I am getting stupider

I have twittered about this and it is my current FB status. Exploitation! No, I didn’t get exploited I just freaking forgot the word. For whole 15 minutes trying to remember it, all that came across my mine was HOW FARKING STUPID CAN I BE?

Seriously! I feel like I am getting dumber and dumber everyday… Grasp on English for instance, should be improving as time goes by, provided the language is being used frequently.  I talk to English speaking people everyday too but I think I am becoming more apek –apek makcik-makcik jual sayur kat pasar tani everyday… I write so horribly (as you can read NOW).. I feel so dumb!

If one would engage on a intellectual conversation with me these days I am sure he/she would find me as a complete bimbo that suffers amnesia or something.

Dammit la… I need to read more la.. and write better la.. and farking stop using “lah” in English sentences… ughhh

But how can I read??? I don’t have time for that!!  Angry Bird Seasons : The St. Patricks’s Day Edition is available for download now… I have to playyyy… I just gottaaaaa…. Oinkk oinkkkkkk

Oinkkk oinkkkk

15 new green levels suckers! Azliza @EjamAris, see who can complete them first!!

Author: Diyana

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