Mr Miki Talkalot


I was tidying up the house when I saw Miki sitting quietly on the couch and rummaging through my handbag. He has taken out my purse and was re-arranging all the cards and money inside it. I went;

“Heyyy! Miki buat apa tu Miki? Simpan balik! Kan Mummy dah kata jangan main dengan handbag Mummy! Simpan balik sekarang! Simpan balik!”

Miki continued to examine my driving license and replied, “Mummy, cuba diam, Mummy!? Cuba diam!!”


Practising the karate kid legs-split move while playing with his apple guitar  – ROCK KANGKANGGG!!

Curly murly Miki watching Spongebob. Still practicing to be Karate Kid…


I was working on my computer when Miki came to with his shirt wet and dirty from head to toe. I ignored him hoping Azman would take up the fatherly responsibility of bathing his child because I was so comfortably snug on my chair, and bathing him might require me to change my own clothes afterward. That is if I don’t drop dead and die in bathroom looking at Miki made his rubber duckie swim in the wc.

“Mummy, jom lah mandi…. jom lah….” he said while terkinja-kinja bak ulat beluncas.

“Nanti kejap…” I replied.

“Mummmyy…..” he continued to persuade me. “Jom mandi Mummy, kalau tak mandi nanti hantu Milo datang … tangkap Mummy!”

Did my two year old just attempted to scare me with hantu Milo? Wahahaha! I laughed my head off and told him ok… let’s go mandi.

A few months ago, while we were shopping at GIANT, Milo by nestle has set up a promotion booth and they were giving away free drinks sample. A Milo mascot was there too. The costume was shaped like a Milo ready-to-drink box, with a straw on top, two thin long white arms with gloved hands, two humongous eyes, and a smiley mouth. Because the box was huge and deep in green, so its white limbs look sickeningly skinny. To make things worse, whoever was wearing that costume (poor kid!) was tall and with the straw on top, he looks like he was 7 feet tall.

Miki did not notice of the mascot until he was 2 feet away from it. He was looking away at cookie boxes and the moment he turned right, he was looking at the HANTU MILO towering him and waving at him with creepy smiley face.

Miki  jumped almost out of his skin! His face turned white and his jaw dropped open. My strong lil baby did no succumb to his fear, he did not scream or cry! He just sat there on the shopping cart, eyes wide open and shaking! He did not make a move, he was just shaking and then he hugged his Dad!

“Hantu Milo…” he whispered.

Next to the nestle booth there was a cereal booth and the promoter was a young Chinese man. He saw the whole thing and was laughing so hard despite trying to stop. I laughed really hard too, if I could have that recorded I could have won some home video contest or something.

And from then on Hantu Milo has been something that we use to get Miki sleep earlier. Though the alibi works for about a couple of days after the encounter only, Miki still talked about it and now I guess he tried to threaten me with it.

On our way upstairs to the master bathroom, Miki continued babbling. “Mummy jangan takut.. Miki jalan dulu..Mummy jalan sini…”

Oh well…. my cutey honey bunch, my sweetie cekodok pumpkin pie… standing very tall, as high as my hip, was there to lead the way, saving his Mummy from his pretend Hantu Milo. My hero!

My rocking Knight in shining armor and super cute curls


Miki has a set of animal flash cards that he loves to play with. He knows 80 percent of the animals in the flash cards alone excluding really exotic ones like aadvark and pangolin.Yesterday Azman picked up the Tiger card asked him what is it. Miki can tell a picture of a tiger since he probably 13months old.

“Miki apa ni?”

He didn’t move his head up, just lift his eyebrows and peered at the card. “Itu zebra!”

“No, what is this?”

“Girrafe!” he said half-heartedly, still busy shuffling the cards.

“Bukanlah! Ini apa Miki?”

“Dinosour!” he shouted!



Oh Miki lil Miki, very rich vocabulary but oh so lazy to think! haha

Isn’t that the sweetest smile or what?

Cheeky Monkey Miki


In the car going to Mydin Subang, we were stuck in the traffic jam in front of the Summit. Azman and I was chit-chatting until suddenly Miki realized we were not moving and said,

“OH MY GOD! kita dah tak boleh jalan dah…..”

I marveled at his perfect pronunciation and asked what did he mean. By the time I finished my question, the traffic has started to move and he said…

“Ahah! kereta dah jalan balik dah!”

OMG?? Totally a child of mine! haha


Azman was feeding him lunch and Miki stopped eating after 6-7 spoonfuls. When his Daddy insisted that he finishes his food, Miki replied “Not anymore….. Not anymore….”

Kelassss skeaping londonnnn!

All pictures taken on his 2 years and 6 months birthday. On that special day, Miki got his first Ding Dang! 🙂

Author: Diyana

15 thoughts on “Mr Miki Talkalot

  1. adoiyai!
    akak mmg ckp omputih dgn die ke kak?

    kire akak dgn abg man pon converse dlm english?

    bgs lah kak

  2. Ding Dang sekarang berapa hengget???

    (punya lah byk Kak D dok cerita, aku tanya pasal dingdang je. lol)

  3. ahhh cutenya miki. so pandai eh. rambut dia sebijik melissa dulu kan. ni mesti sama gak kalau potong habis la curly murly dia. mana dapat ding dang tu beb? nostalgia sungguh.

  4. shooo cute!tarik rambut miki kang!!hahaha.giler geram weyhhh!rase cam nak bertukar jadi hantu milo jap!nanti miki can hug me ;p


  5. D, mane kau beli karpet merah tu? aku suka!
    (marty la cter pasal miki, aku tanya pasal karpet!!)

  6. miki… when you hit puberty you probably hate your mom for making your life miserable with her constant nagging and patronizing way like my mom did but you’ll come to a point in your life when you look at her and see she’s one true thing in your life that makes sense of the phrase “syurga di telapak kaki ibu”

    semoga kamu diberi hati yang baik dan hidup yang baik2. amin

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