Ketupat Palas Galore – Tutorial Melipat Ketupat

People say kids enjoy Eid or Hari Raya Aidilfitri more than adults, but I’d say nope! that doesn’t apply to me ! I look forward to Hari Raya more anxiously every other year, and honestly deep down in my heart I feel more joy in giving Duit Raya rather than receiving. I must be getting old wiser!

We spent Hari Raya eve at Azman’s parents home in Kedah before we head back to my mother’s in Penang that raya night. Azman managed to help his mother wrapped up some Ketupat Daun Palas and I the Ferocious Eating Monster Ketupat Eating Expert got to watch and learn for the very first time in my whole life. Of course, it is so cool that I just have to post it in this website. Who knows maybe there are more Ketupat Eating Experts out there that can learn a thing or two about making this delicious Malay Hari Raya delicacy. Yum! This is how to make ketupat daun palas!

Ketupat Palas

1) These are young Palas Leaves, from a type of palm tree.

Ketupat Palas

2) Take one, cut the jagged edges at the end and spread it out.

Ketupat Palas

3) One end is folded like this

Ketupat Palas

4) And then shape it like a cone or a triangular cup

Ketupat Palas

5) This is half cooked glutinous rice

Ketupat Palas

6) The rice is stuffed into the cupped Palas Leaf

Ketupat Palas

7) The longer end of the leaf is brought down to cover the triangle

Ketupat Palas

8) And fully wrapped around it

Ketupat Palas

9) Cross the long leaf like this

Ketupat Palas

10) And pull the end until the top edge of the triangle is covered neatly

Ketupat Palas

11) Make sure no rice is sticking out anywhere

Ketupat Palas

12) Now tie a knot

Ketupat Palas

13) And we are all done! Yeah!

Ketupat Palas

14) Oops, these can’t be eaten yet fellas! They need to be steamed till the rice is fully cooked!

I think I’m gonna try to make some Ketupat myself for the guests at our Kinrara home. Now, where am I gonna get these leaves? hmmm…

Author: Diyana

55 thoughts on “Ketupat Palas Galore – Tutorial Melipat Ketupat

  1. This year was the first time I ever bungkus ketupat. The first half of my ketupat palas semuanya ketupat palas betina. Huhu. At last I can bungkus a ketupat jantan!! (Ketupat jantan is what is shown above) HUHUHUHUHUHU.

  2. dulu masa kat ganu rajin gak tulun buat ketupat palas. la ni…chek lupo dah no..ehehehe.

    P/S: tak suka yang manis…suka yang goreng tuh…sodap nyer..eheheh

  3. bukan ketupat palas jantan tu org laki yg buat?!! maka jadi lah ketupat palas jantan..ha ha ha…kepeh kepeh kepeh.. 1000 x buat ketupat palas jantan!! :sinchan:

  4. Aku tak pasti yang ok tu panggil ketupat jantan atau ketupat betina…aku terlupa bab istilah ni..
    Setengah orang kata yang tak ok tu jantan..setengah kata betina…
    Tapi..kalu yang balut tak ok tu (ketupat betina bak kata ayaqmasak), berlaku disebabkan kekurangan satu kali lipat..!!
    Untuk tengok samada betul atau tak balutan ketupat tu…pusingkan depan dan belakang…nampak macam sama saja..
    Kalu depan nampak lain..belakang nampak lain..silap la tu..

  5. Eiii I tau buat ketupat palas ni 😀 tiap tiap tahun I buat ngan my grandmum but not this year though.

    You can find the daun in pasar but susah kalau bukan musim raya

  6. Mengikot ajaran yang dibagi oleh mak pak saya, ketupat betina bukan sebab kekurangan satu lipatan! Tatapii disebabkan terlebih lipat! Huhu dia nak lipat 3 kali ja hhueouehouehuu~

  7. Terlebih lipatan pun betui jugak Ayaq woi..
    Terlebih atau terkurang akan menyebabkan jadi ketupat betina reject!
    Sebab bila lebih lipatan..yang lagi sebelah akan jadi kurang lipatan..
    Dia jadi tak balance.
    Sebab tu bila pusing depan belakang…jadi tak sama rupa lipatan..
    Kena paham konsep dia dulu…hehe

  8. emm..kalu ada gunting dalam lipatan ketupat itu..?!! hah cam mana tu? keh keh keh..aku expert buat ketupat nasi jek..bagi je daun kelapa yg muda tu..kejap jek aku buat!! :sinchan:
    kalu terlebih lipatan baju..adakah akan menjadi baju betina? kepeh kepeh kepeh..40x lipatan!!

  9. aduuhhh…frankensteina…issskk…iskkk..
    Dugaan yang sungguh besar buat ku…
    Anakku bakal ber-romper Red Devil la lepas ni..kuangkuang..

  10. hahaha… looks like the betinas in Kedah lacking in lipatan while the betinas in Penang are melipating too much!

    Frankieee…. Azman….
    I wanna have those Manchester Uniter babywear!!!!!! they are soooooo cute!!!

  11. balut je anak hangpa dengan kain pelikat udah…save duit. dan bole buat makan makan yey yey yey

  12. shanu, tu la …rugi hang tak sambung kat UM…kalau tak bole join kitaorg jalan jalan cari pasal. ni banyak lagi agenda tengah nak dirancang. hang kat sana sorang sorang pi la buat plan ngan bikonan hak hak hak

  13. Diyana…ketupat daun palas tu feveret hubby kak lady…ni tengahbanyak kat dapur tu…ida bawak balik dari ganu…memang sedap kalau makan dengan rendang…

  14. maka dgn itu, kak lady jemput jemputlah kitaorg datang beraya utk menghabiskan ketupat itu hak hak hak

  15. so this is how to make ketupat palas… but how about the resepi ketupat palas? I mean how to cook the rice…

  16. I love your step by step pic on how to fold the ketupat palas shell … do you put black eye bean in the glutinous rice, btw?

  17. thanks linda…
    its really up to u if u wanna add in beans in the ketupat… we dont though… i think thats a chinese influence in the recipe.. hehe…
    happy trying!

  18. thanks a lot mr. Azman I realy like the picture it teach step by step. I realy like to try to do it but how about the resepi of the rice?? anyway this is good enough thanks a lot.

  19. i’ve tried the ‘ketupat palas’. my god..after a few tries then i can make it ‘ketupat jantan’. anyway thanks for that friendly demo.

  20. really(x5) appreciate for ur step by step pic on this… 😉
    tgh desperate nak buat nih…after planning for so many years.

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