Siri Bercakap dengan Miki – Mummy Lain & Daddy Lain

Luth Mikael Azman, 17 September 2010 ( 2 years 8 months) looking very grown-up already…

Miki started to say these nasty things sometime in July or August. Whenever he is upset with either me or his Daddy, he would started to cry his pitiful cry, the one with quivering lips that turned downwards and teardrops flowing down his cheeks like Niagara Falls.

He would wail with such drama and emotions, saying


In bahasa orang kampong aku, it’s “MIKI DOESN’T WANT MUMMY… MIKI WANTS ANOTHER MUMMY!!!

Son, in the olden days, we Malay people have known of turning in statues of stone for the acts of TREACHERY AGAINST OUR OWN MOTHERS!!!! Have I not told you about Si Tenggang,huh?Huh?Huh??

So everytime, I stopped him from throwing a basketball into Kokades’ head or make him stop bathing after half an hour in the tub or simply getting him to lay down on the bed and sleep he would go


The thing that really burst my bubble is not my baby, Miki. It’s another act of treason, sneakingly formulated to bring me down. It’s his Dad…. Azman would grin from ear to ear… his eyes would glow and his expression was an exact copy of a Red Indian Dapat Senapang. Once I heard Miki’s overused cry-line was followed with his Dadddy’s proud encouragement-

Miki nak Mummy lain berapa orang??” sambil mata bersinar…

KEBABOOOOOMMMM!!! Tu dia bom atom meletop…

Did you know that Hitler killed over 6 million people in the Holocaust? I killed 12 billion! By just giving Mr Daddy how-many-other-Mommies –you-want-Miki?? A VERY ANGRY STARE!!!

What was the old man thinking?? Like his toddler son was giving him the green light to go wife hunting? Well actually Miki can do the hunting for him.. Once at kampong Miki amok because we were not buying him candy at the supermarket. As usual he we wailed about wanting another Mummy. I ask him which new Mummy he wanted and he pointed at a woman who’s waist was 5 times the size of mine. So I flipped my hair and told him to go ahead. Muahaha.

And soon after that Miki started to use similar cry-line to his own Dad.


Unlike feeling lovey-dovey happy like Azman, I answered Miki in a very matured, rational, motherly way. I told him

“Miki, tak baik cakap macam tu…. Kan Ashton Kutcher dan Brad Pitt dah kawin… camana Miki nak ada Daddy lain lagi?” *pengsan*


“Miki nak Daddy yang mana?”

“Daddy yang kat GIANT tu…..”

“Berapa ringgit sekilo harga Daddy lain tu?” Miki’s understanding on the conversation stopped there.

As much as Miki’s cry-line can be funny he was really breaking my heart. His sulking had started with his reluctance to let me go to work. Every morning Miki would cry begging me and his Daddy not to go to the office and once he tried very hard but I proceeded in grabbing my handbag to leave. That was the first time I heard Miki said

“Miki taknak Mummy… Miki nak Mummy lain.. Miki nak Mummy yang best… Mummy yang tak work…”

On another occasion he once said brokenheartedly, “Kenapa Mummy nak work? Kenapa Mummy tak nak Miki?”

Miki my son, you Daddy and I have to go to work because we need to support our living. Remember I told you that if I we don’t go to work we would not have any money to buy your milk, your diapers, your clothes… No, we are not going to work today because last night you were naughty. Mummy and Daddy is not punishing you. Going to work is not a punishment to you, ok?

We don’t go to work because we don’t love you. We go to work because we didn’t have a choice, that’s the only way to earn a halal living! I am very sorry but I am sure you can understand this in a while, my bright child.
Miki, always remember that Mummy and Daddy is deeply in love with you and no matter how much you wish you have other parents that can stay with you 24/7, I am sorry you are stuck with us.

We may not be the best parents, able to shower you with all the worldly luxuries and attention, my son, but no one in the whole universe adores you more than we do and we would fly to the moon and back just to ensure that you are safe and sound. We love you, Miki. We will always do.

Author: Diyana

8 thoughts on “Siri Bercakap dengan Miki – Mummy Lain & Daddy Lain

  1. babe now u bukan cam kinsella dah u dah mcm karan johar. The famous hindi filmaker yg slalu buat movie best gilerr. Able to make me laugh sakit perut pastu cry mcm amma rempah tgk anak dia patah kaki accident. U rawk babe!!

  2. D,
    anaak2 aku pun selalu ingat kami pi keje,seolah-olah kami nak tinggalkan diorang or hukum diorang..but tru like wut u said,kena explain mcm tu selalu..dan mereka akan faham…

  3. sape tak sayang anak….hmmm…tapi itulah…pengorbanan yg diperlukan untuk memastikan kehidupan yg terjamin…..mebi dia tanak pegi umah babysitter kot…nak dok umah je…

  4. Eintanzzz!!!
    OMGGGG… macamana kaki anak dia boleh patahhhh????
    atie, nak kata dia tak suka umah babysitter tak jugak.. sampai kat umah tu nanti dia monyok kejap pastu bergembira je sepanjang hari!
    Yasmin, yupp… Miki dah paham dak aku cakap. cuma kadang2 dia merajuk kan so dia ulang la balik part jgn work tu..
    Izniza, hey thanks for reading my blog. i saw yours you write very well yourself. 🙂

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