Lakiku Bintang Bollywood

It’s gonna be such a waste if I don’t write this story in this blog. Here goes…

Many-many years ago, while Azman and I was still dating, he went on a business visit to some Sony plant in Vietnam. He went with another colleague of his and during their free time, they raid the shopping mall because I remember I gave him a long list of stuff I want him to buy for me like silk etc

As they were walking in the mall, suddenly 2 Vietnamese ladies came and said hello to him and wanted to take pictures with him. In the beginning sure rasa cam perasan handsome jugak but to the extend of taking pictures? Azman asked them why take pictures??? And the girls answered in broken English…

“Because you are Indian film star!!!”

Azman’s colleague was nothing but ROTFLOL! If I was there I also tak jadi nak jealous and ROTFLOL sampai terkincit lah!

Nak buat camana yo… Orang Vietnam semua putih-putih sepet-sepet penyek-penyet… Nampak lain sikit terus jadi bintang pilem! Kelass uols… Muahahaa…

Now we all wonder, did the girls think Azman was Aamir Khan?????



*pengsan* Syabas Inspector Syahabbbbb…. lol

Author: Diyana

3 thoughts on “Lakiku Bintang Bollywood

  1. kehkehkeh..ok la azman mcm hero hindustan..agak2 ko mesti mcm heroin tamil??!! ayarkk..cabuttttttt *lari tinggal asap

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