The Nasty Green Thing on My Kitchen Shelf

We had been eating out on so many nights for the pass few weeks. I had been coming home late from work and got home so exhausted; I couldn’t detour my mind from thinking about what to wear tomorrow jumping into bed with my work clothes on and just doze off to sleep!

Today while fixing ourselves a pitcher of cold drink, I saw a glimpse of something mysterious lurking among my groceries on the kitchen shelf. As I peered closer, I saw it was about four inches long, green in color and unmistakably ALIVE!!!!!

I leaped back. Poised in my Jackie Chan karate fighting stance; I clenched my fists hard; gritted my teeth and glare at The Green Thing. My heart was pounding hard! At any time it could pounce on me, that Nasty Green Thing!

I gulped hard. Something needed to be done immediately. I must eliminate this Nasty Green Thing before it ventures out of the kitchen into the other rooms in the house. God knows once it reached one of those rooms there was no way even a professional eliminator could locate it anymore.
It would make a comfortable habitat out of the junks and rubbish piled high in all of our rooms and it would breed! Then the house would be full of many Nasty Green Things, crawling all over! Oh what horror! Dammit I should have spring clean earlier. The last time we had one was in autumn 1974. Azman was not born yet.

Slowly I reached for the broom stick at the corner. I used my Yoga skills to stretch my slender body from two meters away and slowly… slowly…took my aim. I squint one eye to focus better.

While taking a deep breath, I channel all the energy in the universe into my right arm, it flowed through the broom and Haiiiiyah! I poke, poke, poke on The Nasty Green Thing.

Kelepuk! A chunk of ginger fell onto the floor. It has sprouted about four inches of green living shoot.

I have not cooked longer than I thought.

Aku insaf. This is what I made for dinner.

Diyana's grilled lamb


Author: Diyana

16 thoughts on “The Nasty Green Thing on My Kitchen Shelf

  1. The lamb look so tender & juicy…yum..(saliva dropping)..
    Or is it the great picture..that mislead me..
    p/s: my one cents , just boil the green stuff a few mins to avoid o/cook..

  2. Obeks,
    Thats good food alright?! I just so happened to be a good photographer too..
    I dont like boiling my greens.Its just too healthy… Thats stir fried. hehe
    Nantilah mai lah rumah for dinner.. 🙂
    13 May,
    nyom nyom!! thanks for visiting…

  3. Hmmm..yum yum..nampak cam lazat jer. Sangat suka masak jugak…tp skrg nih takder org nak share….so bosan nak mkn alone..pas kawen leh ler masak cam D…heheheh. Jgn lupa kasi resipi naa….eh D..akak rasa akak ader owe u one recipe..recipe aper yeh? karipap ker? huhu 😀

    Comment on green thing: hampeh…buat suspen jer…kui kui kui 😛

  4. diyana..aku tak puas ati ni..apekebende that nasty green thing tu??anak dinasour ke???ape ye??naik seram bulu roma aku..hehehe.pastu ko masak bendalah tu ye?heheheheheh

  5. Suspense giler cerita ni!! Pastu ending dia lawak pulak! Kelepuk! heheuhuha!

    Mmm… I baru je makan tapi tengok gambar tu terasa lapar pulak..

  6. emmm…nampak lazat jek!! (*atau teknik fotografi yg melindungi ketidaksedapan nye)… nyamm..nyamm..nyammm.. =P

  7. Ala… Diyana ni buat suspen aje lah…
    mmm… sedapnyer dinner…. malam ni saya cuma makan sosej cendawan, malas nak masak

  8. Kak Iena..
    hehehe…memang suspen tuh…kupikirkan cicak menda tah kaler hijau… ahahaha…aah,u owe me your legendary karipap punya resepi… nanti post la kat blog tu.ok?
    Apsal la hang selalu tak paham aku tulih apa..ekeke..lain kali baca sampai habih babe!! bukan dinoso la..hehe…halia aku tu ha..dah bercambah tumbuh daun… hehe
    Ala-ala suspen citer Stephen King la katakan hehehe…apa yg lawak bunyi kelepuk?! hehe.. mesti u penah jatuh longkang bunyi kelepuk jugak kan?kan? kan?

  9. Farah,
    Satu hari aku akan buat jugak pizza tuh bagi kat hang… Azman botak sebab Mawi tuh asyik ikut rambut dia..hehe…
    Cam tak biasa makan lamb kat umah ni?! nah amik ni.. :fart:
    Sosej cendawan..makan dengan tomato sauce… nyum…tapi kalau saye kena makan tiga empat bijik baru kenyang…huhuhu camne?!

  10. Diyana aku nk confirm ngn hg nih, nasty little green thing tu adakah kacang panjang dlm gambar tu? Aku rasa kacang panjang tu tp aku xtau sama ada aku benar atau tidak

  11. Asroll Jahat,

    Ye adik2, nampaknya adik2 telahpun membaca karangan diatas dan memahaminya,dengan itu sila jawap soalan-soalan pemahaman di bawah:
    1) Apakah yang telah jatuh ke lantai dengan bunyi kelepuk?
    2) Tumbuhan rizom apakah yang telah tumbuh sebanyak 4 inci kerana terlalu lama tidak dimasak?
    Jawapan tidak lebih 2000 patah perkataan.

  12. bukan jatuh longkang…

    jatuh kat mamak sebab kaki kerusi masuk lubang2 longkang tuh. depan ramai orang pulak tuh! jatuh saham kuuuuuu…….

  13. baru la aku tau, kenapa kekadang area puchong/bukit jalil/kinrara kekadang ujan lebat….rupanya itu petanda, diyana tengah memasak!

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