The bikini model

Tomorrow I am supposed to freaking model for a Muslimah swimwear line (not bikini, I lied! haha, I knew you would click on the link faster)  on a show that’s to be aired in TV9.

Although you would probably see me on TV for about say….  a quarter of a half of a nanosecond but I don’t know why I agreed to do so in the first place. Me and fashion??? Is like Azman and knitting a sweater. I think this has got to do with the fact that I am turning 30 in exactly 12 plus 5 months and a couple of weeks from now. Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

This year I have been featured on FEMALE magazine, Berita Harian daily newspaper (remind me to blog about this pls!) so next it has got to be the TV!

Looks like it’s another stike on the list of things I wanna do before I turn 30. Diva tak aku? Diva kannn??? *pengsan* Tampar kang! Serious aku rasa nak tampar muka sendiri atas kepoyoran sendiri! hehehe

Author: Diyana

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