Kids Talk

I think many Moms and Dads face this problem at one point of time while bringing up the toddlers. Kids tend to pick up dirty words and say things that are not very nice.

For the first three years in Miki’s life I think we are lucky that he doesn’t pick up the bab*s and the b*dohs… He repeats after us sometimes but those words never seem to be written permanently in his vocabulary.

At around three, Miki speaks in sentences that are accurate and highly influenced by styles and slangs. Despite never saying b*doh or b*bi etc… Sometimes Miki would say things that would create a force in hand to swing in high velocity and slap his face dua-tiga kali!!

Several months ago he tends to say “Eh Daddy… Miki tak cakap dengan Daddy pun… Miki cakap dengan Mummy je!”
Or in English, “Hey Daddy, I am not talking to you I am only talking to Mummy!”

Hey that’s quite rude! Miki doesn’t even know that it’s rude when he says that….After a few lectures and maybe pinches Miki stopped making those remarks.

Now his annoying speaking has started again. Whenever he is so engrossed in something, he would not budge to our callings and instead he would answer “Ahhh.. Miki malas lah!”.

I think the last time he said that was 2 nights ago, let’s see his improvement this time. Haishhh pening kepala aku!
He is also still number 1 at making excuses. While we were hiking last weekend, he would say “Miki dah takde minyak (petrol)!” or “Miki dah takde battery!” when he needed to stop and rest. Very funny though! Haha…

Looking at the bright side, I believe kids this age is still learning on what is nice and what is not nice to say. I hope he learns well in this area, it’s a crucial factor in living harmoniously in a community. In the mean time all I need is more patience…


PS- Today on 17 March 2011, Luth Mikael “Miki” is 3 years 2 months old. He is 100 cm tall and weigh 15.1kilos.

Author: Diyana

4 thoughts on “Kids Talk

  1. hahaha…
    Oh ada lagi satu lupa nak tulis… Miki kadang2 cakap “WHAT THE HELL?”
    sebab ikut Daddy and Uncle Nize cakap masa tgk bola!!!
    Haishhh rosak anak aku!

    Farahan… miss u la… thanks la sbb masih baca belog aku.. aku bz sket skrg sbb kerja tempat baru (sungguh berdedikasi) nanti aku calling2 or something…

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA mana dia belajar “Miki dah takde minyakkk??”
    Lawak gila la Miki ni.

    p/s:Kereta Kak Opy pon selalu habes minyak 😛

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