Halfway through 2010 – My perfect disarrays

I must be getting older. Way way older. I keep finding myself thinking with more grey matter these days than I ever did before. It is already half way through 2010 and I must say that the whole time has been pretty messy. But nice.

Just like Miki’s hair.

My life six months down 2010, has been a perfect disarray! 🙂

Masam berketup sebab tak sihat but mostly sebab tak nak balik from the park (6.6.10)

Things are not going on so smoothly at the workplace. I have to deal with crazy people, crazy decisions and great many buckets of ice cold water poured on my job motivation flame. But at the end of the day I am still standing strong (in flats, in heels that strong sangat hehe) and doing well!

Miki is not feeling very well for the past 2 days, he is having flu and mild fever. He is a little extra cranky than usual but most of the times he is just as cheerful, playful, smart and happy kid like he always is. But if I were to sum it all up, Miki’s health has been excellent, the last time he got sick was in June 2009, and since then the worst hits are only running nose cases and 90% of the time they were treated with home remedies.  Good job Miki! Looks like your immune systems has grown powerful.

Perfectly disarrayed locks

The new house project is another crazy happiness. We have been so busy and so messed up, trying to get the house done within the schedule and up to quality despite having to face challenges from psychotic neighbor and having to deal with funny occasions when Kokades escaped from his cage and stuff. hehe! But now that the exterior of the house is  being painted, it looks so very OTT, so very me! And I am loving it!

The interior has been cleaned and by today we can already move our stuff in. Awesome.

Budak demam jumping with joy in front of the new house (5.6.10)

I’m just hoping that the second half of the year 2010 will be better if not as wonderful.  God bless us all!
Face your Monday well, peeps!

Author: Diyana

4 thoughts on “Halfway through 2010 – My perfect disarrays

  1. ceyonoknyeeeeee miki nk pindah umah baru…dia tgh x sabar2 nk sembunyi di mana2 dlm tpt umah tu nnti…hehehehehe…umah mcm ko ni diyana kat penang ada la dlm 5 rtus ghibu hingggitttt…huh!~…

  2. yatie,
    Miki tak berapa paham sangat umah baru tu apa… tu dia terlompat2 tu sebab aku yg suruh! kekeke…

    part harga rumah tu aku NO KOMEN! hahhahahaa

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