Luth Mikael “Miki” Azman – 4 years 2 months old

1) Weighs around 17-18 kilos. 109cm tall and taller than most kids his age.
2) Losing his curls but Mummy is still loving his bouncy surfer dude hair.
3) Has perfect teeth, at four years old, strictly no dental cavity.

4) Has a healthy appetite, eats everything non-spicy. Loves vegetables, pasta, Domino’s BBQ Chicken Pizza, mangoes and bananas, Big Apple’s Alien chocolate donut, ikan bilis and fish. Loves and would eat more of Mummy’s home-cooked food compared to eating out. Drinks up to 3 x 9oz milk per day.

5) Current obsession is the solar system. Careful when talking to him, he might ask you some pop quiz like what is the biggest planet in the solar system, what’s the planets closest to the sun, what can be found in Neptune and other questions that adults have long forgotten then answer. He can explain gravity too which darn cute and smart.

               Got tired while waiting for Mummy doing her shopping at Parkson

6) Loves science more than art. Would pay attention to coloring books for maybe 3 minutes but if we sit down with him with an human anatomy book, he can concentrate for hours. Loves learning about how our lungs and heart works, pumping the blood all over the body through arteries, veins, vena kava whatcamacallit… Mummy and Daddy is trying to go easy on explaining these stuff to him coz the more we explain, the more he asks until MUMMY DADDY TAK RETI JAWAP! *pengsan*

Getting ready to follow Daddy for Friday prayers.

7) Current favourite movie is Alvin and The Chipmunks 3. Must watch every night before sleep. Daddy loves Miki so much he gave him a 32in LCD in his room but still Miki prefers to sleep with us and somehow we are also reluctant to let him sleep away from us.

8 ) Getting better at swimming with floaties. Daddy wants to train him to use a snorkel so that Miki can follows us snorkelling later.


Lumba swimming dengan Daddy…

9) Loves Baby Adik in Mummy’s belly very much. Forever kissing, talking to the belly and asking “Bila Adik nak keluar?”.

10) No longer plays with our Iphones and his Ipad (except for checking the Solar System aps every night for the names of stars visible in real time), but Miki has gotten back to basic, playing with paper plane and ship, dunking the boat in water and once it got soggy, he would play masak-masak with it.

“Tengok ni Daddy, Miki strong! Daddy Boleh buat?”

11) Favourite songs are Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5, Friday Night by Katy Perry, On the Floor by Jennifer Lopez featuring Pittbull and Love You Like A Long Song by Selena Gomez. He is forbidden however to watch MTV.

12) Manja. Still nak dukung every once in awhile when he got tired of walking at the mall or park. Like mana ada 4 year old berdukung lagi?

13) Cute! Very sweet and smiley face. In fact he is forever smiling and grinning. Maybe not so often in front of people he barely new but to the rest he is all sunshine and smiles. Mummy hope Baby Adik will also bermuka manis macam Yoep Miki. 🙂

14) Be good our darling son, be healthy, be smart. Believe in our God, Allah SWT and our Prophet is Muhammad SAW. If you have faith that strong you need not worry and believe in every Tweet, every Facebook status, every shared info you read on the social media. Learn to differentiate which is right and which is wrong. You will be fine. Mummy and Daddy loves you and Adik to bits! Alhamdulillah, praise the Al-Mighty for your presence in our lives.

Author: Diyana

12 thoughts on “Luth Mikael “Miki” Azman – 4 years 2 months old

  1. Wow…u and hubby have indeed done a super good job in raising this smart little boy…my baby is only 8 months now…really hope he’ll grow up to be as smart as miki with cavity free teeth,hihihi. boleh share parenting tips neh sis…=D

  2. ita.. hahaha.. mana ada super good job… parenting is a learning process.. everyday we learn something new as much as our kid is learning. as for cavity free teeth. just make sure baby brushes his teeth before bed EVERYDAY! but not at 8 months la.. kecik sangat tu! hehe

  3. tell me about it.. My four year old tak habis2 berdukung. I long passed the task my other half… tak larat weh

  4. mmg muka miki manis abis hehehe… 109 cm, that’s quite tall. my aisyah (same age) is taking after me nampaknya in the height department, still reaching for 100cm huhu..

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