Daily Miki – The Muscle Man from Play House Disney

On 17th November 2008, Miki turned 10 months old. He celebrated his birthday by not taking a nap at all throughout the day. Not a wink, not a blink. The babysitter said all he wanted to do was play and play and play. She must be hinting for a raise in the monthly fee after all the torture that she had endured while taking care of the little naughty boy that never sits still; but I chose to rejoice the bliss of ignorance.

While I was making dinner today, Miki screamed Dehdeeeeyyy! Dehdeeyyy!! to Azman as he was leaving him all strapped-up in his high chair. I guess we got another word to affix in the Miki’s Big Book of Vocabulary. He had been calling Azman Dehdey for quite sometimes now but we were unsure if he really understands the word or not. Now we are pretty certain.

That makes me wonder what’s next. Could it be Mommy? Is it Obama? Or is it Yennadey Macha???

Then at dinner we caught Miki dancing to the Hot Dog Song; from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV. That show has been his favourite his he was about three months old. And he has been bopping his head since about a month ago. Azman said he’s a natural. That he was born a fan of Metallica (and Manchester United) thus the head banging dancing style. Wait till I introduce him to dangdut alright!

After dinner we let him loose to roam the entire living room. Our living room is very big. It would take a whole long TEN SECONDS for a snail to inch across. Not just any snail but a dying snail with arthritis! Miki took a quarter of a millisecond to wipe the entire floor surface with his shirt. Then suddenly he got quiet. We took our eyes off him for just a moment and already he was smeared with ketchup! Apparently Miki found a packet of McDonalds ketchup somewhere and he was feasting on it! My goodness, I hope it was chili sauce, BARU PADAN MUKA KAU!

Long day. Need to put him to sleep now before he pulls another naughty trick. Good night!

Muscle Man at 9months

This photo was taken when he was 9 months old. That cheeky chap! Showing his bicep like a body builder! I was feeding him lunch. It was spinach. Maybe he tought he was Popeye… hmm…



Author: Diyana

10 thoughts on “Daily Miki – The Muscle Man from Play House Disney

  1. Kalau dia sebut dehdey, maybe dia akan sebut mahmey… hua hua hua… ataupun kalau jadi popeye, dia akan sebut tut tut (tp x de apa yg sensored pun)…

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