Fever and Friends

I am writing this with very funny feeling in my throat. It sure feels like there is a colony of caterpillars eating their heart out in preparation to metamorph into moths in the size of Miki’s head. And yeah the caterpillars sure feel like they are about the size of Miki’s arm. Wriggling and wriggling and scraping on the walls of throat… aghhhh!

It started on Thursday, I thought I had a temperature, took a couple of Actifast and felt better. On Friday I felt a little uncomfortable but didn’t stop me to go for a meeting at the Ministry, and then had a lovely lunch with my blogger mama friends. But by 4pm I thought my office was magically flown to the north pole or something. I was feeling so cold, I wrapped myself in my blazer and a shawl, drank hot chocolate and cursing the centralized air-con system. Little that I know my temperature at that time was pushing 40°C.

By 9pm I was a vegetable. Spinach to be specific. Poached in boiling water. Lembik!  I remember distinctively the last time I was this sick. It was in 2007! Miki was not even born yet!

Somehow I feel like I am in the worse shape in my entire life. I get tired so easily, my body is so lembik I’m sure my muscles have shrunk or something.. OMG that is sooo not sexy!

I seriously need to start working out again.. Both Azman and I.. Let’s hit the gym boo!

Anyway I am on antibiotics for my throat infection and the effects are fabulous. Pening lalat, loose stool, mulut pahit semua ada… Itu baru antibiotics ekk? Orang yang kena chemotherapy tu camana ye? *insap taubat nasuha*

Anyway I am so happy to get to meet these ladies. This is my second time meeting Azza, and first time meeting Anita and Nannoor. They are such lovely people. We had lunch at Breeks and the food was good but perhatikan ada makanan tak habis sebab peng-ordernya adalah (1) demam (2) mabuk morning sickness. Kalau dah aku yang demam korang agak2la sapa  sapa yg mabuk..

Enjoy your weekend everyone! I know demam or not I sure will! 🙂

Author: Diyana

4 thoughts on “Fever and Friends

  1. oyttt. ada jgk pix ku terselit di situ. hehehe. ehh. nnt i add ur links to my blog k. now tgh revamp blog so semua links hilang. saba jer la. nice meeting u the other day. lets do lunch again soon! XOXO.

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