Mummy’s Little Boy

This morning when i was leaving for work, Miki questioned our routine of sending him to Mama Rose’s simply because it didn’t seem to him like I was going to work in my baby-t and skinny jeans.

I explained that I really was going to work it’s just that’s how I am dressed these days now that I am working for a very flexible company.

Actually when I was in semi-Gov dulu pun aku pakai seluar ketat gak.. Why do you think all the makcik-makcik couldnt stand me?! LOL!

Before I was finally leaving, Miki said “Jangan work lambat sangat tau! Jangan work lambat!?”

Oh well! Azman and I knew this time would come.. The time when Miki would beg us to spend more time with him instead of our jobs. Sigh…

It is pretty amazing watching how much Miki evolved to be like us, especially me!

He was playing Plants vs Zombie the other day and pointed at the biggest zombie on the lawn and said

“OMG! Zombie ni kuat sangat tau! Miki lawan dengan dia sampai NAK MUNTAH! Miki NAK MUNTAH!”

OMG!? – Haha, sure sounds like me…
Nak muntah?! – Macam pernah dengar tapi di mana ya? LOL!

At three years of parenthood, now is also the time that I start telling Miki TO SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE WILL YA I CAN’T HEAR MYSELF THINKING!

Just a little while ago we were encouraging Miki to speak and now all of a sudden he wouldnt stop at all…

Motherhood to me is very overwhelming. I am swarmed with emotions, love and satisfaction, expectations and frustrations all at the same time… But over the years motherhood has made me a whole stronger and wiser. I believe all the moms out there feel that way too.. So to all the hot mommas out there… Happy Mother’s Day to you!

Author: Diyana

2 thoughts on “Mummy’s Little Boy

  1. yeah, when they started talking too much we aked them to quite, just wait when the time time they said, mom, please stop talking! haha

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