Farewell! I am retiring

If I were to make a list of things that I would like to blog about, it would be a very extensive one. It would cover topics like f&b, parenting, outdoors activities to supernatural and my passion for playing with my child’s toys, really gruesome way of making me vomit blood to the really gore description of the birth of Miki. But each time I sit in front of my computer, I find myself commenting on my friends’ FB statuses.

Facebook is evil.

I am afraid that I am losing my craze in blogging. I am afraid the retired drama queen is becoming the retired drama queen AND blogger.

This blog has 290 posts and 11 drafts that I believe will never be published. Farewell blogosphere! Farewell readers!! You have brought me so much joy but my life has to go on! This is the last post that the world wide web shall read written by me. I will forever cherish the reminiscence of happiness that this blog has brought to us, the friends we have make, comments from the readers, photos that are priceless.  The decision is difficult, but I will not regret it. It is a natural feeling that I cannot deny.

I am stopping from writing.

I know Diyanazman clan will no longer have written memories of Miki’s growth, no more journals of our travels, no more sharing of our sick jokes to the internet. I am sorry Azman, you will have to write all this on your own.

Until I get ANOTHER bag.

Author: Diyana

24 thoughts on “Farewell! I am retiring

  1. mungkin juge dia nak beg sekolah berjenama swan utk mengenang kembali zaman kanak2 riang.

    ataupon beg balik kampung yang mempunyai gambar garfield.

    ataupon beg plastik bersaiz besar berwarna hitam.

    dan saya juga agree bersama incik bani versi alim taik kucen bahawa i beg your pardon adalah bukan sejenis beg mahupon jenama beg.

  2. kepengsanan selama seratus tahun nyaris2 melanda diriku pabila Lin Makcik Iris telah tiba dan menyebelahi bani blabla… nasib baik iris cumil…

  3. Lana and ayaq, thank you ladies! God bless you!
    Sherry! welcome to my blog. it’s sad that this blog has come to end… thank you and god bless you! muaxxx
    mommy to chumsy, are you crazy? no blog no hate comments, no hate comments no colors in my rainbow no tastebud in my tongue… i am not making any sense, am I? it’s the bag.. must get more bags…

  4. pembetulan : Lin Aunty Iris ye..

    bani… beggar mahupon begging juga bukan merupakan jenis-jenisan beg.

    Azman…belikan Diyana potpetpotpet beg kat Sinma. siap sekali dengan getah dan sepit rambut. ada warna pink, blue , purple. beg siap ada bulu2 dan rambu ramba.. cantikk

  5. abg man belikan jek la per yang dimahukan sebulom dier g ke batu belah batu bertangkup… nanti cian cimiki saper nak jage.. hahahha

  6. “I sit in front of my computer, I find myself commenting on my friends’ FB statuses.

    Facebook is evil.” <—i think you strive on any means of expression and sharing. and since the craze w facebook, you do just all that in facebook so when you try to start blogging you lose your focus, source of creativity and whatever that you intend to express and share, all through your friends. finally, you’re burnt out like this.

    to be quite frank Di, i dont always read your blog. but i do know you literally grew with up this blog of yours. the blog existed way even before miki came into this world, and way before you know some of your friends that you regularly comment in facebook and blogs. you are the present person you are today hugely due to diyanazaman.com- dunno whether you’ll agree with that or not. you and azman put in so much effort together…..

    friends come and go Di, but if you quit blogging just because of that reason above, pah-leeze gurl, there’s got to be a much better better reason to quit!!

    just my 2 cents. for whatever decision, best of luck!

  7. diyana you make everyone nervous and sad with this entry. u must make a formal statement that you are not retiring. hehe

  8. Yes agrees w eric- whoever you are. but point taken!

    Nampak sgt ive lost track of the dramas Di made. I thought this one was for real! shish!

    Padan muka dah lama tak baca blog, tetiba komen, mcm ini la jadinya. Bag hermes apa yg hg dok gian nak2 sgt tuh??

  9. Minah, hang sangat naive. Bag Hermes tu hanyalah layak dipakai oleh golongan dewa-dewi ataupun golongan poser yg merasakan dirinya dewa-dewi. Aku hanya mahu bag berharga RM59.90. semua beg aku skrg RM39.90 saja…
    eric, i am drafting the media release. thanks.
    bauk, ko lah adik angak-mengangkat aku dunia akhirat..
    Lin, i mmg pakai bag cap Sinma.. ni lah i nak upgrade sikit pakai bag cap Vincci atau Nose…

  10. layak dipakai oleh dewa dewi and posers etc? hahaha, you’re just phhtt jealous! but seriously Di, i honestly did think the bag was not an issue and you could afford (almost) whatever bag you wanted- possibly even a hermes, but a farewell gimmick for a rm59.90 bag? must be hella kind of bag!! ok2, truce. i vow to be big steady reader of your blog from now on! kiss miki for me, please. =D

  11. Saya terjumpa blog ini pasal tgh cari source kat mane blh beli baby stroller Maclaren MX3. Haha. Bole x? Kak, I think I’m starting to like your blog 😛

  12. Phy, thanks for liking the blog. hahaha… pasal Maclaren MX3 tu… dulu kami beli dari mystrollers.com. beli secara online sebab kat Malaysia Maclaren punya distributor tak bawak masuk, mahal sangat kekdahnya…. cubalah tengok kat sana kalau ada lagi ok? good luck!

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