Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki – Ubat Gegat and Spongebob

I was trying to exercise Miki’s hand and ready him for drawing or writing. With crayons I made him draw small green and purple circles to make picture of grapes.

Miki did it with much reluctance. But then Daddy came along and all of a sudden Miki got a sudden urge to show off.

All of a sudden my baby Miki can draw Spongebob! *pengsan*



Last weekend while marketing at Tesco I picked up a bag of moth balls. Hasn’t seen any in his life Miki asked what it was. Annoyed with his non-stop questions I answered without thinking; “Ubat lipas!” I said instead of ubat gegat.

“Ooo… Kesian lipas tu Mummy, dia batuk! Kena makan ubat….” Miki commented full of sympathy for the roaches.

Mummy pun bersimpati dengan diri sendiri sebab tak tahan lawak ko camni Miki!

Sabar jelah!

Author: Diyana

5 thoughts on “Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki – Ubat Gegat and Spongebob

  1. hahaha kelakar.. tapi kalau nak cakap ‘benda utk matikan lipas’ lagi trajis kan?.. telalu ganas utk kanak2..

  2. mielly…
    i nak kata ‘ubat gegat’… terkata ubat lipas… dah budak tu ingat lipas tu sakit.. kelakor kan? benda unt matikan lipas?? haah! tu mmg ganas sangat hahaha

  3. hahaha.. kids say the cutest word! lipas batuk.. huk huk. adehh la miki.. kalau lah die ckp, mummy tunjuk miki caner lipas makan ubat. ha tak ke haru tu 😀

  4. fara.. hahaha! ye lah! actually masa miki cakap lipas batuk tu.. dia ala2 bercakap pada diri sendiri dengan penuh kesyahduan dan simpati terhadap lipas yg batuk ittew! hahahaha

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