The Secret Truth About Our Baby’s Name

Naming a baby can be so hard! There is one name that I liked – Mikael and I have been telling Azman that if he dares name his baby something else, he could very well get the EPISIOTOMY himself.

But Mikael for a name is a little too short I think. We don’t want our son to think that his parents lacked creativity in naming him when three quarter of the boys his age are named Muhammad Ryan Danish Daniel Haiqal bin Their Dads (phew!) Besides, what will he gonna do during the exams when everybody else is still busy filling in their names in the OMR form?

At one time, we thought of combining our names to create a nice symbolic one for the baby… You know when you combine Azman and Diyana you can get names like Diaz, Asmadi, Mandi….. But Diaz is too Hollywood, Asmadi is my boss and Mandi is mandi are you crazy??? so the best that we could came out with is Adi.

Speaking from personal experience, having a name that starts with an earlier alphabet like D, I had a lot of unnecessary nerve wrecking times at school. When it came to Math class, I was always called earlier than the rest of the class to recite the stupid sifir just because my name came on top of the list. You know I never memorize tables!! Not even now!

Mommy not gonna repeat the same mistake your Grandma did, son, so Adi Mikael was dropped.

We thought of several other names, like Muhammad Mikael, Mikael Putra, Iman Mikael even Yoep Mikael! But my mother insisted that we name him after one of the prophets; in fact she has been calling him Yusof even before he was born. So we considered naming him Mikael Yusof, but you see, his dad’s name is Azman, and we are so freaking sure our son will end up getting called Cokman by his friends at school! No way!

We went through the names of the 25 prophets and we think that Prophet Luth pbuh will be the one.
We think that it will be a beautiful name, Luth after the messenger of God,

And (remember) Luth, We gave him right judgement of the affairs and Prophethood and knowledge, and We saved him from the town who practised Al-Khabâ’ith (evil, wicked and filthy deeds, etc.). Verily, they were a people given to evil, and were Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient, to Allâh).

And We admitted him to Our Mercy, truly, he was of the righteous.

Surah Al-Anbiya’ ( 21:74-75 )

and Mikael after the chief angel of blessings that resides in the seventh heaven and is popularly believed to have wings of emerald green

Whoever is an enemy of God or his angels or his apostles or Jibriel or Mikael, verily God is an enemy of the unbelievers.

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:98)

On 27th Jan 2007, my sweetie cekodok is registered as LUTH MIKAEL bin MOHAMMAD AZMAN in his birth certificate. Yeaahhh!! And you can call him MIKI.

Luth Mikael

Author: Diyana

53 thoughts on “The Secret Truth About Our Baby’s Name

  1. waahhhh…best nama tuh. sangat best. uhuhuhu. very unique. LUTH MIKAEL. cool..!! btw…napa nama yusof mikael end up kena panggil COKMAN?? hmmm..aku masih blur…uhuhu.

    P/S: apelah aku nak kasi nama anak aku nanti? uhuk

    and D!!!! bila hang nak balik??? hang tak dtg wedding akak kan?? saya mogok!!! uwaaaaa!!!!

  2. waa.. dayen.. comel betul nama baby. seshwaii dengan baby yg sungguh comel. meh sini miki.. nk cubit2 pipi 😀

  3. usop tetap di hati ku. aku naik seram giler bila nama asmadi termasuk dalam kategori pilihan. nasib baik tak jadi bubuh

  4. diyana lambat lagi nak balik kl kot..untuk siapkan post ni pun….aku kena balik penang…save kat thumb drive…balik kinrara dan publish..
    kat kampung dia tadak internet la..kesiannn..

  5. kampung aku yg dilanda banjir tu pun ada jaringan internet jalur lebar berbayar dan juga free (sekali sekala). apa la kampung diyana nih…..(heh heh heh)

  6. oi bani hang jgn dok kutuk kg diyana tau… kg aku jugak tu…
    anyway, tersedak aku bila hang nak boh asmadi tadi…


    anyway, nice name… mesti nanti anak hang cepat naik haji pasai…

    LUTH= Lembaga Urusan Tabung Haji


  7. Luth Mikael.. that’s such a unique name! I know someone with the name Mikael also, but Luth Mikael is way better!

    Congrats again!!

  8. the name is so cute.

    pengalaman saya utk menamakan my son last 2 years pun lebih kurang mcm tu. duk berjam2 depan komputer mengadap internet dgn en husband. punyalah malas nak beli buku2… alah surf jek. btw, my concept plak… saya nak my son selalu jd antara yg terawal… thats why his name starting with ‘A’.

  9. Diyana & Azman…Congratulations sekali lagi…comelnya anak you…geram…namanya sedap…pandai diyana & azman carik…baby dah pandai apa sekarang…dah pandai mintak adik ke…heheheh

  10. Very de dongga like the mommy! mueheheh but of course very chomel too (ehem)

    Habih la nama simpanan anak aku ko ambik. KAWAWULEK! Hihihi! Socay I’d probably go with Diaz though I’ll avoid ASMADI at all cost (yucksie)

    Cepat la balik aku benci B@bi Tonyok tersangat sengat takde tempat ku mengadu.

  11. 1st… CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!! Yeah….!!!

    2nd… WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!!… Especially your hubby… he will now enter the 3am zone where the boy will be awake for nothing. He just want the father to play with him with eyes close and he’ll smile/laugh and someone either late or won’t go to work the next day… ha ha ha

    3rd… Ok, this one sensitive sikit so awal² I mintak ampun mintak maaf dari hujung ke hujung. Jangan ada tersimpan di mana² atau tersinggung k. Saya ni memang well known str8 foward sikit langgar firewall jer. Isn’t Luth where it “All” began? Are you sure? Memberi nama anak dengan ikutan nama² nabi memang di alu² kan (both my boys pun)… but Luth?! Where it all began?

    Ok sorry… mulut saya memang celupar sikit. Sorry. Saya lebih suka berkata dari berdiam (kekadang tu mengata tapi tu bab lain lah).

    Marilah jemput ke blog pakcik ye. Not as fresh as you guys though. More of going to be portfolio for my pictures… he he.

    – Lord Vader
    – And when the truth prevails, where will they turn to?
    – Remember, the force will be with you, always.
    – Tripod !! Tripod !! Tripod !!

  12. Lord Vader;
    I am sorry because i do not really understand your comment about Luth.
    And I also don’t know either you are Muslim or Jews or Christian.

    For your information, in Islam, Luth is one of the prophets that have been mention a couple of time in Quran as a righteous & good person.
    However, in Bible or Old Testament, he is not a prophet but only as prophet Ibrahim nephew that impregnating his daughters while drunk.

    So, if you are Christian or Jews, I understand why you disagree about naming the baby as Luth. However, if you are a Muslim, there must be something wrong with you because it seems that you didn’t believe in Quran and think negatively about one of the prophets.

    Please remember.. if you are an enemy of the prophets, then…you are an enemy of God.

    As for me, I am a Muslim and I believe in Al-Quran. Luth is a good name for me.

  13. dear everybody..i just want to say that i am not jessica alba. i wonder why people keep calling me that. come on do you really think you’ll see jessica alba driving around at teluk kumbaq? kikikikiki. lawak je jangan marah haaa~

    ehem. sebenarnya budak ni patut dinamakan jack jack the incredible sbb die bertukar menjadi merah apabila lapar/dahaga ataupun beron.

    dear lord vader, it looks like youre kinda naive to be sayin that. especially if you are a Muslim. i suggest you look it up. 😀

  14. hehe…. azman chan relax relax bawak bertendang…
    i wonder what he meant with where it all began… is he referring to kaum nabi luth yg homo itu?? well it’s not nabi luth pun…

    Lord Vader< nak baca jugak blog awak…
    where’s the URL

  15. hmmm….what is Lord Vader trying to say?? “Luth” and “where it all began”?? What “all began”?? I am also lost a bit there. I think Luth Mikael is a very good name. Normally we here the name “Luthfi”…so this time…it’s unique. Maybe Lord Vader can explain more of what he means by that.

  16. i love the baby’s name….beautiful name for a beautiful baby! hope he grows up to be as rawk as his mommy! ..n oh yeah daddy too (sorry azman..heheh)!! take care both of you.. nothing makes me happier nowadays thn seeing my friends so happy n contented with life! 🙂

  17. oh yeah .. lord vader,

    if ur gonna comment on something which u know is ultra sensitive.. make sure u got the facts right..

    naming ur kid with the name of a Prophet who was saved from an evil and gay kaum will not make ur kid gay in anyway.. just as naming ur baby girl Preity (hindi name for a gal) will not make her beautiful in anyway if she’s cursed with bad genes…

  18. I thought I had a lot of impacts in this.

    Well I’m a Muslim… but knowing the history of it and also the effects of how I grew up so the name placed a bit query and stunnnnn to me.

    Don’t ever get me wrong. Though my Iman isn’t that strong.

    Growing up in .my for a guy world is really not fun. Names especially, then comes father’s name, then comes the name everyone calls you. So…

    kawaii… * no free links here *
    know your history bro… kesilapan itu biasa kita kan manusia.

    Ok mari lah mari kita mengundi, tunaikan kewajipan, pada negara…

    – Peace –
    – Laknatullah to the Israelian Jews!! –

    – Lord Vader
    – Tripod !! Tripod !! Tripod !!
    – * no free link here *
    – Jangan marah aaaaa…

  19. Guys… delete my entries if you do not like.

    I have no problems on it.

    I meant no wars.

    I only see from the other side.

    I was brought up from the other side.

    – Lord Vader
    – Frankly I overly spoken
    – Frankly, truth hurts
    – Frankly, I don’t like it either

  20. cakap malam dengar dengar, cakap siang pandang pandang. think before u do or say. if u think what might u say may hurt someone else, better dont say it at all. silence is golden. thinking is brilliant.

    but early reminder to MIKI. dont u ever dream to rampas my mea khaleela from me….awasssssss! heh heh heh

  21. Being brought up in the other side will make you think further.

    Go on silence then no brother will advance.

    Better hurting them by the truth than suffer later.

    Sure it hurts, I have the pink ribbons to proove it.

    – Lord Vader
    – My methods may not suit you
    – My methods were only meant to advice you
    – My methods were cruel
    – My methods needs evolving
    – Sorry..

  22. Lord Vader,

    you didn’t hurt me man!
    but you make me laugh!

    When God send 2 angels to find either there are righteous people in Sodom, they only found one house.
    Believe it or not…Prophet Luth is the only good people in his whole society that full of maksiat!!!!

    Look at our society now…
    I would love to see my son grown up as a very good Muslim although maksiat is everywhere!!

    Finally, please don’t try to promote your website here!

  23. Noted.

    Thanks for the no-heart-feeling.

    Just express… heh heh.

    Oh tak boleh promote web site ku & some proper links kah… he he… no problem. kawaii… you’ll need to google “kaum nabi luth” to know the history.

    – Lord Vader
    – Outside the box has many possibilities
    – Nanti birthday jangan lupa ajak
    – Tripod !! Tripod !! Tripod !! CF card…?

  24. Lord Vader;
    you know what we though about you when reading your comments??
    and what makes we laugh like crazy???

    we thought you are gay.
    that is why you scared when heard about prophet Luth..!!!
    Dont worry…hahahahahhaa..

    hahahahaha….sorry for that!..

    ya betul..semoga anak aku cepat2 naik haji jugak..kuikui..

    Rena, Fariz, Kak Lady, Frakensteina, Mommy to Chumsy, repulsivelyrina, Nina;
    Thank you to all of you!

    Nize, Iena, Bani;
    Sorry la..diyana tetap suka dgn nama Miki. Mika tu esok2 la kalu dapat anak kedua..

    Takleh nak wat apa la.. diyana takut miki tertekan kat sekolah pastu malas gi sekolah kalu nama start huruf A..hehe

  25. Lord Vader,
    Aku still tak paham ape yg ko ckp. blur siot! “….the effects of how I gre up”??? Apa tuh? Hang grew up dgn org2 yg mcm kaum nabi luth kaaa?? uhuhuhu Anyway, it’s just a name. The person himself will grew up as how he’s upbringing is. So you cannot jugde a person by the name.

    Azman & Diyana,
    Takpelah…tp nanti kat sekolah takut org panggil Miki Mouse…ehehehehe. Love your baby. Can’t wait to have my own. D, sorry..tahun nih tak sempat lahir. Thn dpn insyaallah..sbb masa nak buat baby telah ditunda spt date reception kami juga…kuang kuang kuang.

    P/S: nak jd Godmother bleh…ekekekekeke. Sorry can’t make it to the Kekah ceremony…sbb dekat sgt penang tuh..kalu jauh cam dubai akak pegilah..ehehehehehe

  26. wa…

    what a scene!
    panas panas panas

    the debate has come to an uncomfortable turing point..

    anyway, kenapa suruh saya tgk balik history… i’m very much aware of sejarah salasilah nabi2 kita..

    and what makes u think by being brought up in the other side will make u think further???

    how far??? sampai beyond the boundaries of Islam????
    touchy man…

    bani is right… DIAM ADALAH LEBIH PINTAR…
    we are most content of how we are here.
    no need 2 sell ur ideas of thinking outside the box..

  27. Ha ha ha ha ha…

    Azman you rox. At least you thought of something ‘else’… he he.

    The rest… I rest lah enough.

    – Lord Vader
    – Tripod !! Tripod !! Tripod !!
    – I need another CF card badly!!
    – I need 580 speedgun fast !!
    – I need remote release shutter… please

  28. Kawaii & Shanu;
    aku rasa lord vader ni ada mental disorder la. dia nak suruh kita pulak baca sejarah salasilah nabi2…
    entah lah buku sejarah nabi2 agama mana la yg dia baca sampai sanggup salahkan nabi bila umat dia jahat dan tanak ikut cakap.
    dah tu berani pulak cakap seolah2 nabi Luth tu pulak pelopor homo!..aiyyoo..
    kesian…itu la agaknya pemikiran beyond the boundries dia..

    ada kemungkinan jugak dia ni shakepear gay..sebab diakan suka pakai reben kaler2..dan feberet dia reben kaler pink….heheeh…..hehe

    orang macam ni kita tak perlu suruh diam Kawaii.
    kita suruh mengucap je..heheheh

  29. shanu, hang rasa terselamat ke bikonan kat rumah tu dengan adanya diyana sepenuh masa di sana?

  30. Biorlaa apa org nk kata…..

    Nama anak hang baguih….Tahniah dr aku……Org2 ni dengki psl nama hang baguih…..Cam dulu2 jugak tak p kelas , tetiba skor gila, kan ramai yg dengki! hehe…..

  31. Biorlaa apa org nk kata…..

    Nama anak hang baguih….Tahniah dr aku……Org2 ni dengki psl nama anak hang baguih…..Cam dulu2 jugak tak p kelas , tetiba skor gila, kan ramai yg dengki! hehe…..

  32. abg bani..sebenarnya diyana yg takut kan si bikonan..dia menurut sahaja apa jua kehendak bikonan.. its bikos miki(maus) & alex the bikonan bagaikan tom & jerry. ngeh3.jangan marah haaaa..lord vader hang kena masuk kelas “effective writing & reading”.aku tak payah amik kelas tu sbb aku terrer.susah betul utk memahami percakapan anda. bagaikan pujangga tanpa hala tuju.

  33. i’ve been MIA for a while, but upon coming back here, baby also dah keluar more than a month ago.

    glad to see u guys are doing great, and baby luth mikael is just screaming out to be cubit.

  34. Luth is such a cute name. And it differs from all popular names today like danial, ryan.. but i foresee Luth will be a popular name soon. hahaha. ur baby is really beautiful!! congrats!! 🙂

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