Lying toddlers do better in life

Miki told his first lie when he was about 18 months only.

I remember checking up on him and saw that he had spilled his milk on the floor. When I asked who did it, Miki quickly turned to his toy cat that was lying limp beside him and said “Cat buat! Cat buat! Babab cat!”

I remember my exact feeling at that time, it was a fusion of worry, anxiety and I am not going to deny this – pride! I worry because I didn’t think I was ready for this lying approach, would it become a habit? I couldn’t believe Miki would start lying so soon, he was still so tiny. I was also swept with pride because DUDE, THIS KID IS SMART! My tiny baby thought of a clever way to create a diversion from his naughty antic and in order to save himself from its repercussion, he blamed someone else!

Gosh, My 18 mo baby tried to deceive his mother! What a genius! Try la buat lagi masa umur ko 8 tahun, sure kena lempang punya!

So when I came across this article on BBC last night and I was quite astounded. I guess there are many ways of assessing children’s intellectual development not just how soon they can write, read and memorize things.

Read the article:-

Lying toddlers do better in life

Lying indicates early intelligence: experts
Monday, May 17, 2010

Toddlers who tell lies early on are more likely to do well later, researchers claim.

The complex brain processes involved in formulating a lie are an indicator of a child’s early intelligence, they add.

A Canadian study of 1,200 children aged two to 17 suggests those who are able to lie have reached an important developmental stage.

Only a fifth of two-year-olds tested in the study were able to lie.

But at age four, 90% were capable of lying, the study found. The rate increases with age to a peak at age 12.
‘Developmental milestone’

The director of the Institute of Child Study at Toronto University, Dr Kang Lee, said: “Parents should not be alarmed if their child tells a fib.

“Their children are not going to turn out to be pathological liars. Almost all children lie.

“It is a sign that they have reached a new developmental milestone.

“Those who have better cognitive development lie because they can cover up their tracks.”

This was because they had developed the ability to carry out a complex juggling act which involves keeping the truth at the back of their brains.

He added: “They even make bankers in later life.”

Dr Kang tested the children’s honesty by telling them not to peek at a toy placed behind their backs while leaving the room.

He then monitored their reactions by video and returned to ask if they had turned around, checking their responses against the recording.

Source – BBC


Luth Mikael Azman turned 2 years and 4 months on 17 May 2010. Check out his look, muka budak nakal to the max kan??? Dengan rambut surfer dude.. dengan mata sakit sebelah.. haha! Mummy loves you kid!

Author: Diyana

10 thoughts on “Lying toddlers do better in life

  1. tengok context penipuan itu. hehe blaming a stuff toy has a hint of jocularity to it. blaming adik dia for something he did might be more sinister la kan. nak kena monitor when the casual ‘lying’ to cover one’s ass tu bertukar menjadi amalan memberi excuse for everything that goes wrong yang di buat. hehe but then again, it is only a lie if u find out about it aje.

  2. so its ok la if my toddler is lying sometime..pheww

    my kid hari itu tumpah kan air,i asked him

    “ni sape buat sepah ni?!”

    dia kata


    bapak dia tengah tido boleh?nak tipu pun agak2 la kan..hahaha

  3. hoho.. sib baik u tunjuk artikel ni.. at least takde la haku menggelupur macam org gile sbb tahu anak pandai pusing cerita

    Now anak haku kalau mainan dia rosak aje mesti dia cakap “Anis rosakkan” padahal terang2 haku nmpk dia yg cabut benda tuh..


  4. Yes it is true.

    My sentiment is, “Kalau nak tahu orang tu pandai ke tak, tengok sama ada dia pandai menipu atau tidak”.

  5. salam. hye, first time dropping a word. i pernah dgr that lying kids are smart nih. tapinya tetaplah takut jgk takut smpi ke besar mcm tu kan. nauzubillah.

  6. ha ha..takpe puts, nanti miki jadi menteri senang..ade kabel besar sikit..ha ha
    tapi gambaq miki kat atas bagi 5 bintang kenankalan..!! =P kepeh kepeh kepeh

  7. awww cutenya miki. dah besar and rambut sgt surfer dude style. i caught melissa cheated saying she had done her homework when truth is dia tak buat? i marah kaw2 punya. imagine 5 tahun dah pandai menipu kata dah buat homework skolah tapi tak buat. tu lah kalau umur 8 tahun sure kena lempang dah. but after reading the article does it mean i should not marah her then? hmm conpuse

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