Daily Quickie – Those Chubby Drumsticks

Oh Rafa, you are so debab-licious I wanna dip you in chocolate and swallow you whole. I wanna nibble your fingers, bite those cheeks and chew em like bubblegum. I wanna dunk whole lotta ketchup on your fat baby legs and savor em up like chicken drumstick. I wanna smell you close and wrestle with you like a teddy bear!

Oh yes you are my teddy bear, my squirmy little angel that won’t sit still. The world of Mummy, Daddy and Miki now revolves around you.  You have stolen our hearts since the day you were born and now you have us wrapped around your tiny fingers. We love you so much Tiger Rafa! Muah!

rafa debab

PS – This pic was taken at Sunway Lagoon in January, Rafa was 6 months old. Nasib baik kaki Mummy tak domok-domok macam kaki Rafa, kalau tak terpaksa meroyan Mummy pergi sauna tiap-tiap hari.. LOL



At 7 months, Rafa is 8.3 kilos and 70cm tall. He can sit without support and stand with support for a long time. He is very mobile and moves around on his tummy all over the place. He like to say “Daddeeeee” that sounds very much like “Daddy” and make his old man mighty proud. His motor skills have improved so much, he can pick up objects on his shoulder and near his ears. Still no signs of his first tooth. Favorite toys include the Sing-a-ma-Jig, Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Camera and the remote controller! Fave food is pumpkin and carrots.

I pray for your health and safety everyday Rafa, may Allah bless you!

Author: Diyana

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