The Inaugural Siri Bercakap Dengan Rafa

If you enter my house from the front door, this is probably the first thing that you can see. If you are a burglar that entered my house front the bedroom window however, these frames are best used to smack you head until you mati! Anywayyyyyy….

That is not what I am writing about today.

I am writing about Rafa. He saw these pictures (sapa gelak aku pukul!) taken in Bali when Azman and I was there for our honeymoon in 2006 and long forgotten about until recently. I placed it on this console cabinet whatchamacallit at the entryway. The red ornamental dish thingy is where we put our keys on. Bukan letak buah oren tiga bijik pastu pasang lilin kat sebelah dia ye…

One day I was working late and Azman was babysitting when Rafa noticed the pictures for the first time. We dont have so many framed pictures in the house, so it was nice surprise for the little boy and he started pointing at the picture and said “Nana! Nana! Nana!”

Yeah many a times Rafa and I, we go on first name basis… you know… American laa kira.. Haishhh…

Awhile later, he was crawling around looking for me, saw the framed pictures on the cabinet and while pointing at them he said repeatedly. “Mama! Dada! Mama! Dada! Mama! Dada!”.

He was so extremely cute Azman almost ate him luckily I came back home for the rescue. Cause I brought dinner.


Oh my! Look how fast time flies… I am now starting with “Siri Bercakap Dengan Rafa”. It is almost replacing the earlier “Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki” for now that Miki is 5, his is more eloquent and despite his limited vocabulary, hardly any nonsense comes out when he opens his mouth anymore. He became less funny in that sense but Alhamdulillah, it shows that his speech development is progressing and it also shows that my lil baby is growing up… really fast! Really really fast! Sob!

Anyway, Rafa si comel comot ciboncet and manja also start speaking very early in his life. He started calling me Mama at age 6 months! I remember my sister Shanananaaaa was shocked when Rafa cried Mama! Mama! Mama! when he was upset. Then he started calling Azman Dadee or Dada, and calling Miki, guess what? Mikael! *slap forehead*

From then on, the words in Rafactionary increases, to bird, ball, bear, bitt (for rabbit) and later to two syllables word like air (water), minum, pandai, abang etc

By the time he was 11 months he started to speak his first 2 words sentence which is “Nak tu!” or “I want that!”. Now at 14 months he has spoken many two words-sentences. The ones that I can remember are

“Nak air!” he said this very clearly at the restaurant while pointing at my Coca-Cola. The waiter heard him and understood him and he was very impressed with his speech. hehe!

“Nak menum!”or nak minum.

“Tu bulen!”for “tu bulan!”from the Malay baby game Wawawa Tu Bulan and points at the moon. hehe! This is really cute! Well Rafa can point to all the objects that he knows and say out loud, “tu ball… tu cat… tu bear bear…”  Tu that and this….

Pernah jugak dia tunjuk atas pokok time Maghrib depan k**l dan cakap “Tu bear!”tapi aku buat tak dengar dan terus baca ayat Qursi, ehehehehhehe….

On top of that, my baby boo dah pandai buat the actions for the song Twinkle Little Star and Itsy Bitsy Spider. Uber cute with that chubby tiny fingers.

Ahhh.. the joy of raising a baby. Thanks Rafa for replacing the baby Miki that has gone all big and masam and melawan cakap bijak pandai. Keep on talking my babies, children’s voices are always like music to their parents’ ears.

Mummy loves you both!





Author: Diyana

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