Majlis Hari Raya Diyanazman

This website has slightly more than a hundred posts only but I really can’t recall if I have written anything about our Hari Raya in 2006. The pictures are here though, you can have a look and see how much we have not change except for my face that used to look like a face but now looks like a dining plate and my nose that used to look like a nose now looks like a jambu ayaq terlebih baja.

We had a small Majlis Hari Raya again this year for family members and close friends only. But that still adds up to about 100 people. I guess we have a lot of close friends huh? This is in spite of forgetting many people like my darling SuperfluousBabe and her sister the equally lovely Alyne. Sorry babe! Huhu.. it’s the pregnancy, I tend to forget beautiful people with hot bod and flat stomach during my pregnancy, its nothing personal okay! (Bodek jangan tak bodek!)

I cooked my signature Bolognese spaghetti and chicken rendang (chicken stewed in local herbs and spices) again this time around. The rendang was to be eaten with delicious lemang jagung (glutinous rice with corn cooked in bamboo stick). Thanks to Bani for ordering the lemang for us. We also had chicken and beef satay, chicken soto (special chicken soup) eaten with nasi impit (rice cubes) and we also had first class murtabak prepared by my friend Dina’s mum. It’s really good I am telling you, they were bursting with minced meat and served with curry.

We have purposely invited our families during the afternoon and friends in the evening, else our tiny house would explode. And unlike last year we didn’t take so many pictures. I was extremely busy with the buffet table, refilling food and drinks, juggling plates and cups with my huge tummy. I don’t have a maid or a mum or anybody to help out okay?! But it as so fun, my friends stayed over till 2am, we had a round of karaoke before watching a pontianak movie on DVD.

Azman and I would like to thank everyone who came over. Especially to Dina and Bani for helping out. We hope all of you guys have enjoyed the food and company just as much as we have enjoyed having you over. I personally would like to apologize for not having much time to chit chat at length with each and every one of you. Do drop by at our place anytime you feel like it. Party is sponsored by this website.

Author: Diyana

13 thoughts on “Majlis Hari Raya Diyanazman

  1. hahah aku nampak kpala laki ku yang bkilat kilat itu..heheheh
    btw di, tq sbb invite kitorg, mmg sedap masakan ko..sampai laki aku asik perli aku sbb tak pandai masak mcm hang..huhuhuhu

  2. emm..emm..rindu kat lemang ke atau rindu kat abang aji kopiah tu bani?!! keh keh keh..dan tidak lupe tima kasih pada tuan rumah..!! 😀

  3. a’ahh..cina apek sebelah umah diyana tu macam2 la dia ajak gi spa la..byk amoi la sana..selalunye dia tanye begini..”tak kuar ka? pegi cari amoi la..malam2 minggu ni!” keh keh keh..ayat yg selalu diguna oleh apek cina itu.. 😛

  4. Diyana, bila majlis ni? Was it during or after syawal? Heheheh..

    Saya rasa tak puas la makan lemang, rendang & lain2 juadah raya… especially sebab balik kpg kejap je hari tu…

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