Do you want Popia?

Hi! It is me, Miki! My Mummy really wanted to blog about me but she is somehow reluctant so she made it seems like this was written by me. She can be so delusional sometimes, please forgive her. How can she know what I wanna blog about? Pffft! Parents!

Anyway today I turn 15 months old. Everyday when my Mummy or Daddy fetches me from my babysitter’s, I would pretend not to hear the extensive description that Mama Rose, my babysitter would verbally report. They usually consist of stuff that I do during the day. I don’t understand what’s the biggy deal???

So today I pick a fight with Amir, so what?? He is a few months older than me, that don’t mean that if I smack him he has to smack me back, right?

So today I spent 8 hours of no sleep at all because I wanna march around the house, so what? Do you know that I waited 12 months till I can finally walk steadily?

So I spilled a bottle of baby powder on the floor. Pretending to be swimming on a white sandy beach is wrong? says who?

So I learn to speak a new word today, I didn’t know how can pronouncing taktak for kakak can thrill my Mummy so much. My Mummy ni memang overrr lah!

My Daddy is super cool! He has been teaching me really great stuff like how to kick a ball hard till it hits my Mummy’s head, when to bite my Mummy’s arm when she is not looking etc He coaches me some really cool hip-hop verse too.. Like when Daddy say MUMMY! I will have to continue with POTPETPOTPET!

Like this – When I say MUMMY, you say POTPETPOTPET! When I say MUMMY, you say POTPETPOTPET!


Oh boy! My Daddy is my hero! He is so cool!

But sometimes my Daddy can be such a big bad meanie! When my Mummy got some stuff to do in the kitchen and he has to look after me, and chase after me and restrict me from touching all the cool stuff that he has, like that electric guitar that he likes to play, I really can’t wait to get my hands on that and bite on those strings yum yum yum!!!! Daddy would say that he is tired and I need to keep my cool and be QUITE. Can somebody tell me what quiet means? Amir says we will only understand that when we are about 6 or 7 years old. Because we are babies.

So because I don’t know quiet, and I don’t know how to sit without impersonating an ulat beluncas either, my Daddy does this to me :-

Tortured naughty baby

Luth Mikael Azman wrapped in a comforter blankie – 12 months old 

Mummy says I am a very cute popia. Until I roll myself out and run to the television to lick it clean.

Till next time! Tatabyebye!
Chimiki Chikadee

Author: Diyana

15 thoughts on “Do you want Popia?

  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I was reading, srolling and drinking coke.. until I saw the little popiah! Nasib baik coke didn’t come out of my mouth! So cute and geram ok the way he looks! Like a sausage in a bun too!!!

  2. emm emm popia basah amat sedap sekali.

    cuba ikat comforter tu pastu tegak kan pastu suruh cimiki berjalan. hiburan yang bagus!

  3. nize, ko nih mmg kuat makan walaupun makan slow yaamat, miki makan lagi laju… kunyah 88 kali kot…
    emma, hahahhaa! Miki memang suka dengan practical jokes begittiewww!
    yasmin, hahahhaha!!! playing is good exercise.. haha
    doreen, hahaha you should see the video of him trying to get out haha
    ayaq, ya betol! anda mmg kreatipp!!

  4. Eintanz, len kali i nak sapu mustard ngan ketchup teros!
    Den, mereng is the new sexy.. haha
    bani, itu aimannnnn

  5. hahhahaaaaa…aku ketawa guling guling..miki sangat cute..oiiitt diyana..ayat kau kepada bani itu menakutkan aku…eeeewwww~~

  6. hahahaha mmg cute….i should suggest this to asri too sbb he is thinking to tie aniq to a chair when he comes back..hahaha aku rs this is quite a softer and comfort approach…gud idea!

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