Another masak and makan entry

Haha! My ears cannot tahan already so many people sending me messages “HOI, TAK RETI UPDATE BLOG KE?” , “CEPATLA UPDATE DIYANA SAYA SETIA MENUNGGU…” etc etc

Thanks friends and readers for visiting this blog. FYI how I wish I have the time to write about sensational stuff, heartfelt stories and Miki’s development update but badan tak kuat, kesihatan tak mengizinkan (aiyoo baru pregnant belum demam denggi lagi… touch wood!)

Anyway I have some pics that I took with my phone over the weekend let me upload here lah! On Saturday Azman had to work I stayed homi with Miki and we did nothing but relaxing, watching TV and play games. If I wasn’t down with morning sickness, I am sure we had gone out shopping or at least get some exercise at the park. Instead I made some spaghetti with tomato and fresh basil, spread a matt under the palm trees in our garden and have our own lil picnic there.

The weather on Saturday was cool and the sun was merciful. Miki and I had such a lovely time having our simple lunch outside.

Spaghetti for lunch?

Bentang tikar plastik cabuk, took out a couple of scattered cusions, belum sempat nak hidangkan air segala tengok2 mulut Miki dah bukan main comot hahaha… Sedap ye Miki, of course la Mummy yang masak! :p Took this pic I think he looks so cute here. Although it was not a hot day but Miki went back inside to his Ipad after he finished his meal… alala… so Putera Lilin!

I on the other hand proceeded with my sunbathing. I got my paperback novel with me, my fluffy cusions and the soft blowing wind! Relax betul.. heaven! Love my high fence, takde sapa nampak I terbongkang atas rumput depan rumah nak pakai bikini pun boleh woo kalau sanggup! haha

As you all know Azman and I are self-proclaimed Urban Garderner. Now we have more herbs and vegetable plants in our yard than flowering plants. Really banyak sampai tak termakan. At one time we produce so much of that iron-and-minerals-packed red spinach and sawi until I found it funny when I saw other people were buying that from the supermarket. I felt like saying eh.. tak payah la beli, mai datang umah saya petik. *pengsan*

In the end we gave some to family and friends and our pet rabbits pun bukan main mewah makan sayur bayam tiap-tiap hari. Now that my morning sickness is slowing me down a lot, I hardly cook anything and I have like 3 or 4 kuntum bunga kantan yang sampai dah kembang sebab tak petik!!! Not to mention cili padi, serai, basil melambak-lambak…

My cili padi yang sampai buruk atas pokok dan jatuh berguguran ke bumi. Below is Azman’s latest plants. Memang feeling-feeling Cameron Highlands la! This is cabbage aka kobis. I myself has never seen it grown in low land,in my own garden is the first time. So far it is growing beautifully, hope it will produce the cabbage head soon.. 🙂
Memang susah jaga food plants when you are not using pesticide but that’s the challenge and looking at your plants growing gloriously like this is very satisfying like buying handbag. hahaha

Cabbage plants

On Sunday, I felt a bit better but still didn’t feel like going out takut making a scene by termuntah di khalayak ramai! So I decided to cook proper lunch for the family, I love authentic Malay cooking aka makanan kampung-kampung. So picked some herbs from the edible garden, serai, daun kunyit, bunga kantan, cili padi and also daun kesum.

Today’s harvest

The ginger torch and daun kesum was thrown into a pot of asam pedas ikan siakap – my husband likes this very much. I think my bro in law Abi mesti horror tengok muka ikan tu hahaha

asam pedas siakap

I also made what tasted best in my preggie momma palate – masak lemak cili api!  That day I cooked masak lemak cili api ayam with tomatoes yang sangatlah marvelous lemak berkrim but I feel so guilty about taking that much santan. Next time I will remember not to use so much. FYI I have stopped cooking red meat in my kitchen except when we host bbq parties. I also limit the intake of cheese for myself and Azman except Miki he can take as much cheese as he wants. Red meat, cheese, santan adalah sangat tidak menyihatkan ye Puan-puan – pesanan daripada penaja.  Remember that asam pedas is better than masak lomak dan bolognese is better than creamy carbonara. Sekali -sekala boleh la eh…

lemak cili api

Below is our lauk sihat campur lauk tak berapa sihat that we had for lunch. Azman and Miki both suka and makan banyak betul, I feel so happy and semangat nak melawan pening so that I can cook regularly again. I really pray so that morning sickness will leave me soon. So that I can function normally again. LOL. Insyal Allah…

Have a nice day everyone!

Author: Diyana

5 thoughts on “Another masak and makan entry

  1. pokok2 aku terkejut masa sama2 terlibat dlm eksiden tuari..selepas pemuliharaan ditimpa pula hujan yang tak berhenti2..harap2 subur lah kembali semuanya..Amin..apapun semoga mak Miki tabah menghadapi trimester pertama ni dgn jayanya..chayok!

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