Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki – Anak Gadis

We were having supper and Miki had made a big mess out his food and drinks. There were spots of food on his shirt and his face was smeared with hot chocolate.

I looked at him and ask in disgust “Ish ish…Anak siapa ni?”

He made a cute face and said “Anak Mummy!”

Of course the comot and untidy child is mine not Daddy’s so Azman was laughing and mocking me.

I asked again, “Miki anak siapa ni?” hoping Miki would answer anak Daddy this time around but instead of that, he said it loud and clear,


To my non-Malaysian readers, “anak Mummy” means Mummy’s son but “anak gadis” means A YOUNG GIRL!


It was not Miki’s first time using the word gadis. Last week, we were watching Dora the Explorer when wanted to know her name. I said “Her name is Dora, say Doe -rah!”

And Miki replied, “Bukan… ni GA-DIS!”


At that time I was sure Miki was just making up words just like how he made up names for all his stuffed animals, our two rabbits (Kokades and MinMin) not to mention the house lizards on the ceiling and all the stray cats in the neighborhoods, but putting up such a distinctive bi-syllable word and using it at the exact correct occasion is simply FREAKING FUNNY!

I just cannot believe that kid!

Thanks little Miki, our pride and  love, thanks for bringing so much joy and laughter in our lives. Mummy and Daddy couldn’t possibly think of living a day without you.

Author: Diyana

8 thoughts on “Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki – Anak Gadis

  1. hahaha,,,aku rasa anak gadis yang miki maksud sebenarnya pasti karena sang mumy masih terlihat masih gadis alias badan masih oke, tidak gendut,,,qqqq…

  2. dbalqis,
    dalam cerita sinchan banyak cakap anak gadis ke?? kat umah ni tak tengok sinchan.. tatau la kalau kat umah babysitter dia ada tengok.. hehehehe

  3. kitt, lorr ye ke? hahahaa
    emma, ROTFLOL – roll on the floor laughing out loud a.k.a gelak dengan kuat sambil berguling-guling di atas lantai

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