Petunia Friday! How to plant petunia flowers

Happy Friday everybody!

I am extra happy today, not only it is Friday but Rafa said a new word this morning! Yay! He said “fahwer” while pointing at my petunias at the garden. As usual, I was taking him around the garden every morning before work and showed him flowers, butterflies, cars, ball and other objects but today he uttered the word flower! What a pleasant surprise…

Here is the flowers Rafa was talking about. Pretty aren’t they?

petunia flowers

The two smaller pots you see in the pic are young white and purple petunias that Azman planted through stem cutting. Many asked me how to care for these cheerful flowers, I think I will share today what I know…


1) If you are buying potted petunias from the nursery, they are good for the next two months or so. Water twice a day, fertilize once every two weeks and change to bigger pot after two months. I call this the 2x2x2 petunia formula. hehe
2) What kind of fertilizer? Anything organic should do.
3) When to water? Once in the morning and once in the evening at 6-7pm.
4) Petunia needs lots and lots of sunshine to grow flowers. The hotter the place to hang it, the more flower it will grow. In the pic above, you can see the red petunia plant is sort of lopsided. Its new shoots and flower are highly sensitive towards sunshine and grow towards that direction.

How to grow a new petunia plant?
1) Azman and I always propagate our petunias using stem cuttings although petunia does produce seeds. Check out your plant and find the healthiest shoot. It would be best if there is no new flower buds on it too. Because if there is, all the energy will be channeled to growing the flower instead of new roots.
2) Use a pruner and cut above a node but please make sure there are at least one more node on your cutting for new leaves to grow.
3) Dip the end in rooting hormone if you have, if you don’t, it is fine. Then plant it in free draining soil with lots of compose.
4) For the first few days, you will need to put the new plants under 50% shade. Once it grows a few new leaves, you can move it under full sun and enjoy the beauty everyday.

Have a great weekend ahead guys. And happy gardening!

Author: Diyana

1 thought on “Petunia Friday! How to plant petunia flowers

  1. Can you teach me how to grow petunia from seeds (bought the seeds from the shop)? It’s been two weeks that I put the seeds on the soil but it hasn’t germinated. It has been covered with a cling wrap for two weeks so I finally gave up and removed the cling wrap yesterday to see if the plant will grow

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