Fakta-Fakta Tak Berguna dalam SPM 2010

1. I am still stuck at 48kg. Maybe I should eat a whole lemang on daily basis to achieve 50. If I listen to all those medical ideal weight crap, I should weigh 60.5. Kalau camtu aku kena makan lemang dengan buluh-buluhnya sekali kot.

2. My son is now 14kilos. Height 96cm. Bila nak naik semeter ni Miki?

3. Everytime we leave home for a week or more, many of my plants would dry up and die. When we went to Sabah, my entire gorgeous petunia garden joined its clan in eden. Recently during raya, my daun kesum, bunga semarak api that I planted from seed, lemon grass and a couple of others had also died of h2o deprivation. Azman’s beautiful tomato plant also was nyawa-nyawa ikan but had a miraculous resurrection.

4. Those that survived the one week neglect was my beautiful kangkung plant and also my three inch high heliconia. A few days after we came back home, Kokades reenact Prison Break and walloped the entire kangkung colony! Aku sembelih jugak arnab ni kang! A few weeks after we came back home, Ali the lawn mower sembelih my heliconia. Aku bakar dengan taik lembu jugak Bangla ni kang!

5. There are siput babi in my garden. Nasib baik siput….

6. I am looking forward to the things in IKEA 2011 catalogue.

7. Tonight the contractors are coming to install wallpapers at the feature wall of my living room and master bedroom. Can’t wait for the result.

8. My aspiration to perm my hair masih tak kesampaian. It’s ironic that I am afraid how I would look like in maggi mee curly tresses when I was actually born with that maggi mee hair.

9. I need to print a business card with my blog url on it.

10. Of all the dozens of things that I thought Miki, he learned writing on his own. I tried coaching him to make doodle patterns with crayons but all of a sudden he is writing alphabets and drawing toys, fruits and vegetables. Here I managed to catch him with an A and a balloon. Genius!

Alphabet A

“Miki lukis balloon, Mummy!”

Author: Diyana

7 thoughts on “Fakta-Fakta Tak Berguna dalam SPM 2010

  1. ehhh pandai dia. gigi miki cantik. takyah braces2 dah nanti. i like. diyana, fact no 11, akak dah ader tv..yang pentingggg

  2. aku ngeri tengok ‘A’ miki….

    dan di belakang miki adalah tv LCD baru ya tuan2 dan puan2. astro beyond lagi!

  3. Eintanz, thanks. u taktau camana i tonyoh gigi dia tiap2 malam.. hehehe…
    oh yes! tak perasan termasuk jugak gambar TV baru akak lepas TV yg lama dicopet dahulu… kehkeh
    zuzu, boleh! nanti aku email. bagus! murah! halalan toyyiba!
    Bani, uhuk*batuk*uhuk*LED lah*batuk*uhuk*LED!!*ehem*ehem*

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