I just feel like talking crap

I am short sighted. I have been that way for the past 14 years. I wear contacts for the past 11 years. The three years in between I was in denial.

My power for one eye is 550 and 500 for the other. I can’t remember which is which. Last year I bought new glasses.

The movie 2010 inspired me to have them. In case of Armageddon, how do I cheat death if I can’t sanitize my lens?

Everyone says I look like a nerd in glasses. Azman thinks I look like a teacher. My friend Yin thinks I look like a teacher too, only role-played by a po** star.

Well, my friend Yin is a genius.

Another genius is my hairdresser Amy. Somehow she is the reason that I vomit blood on daily basis.

People keep asking about the genetic origins of my son’s curly hair. I think if I used Amy’s straightening iron, I can seal their lips together. You see, I have very-very dark skin and curly hair. If I go to Congo they would think I am local.

The pictures of me in FB are all deceiving. Although I don’t photoshop, I am photogenic. Gagaga!

Author: Diyana

15 thoughts on “I just feel like talking crap

  1. Hey Diyana,

    I permed my hair right after my wedding reception. And when people asked why, i answered: So if i got pregnant, my kid will have curly hair! *smack ownself*

    Oh and when i was about to buy my glasses, i purposely requested the person at the shop “saya nak cermin mata yang buat saya nampak bijak”. And later everyone said i look like cekgu matematik. OK maksudnya trick berjaya *smack ownself again*

  2. nurul, camana u boleh dapat cekgu matematik? i dapat cekgu je… tak cakap pulak mata pelajaran…. tah tah I ni cekgu pendididkan jasmani tak???? takkan ustazah?! *pengsan

  3. That why, luckily bukan cekgu matematik tambahan. Itu macam superbijak pulak. U macam cekgu pendidikan jasmani boleh la. Cekgu Kemahiran hidop ke. Tapi ustazah memang cannot la.

  4. haha! sila jangan p congo!!!

    tiba² terngiang-ngiang wajah cik puan diyana yang masa kat skolah dulu =P

  5. lihatlah gambar diyana memakai kebaya di salah satu profile picnya di fb. miki anak beliau mati2 mengatakan itu bukan ibunya. aku tunjuk satu gambar ibunya ketika hidung persis jambu dan berdahi dongga dan agak selebet dan belum sempat pun aku mengajukan soalan kepada miki, miki dengan pantas menjawab “itu mommy!!!!!!”.

    kesimpulannya, diyana adalah sesumpah. kadang2 dia bole menjadi makhluk lain dan kadangkala dia menyumpah seranah org sekeliling. mulut beliau memang puaka

  6. hehehe! hari tu lupa boh link.. excited gelak pasai congo tuuuu

    sy junior kak d la.. tapi senior setahun je dari shanaz!!! kak d mana nak kenal sy.. kak d kan golongan artis? mana nak kenai golongan bawahan mcm kami niiiii

  7. hai wawan!! emm..geng makan nasik ayam pak ali gak rupenye si wawan ni..tapi saya golongan bawahan jugak bukan macam kak d tu.. =P kepeh kepeh kepeh

  8. I’m a genius? of course I am!!!

    Diyana is sooo vain!!ada ke patut? beli glasses sebab takut!! adakah?
    tapi yang penting Diyana’s new glasses make her look like a naughty cikgu in a movie i watched before *p*rn cough p*orn* ..cant remember the title…hahahah

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