the rush?

Speaking of maternity dresses. There is also another delaying factor that contributes to the lateness of Miki getting an adik. It is called the GEMUK FACTOR.

Here is my photo when I was six months pregnant. Not bad eh?? Just the nose only la… didn’t my nose look like a jambu air that could have won a Gold Medal at the County Fair? Besar penumbuk siot! 

6 months pregnant

6 months pregnant

And below are the photos of me at 7 months and 9 months pregnancy.  At 7 months, my gemukness was still bearable. Only I had become a little overwhelm with crazyness. That pic was taken during my niece and nephew’s birthday in Penang. I was high. On Obimin.

And as you can see at 9 months, I look absolutely gorgeous! Like a full bloom sweetness of rafflesia flower. Neatly tucked inside the stomach of a full grown hippo.

I was fat. I put on 20kilos. Miki was born 2.65kg only. The rest went to my butt, thighs, nose, arms, nose and nose. Although the weight disappeared almost immediately, seriously people, I am still traumatic from the shock of everytime I look into the mirror- “Azman!!! Ada badak masuk rumah!!!”

pregnant woman



Author: Diyana

10 thoughts on “Not burping a hot air balloon up to into the sky just yet

  1. hahahahahahahahaah

    but mana ade badak!
    lawak la kak d!

    u punya cerita selalu buat i nervous ok!
    reading your blog is like watching Adnan Sempit.haha.hilarious i tell u!

    haha.sila kagom opy nonton filem melayu.sekian

  2. the first photo tu u were 6 months pregnant? I would never have guessed! I gained weight on the very first day I saw the lines on the stick. And they are adamant to stay hingga kini. Oh jelesnya!

  3. nampak gambar “nine months pregnant” tu terus teringat awimboweb awimboweb awimboweb dan doggy melompat-lompat :p

    Itu memang trend org Malaysia la, kalau kita single tanya bila kita nak ada bf, bila dah ada bf, bising-bising suh kawen, bila dah kawen bising-bising bila nak dapat anak, bila dah dapat 1 anak tanya bila nak dapat anak kedua, bila dah dapat anak kedua, ketiga, keempat dan kelima sederet nanti depa tanya bila nak berehat sekejap. Sibuk jer…

    p/s: Heidi Klum pun lebih gemuk at six months D~ (but then again, dia memang voluptuos for a model pun kan?)

  4. btw Adnan Sempit adalah filem melayu terkini.
    saya terkagom coz kat screen mase nak beratur nak beli tiket tu asyik merah sahaja.
    lantas tertengok, untuk melakukan survey.:p

  5. haha, same case here babe. 6mths preggie looked like 3 mths je, perut kecik. I can go hooha2 angkat kotak buat trade fair lagi angkat kotak2 & bagai. By the 7th mth, hidung & muka kembang, gained 20kg, tp budak keluar 2.8 kilo jer.

    Org msia ni mmg takde keje lain tau, balik2 tanya soklan2 yg meruntun jiwa sungguh.

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