The New Year and The Anniversary

Azman and I were married on 31th January 2006/ 1st Muharram 1427 AH. Which makes today our third anniversary according to the Islamic calendar.

Alhamdulillah! Another year together. With the addition of a third person. A very cheeky third person. That sleeps in between us every night. That screams in jealousy whenever we cuddle. That pushes Azman away when we sit too close to each other and yanks my hair to get me away from him. Luth Mikael Azman, born 17 January 2008. Alhamdulillah.


The authors of this website wish everyone Salam Ma’al Hijrah! And Happy Anniversary to us…

Diyana and Azman
1 Muharram 1430 AH.

Author: Diyana

9 thoughts on “The New Year and The Anniversary

  1. Salam Ma’al Hijrah to three of uuuuuuuuuuu…. 🙂
    Happy Anniversary to u and Azman….the romeo and juliet of modern era… 🙂

    Cimiki…take good care of ur parents…heheheh

  2. Rafidah! Thanks dear! And yes Miki is taking good care of us!! He wakes us up to work every morning… at 5.00 am!!!!

    Mommy to Chumsy! Thanks!!! 🙂 Happy new year 2009 to you!

    Nize, Farah & Carneyz! thank you!!! Salam maal hijrah!!!

    Bani! itu namanya hijrah!

    Zuriana, salam maal hijrah and thanks for visiting! 🙂

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