Extremely Babywearing

Here is something very amusing to share. I laughed so hard that my gums are numb and my zits pop by themselves. I found a comment by Puan Drama Mama written especially about me.

My first reaction upon reading the first line on the comment was to search my entire collections of memories inside my brain, outside my brain and along my intestines;  HAVE I EVER STOLEN HER BOYFRIEND? OR KILLED HER CAT?Well I honestly have never stolen anybody’s boyfriend or killed any animal at all. Period. Oh Ok! Ok! The kitty with the hairdryer was an accident okay? Now will you just forget about it already?

Then why is this woman so freaking mad at me? She reeks personal vandetta from every pores.

So outraged she is, she needs to call me kampong BY THE WAY I LOOK!  Wow, I never knew button noses can be kampong? I thought they are just well, JAWA. Anyway, I really cannot argue on the accusation because I am indeed kampong and VERY PROUD OF IT. But the absolutely hilarious irony about it is the fact that I am from a very kampong little town in Bayan Lepas and she is, ladies and gentlemen…. Not from Hartamas, not from Bangsar, not Mont Kiara, not even Minden Heights but……

SUNGAI ARA, PENANG. That is exactly, like Botswana calling Uganda kampung and Kalimantan Tengah calling Timor Timur kampung.

Hahahahha! Hahahahaha!

I laughed so hard tears flowed down my kampong cheeks, trickled down my kampong chin and wet the kampung t-shirt I was wearing. I bought that T-shirt from QueensBay Mall, Penang. I am sure Puan Drama Mama shops there too. Hahahah! Hahaha!

I have not felt my funny bones tickled this way for so long. This is so damn funny. So I continue to read the comment and well! well! well! Looks like people have mistaken me for Rihanna again. ( Go ahead and vomit blood , haha!) Dude! Never in my life have I ever own an LV bag! Hahahha… I AM NOT A BAGWHORE okay? Whatever I wrote about bags in this blog is intentional sarcasm. haha!

So I laugh again so hard this time not only my zits pop on their own, my bushy eyebrows also shed down on by themselves. Hahahaha! This is so funny. What does my bag got to do with anything?

But as I move on the next para I feel scared. So scared, I was trembling, my teeth rattle, my knees bang against each other making gong-like noise so loud it reminds me of the sound of lightning and thunder. Thunder that will be sent by God to strike me dead as requested by Puan Drama Mama as a punishment to me, the BAD BAD MOTHER. THE TERRIBLE MOM THAT DOES NOT BELIEVE IN BABYWEARING TODDLER. See here.

I have an opinion and because of an opinion I have sinned and Puan Drama Mama thinks that God must punish an opinionated mother.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the mentality of a Babywearing Extremist Mother :-

babywearing nazi

When I showed Azman the comment he was so sentapz! Hahaha! Not because of the ridiculous name-calling-bag-judging behavior of Puan Drama Mama but how could Puan Drama Mama left him OUT in the comment?

Tak aci taww! She covered my looks, my origin, my bag, she also included my little boy. Ya ampunnz… Kenapa tak komen laki aku sekali? Ini tidak adil!  Apek jiran sebelah rumah aku tak komen ke? Merajuk dia nanti…! hhahaha

Calling another child buas or extremely naughty takes a lot of guts to do. Most parents are usually afraid to diss other children due to the mysterious existence of karma. Bukan kurma ye? Karma. Heheheheh!

I think Puan Drama Mama and some other mothers are uneasy with the fact that my opinion on babywearing toddler differs than theirs. I have been accused of condemning babywearing moms etc. Not that I care about what people think the same way they should not care about an insignificant kampong mom like me thinks, lonely in the blogosphere not belonging to any community or forum.

But when a babywearing mom starts to write hateful personal comment with so much shallow remarks like this, mengumpating me in blogs and forums, it not only reflects her true mentality but make her even worse than me, the bad bad mother in the first place.

Author: Diyana

146 thoughts on “Extremely Babywearing

  1. owhh sy sgt skerr Penang!! pasemboq padang kota is my peberet!! (errr..relevan kew ngan topik?)

    bak kata bani, aku nyew komen aku nyew sker la mau tulis apa..hangpa baca saja suda la..hak hak hak

    btw, my sis pown adew gak guna this babywear b4..but my niece takmo dok diam dlm tue..bler da diam, dyer tanak turun la plak! da nek penat mama dyer kendong..da la bdn semangat..so sgt x seswai la nk kendong lama2..lenguh tulang kering nt..

    sapa raser nk pakai silakan pakai..sapa takmo toksah..sapa ada paksa hangpa kan? esok2 kalo diyana habaq dyer x sker pakai bra kaler merah hangpa nak marah jugak ka?

  2. omigod diyana. what’s wrong with these people? jeles kah? apa salahnya if some people does not like babywearing? what’s wrong with you writing about how you feel IN YOUR OWN BLOG? Sheeesssh. I would like to know who she is so that i can bitch slap this city girl 😉

  3. woah, i think this has really blown out of proportion. i really don’t get why this is such a big deal. i see photos of Miki in his Maclaren Techno carrier all over this website and u still get accused. Don’t worry Diyana, I think they’re all just jealous coz you’re a hot mom. 😀

    From the country where there’s no kampong or city wars… heh.
    btw, I might become a boob Nazi. Singaporeans are so ignorant abt breastfeeding.

  4. hmmm…pedulik je ngan org macam tu…mana ada org bandar yang tak berasal dari kampung….

    lagi satu pasal baby wear…takkan pegi taman pun nak pakai baby wear….nak vakum umah pun pakai baby wear..apa salah nye bagi budak tu meneroka sendiri apa yg ada disekeliling dia…..sampai bila2 pun budak tu xboleh nak explore dunia sekeliling dia..lain la kalau nak kuar tempat ramai org….selain pakai stroller…pakai baby wear pun ok..asalkan jangan ilang sudah…..

    d, macam mana yer drama mama tu kata ko bawak perangai kampung????aku rasa la perangai org2 kampung lagi baik dari perangai org bandar yang kadang2 ntah pape….org kampung pandai hormat org tua…org kampung tahu hidup berjiran, tolong menolong……

    sekian saje komen dari org kampung salor……..kekekekekeke

  5. Hello Diyana.. this is my 1st time comment sblm ni silent reader jer..itu pon sbb dh geram sgt dgn DRAMA Mama yang entah apa2 ni. ABAIKAN saja manusia spesis macam ni…rasanya ibu-ibu yang babywearing pon malu dengan spesis ibu yang mcmni dlm community mereka..setiap ibu bapa mempunyai cara yang tersendiri dalam mendidik anak mereka..so siapa dia nk comment sampai macamtu sekali. Cubalah belajar menghormati pandangan dan pendapat orang lain walaupon tak suka sbb setiap orang mempunyai hak untuk meyuarakan pendapat dan pandangan mereka..KALAU TAK SUKA ABAIKAN SBB BUKANNYA DIYANA KACAU HIDUP DIE PON…NI AKAL PENDEK SMPAI NK KOMEN MCMTU SEKALI. oklah diyana, take care and enjoy blogging coz i really enjoy to read it…send my hug n kisses to MIKI yang comel..(mana ade buas kan!!)

  6. atie tu orang kampung salor kelantan ker?
    aku org bandar pasir mas..boleh gitu?

  7. breastfeeding nazis? wow. sorry aku support gila breastfeeding purely on the economic and ‘kesenangan’ reasons.

    altho aku tak paham why some people ada susu tapi tak mo kasi sumbat anak diorang tetek, i mean its there, why don’t give?

    but aku takkan la plak pergi memana parents yang kasi botol formula dekat anak dia and gi suh diorang sumbat tetek. and i won’t bother trying to extol the virtues of breastfeeding because the information is easily available its pretty much common knowledge pun.

    in the end. people will do what ever they want pun regardless of whatever info yang available.

    case in point – smoking. nuff said.

    but yang bestnye. bila kita kasik opinion ni. orang yang nak argue gila-gila sampai get personal ni yang buat gempak. hehe kalau tak who da heck cares pun.

  8. HUrm.. anda cume state ttg kebengangan anda pd org yg asik iklankan babybearing je kan? Kerana anak anda dah besa. And U did wear them when Miki was little. Kini dah besa xpyh la. Betul kan kan kan gitu? DeramaMama ni gile ke ape?

  9. Sal, haruskah dikau membongkar rahsia warna bra kegemaran ku? tak ssesuuaii taw. babywearing ada org ok ada org tak ok.. jgn pulak ko kata akak ko kampung sebab tak larat nak babywear anaknye yg hantap… hehehe. terima kasih daun keladi kerana melawati belog saya.
    Mommy to Chumsy, EXACTLY! it is my blog and I don’t know what have happened to IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT DON’T READ IT.
    Zuriana, hahaha yeah mana ada kampung in singapore. how come singaporeans are ignorant abt b.feeding? i think there are more bfeeding moms than formula feeding moms among the people around me… 🙂 thanks dear, you are right i am a hot mom i get accused without valid reasons. 🙂

  10. Atie, mungkin sebab aku kampung, aku hanya memberi pendapat dan tidak menuding jari. orang bandar sg ara kalau mendengar pendapat harus dikutuk rupa,kampung, beg dan anak pemberi pendapat itu. hehehehhehe.. aku cam penah dengar je kampung salor… hehe
    Bani, aku pon suka Sal. Bandaraya Manjoi boleh gang dengan Sg Ara sebab Manjoi ada kedai jual buah limau bali, Sg Ara ada kedai jual jeruk.
    Azman, walaupun anda bandaraya baling anda tetap yg faling chomel berbanding mamat bandaraya2 lain. hahaha * matilah korang muntah darah baca aku fuji laki sendirik.. hahahaha
    Elly, Thanks sebab komen. 😉 marilah kita menganggap ini sebagai peringatan kepada kita supaya tidak judgemental tak tentu hala nanti nampak cam bodo siot. heheheheh… itulah kalau i dalam community babywearing tu agak malu jugak ada member yg begini. heheheee… you take care and thanks for reading..

  11. Wakakaka~ ur welkam D..alah suma oghang dok kalut habaq kampong masing2..aku pown nk enterprem gak laa..

    bani hang oghang manjoi kan? kampong aku lagi tersohor di seluruh donia..haa ni dia oghang taman desa jaya, tanjong rambutan marii!!!

    btw, diyana u rawks! keep writing pls lah..kalo x buhsan gler xde mendew nk bc..bani u like me? ahak ahak nt kita ngedate kt kampong okeh..

  12. Acat, breastfeeding adalah sangat senang ala2 selak saja dimana2 gitu. Sekarang sejak anak aku minum susu tepung ni mak aii mahalnya harga susu! aku pun rezeki nak breastfeed setahun lebih saja, tak lama.
    ko tak penah dengar breasfeeding nazi ke? there are actually many types of moms in our community I think I am gonna blog about that nanti.. (pastu mati aku kena sound kampung ulu banat bawak beg vincci) do you know that ada bfeeding mom yg sanggup tak bg anak makan selama 2 tahun, minum b.milk saja? do you know that there are moms yg sanggup suruh anak lapar jgn minum formula, tunggu dia balik office untuk minum breastmilk? do you know that there are moms and dads tak bg baby breastfeed sebab takut breast ibunya sag?
    hahaha.. macam2 babe! apa2 pun aku takde la nak kata diorang kampung ke apa? 🙂 masing2 hal la…
    Phy, hahaha tergelak aku ko tanya Derama Mama ni giler ke apa.. hahaha… she is not la… she is just a little extreme.
    Sal, thank u for liking my blog. ko ngan bani pi kawin je lah… hahahaha

  13. oohhh…aku dah jumpa orang kampung aku di sini..
    hidup org pasir mas..

  14. D !!!!!!

    awat sentapz sangat ni 🙂 hehehehe…. lambat sikit la aku nak mencelah ni.
    apa2 pun aku rasa masing2 ada own opinion, own style and own reasons to do things…. so apa ada hal? relax2 sudah. tak payah nak kutuk lebih2 kan kannnnn?

    anyway…. aku sangat suker tengok gambar miki. upload bebyk sket ok!! *hugs for both of u*

  15. Kak Nuyu…. hahaha terima kasih! terima kasih! *mata berkaca, melambai2 bak Miss World
    Superflous babe, biasalah Sya, aku kan retired drama queen.. nasib baik dah retired, kalau belum lg dasyat aku tulis… siap google map sg ara aku attached…heheh… nanti aku upload gamba budak tu lagi..hehe
    lagi satu sya aku sentapz sangat sebab ko komen lambat yaamatz..ehehehhehehe

  16. baby carrier dgn baby wearing tu sama ka?? aku cuma carry je budak chimiki chikadee tu..bukan wear dia pun..miki tu bukan pakaian. dia adalah budak lawak yg pandai amik ati org tua.

  17. …hang memang tua bani…! tapi aku pun sentap jugak ni…
    putss(azman), hang kalo nak pakai(wearing) miki tu ok gak…ikat kat kepala ka atau hang buat bola..ikat kat perut ka?! =P

  18. OMG! apa sudah jadi.. i was away yesterday n didn’t check ur blog, tiba2 sudah war kah?

    i don’t know why derama mama marah sgt, coz masa mother’s day u were already like c-sec ke, episitomy ke, BF ke, formula ke, babywearing ke babyweared ke, just all mothers, unite together, and i was like, man, this is a really nice entry. sayang, ada org x dpt msg tu.

    oh well, at least traffic has gone crazy at ur site, so that’s never a bad thing, right? 😉

  19. omyGod I almost tertinggal keretapi! Oh btw, I’m into babywearing too. I read your prev entry on babywearing but I tak terasa pulak. I mean everyone has their own opinion and to be frank what you mentioned ada betulnya. Like vacuum and babywear?? Doesnt make sense to me too. Crying is not all bad, just let them cry! *after all bukan lama pun, unless you vacuum forever!*

    But to involve our kids and presume things are just too much. I thought mothers are supposed to be nice bcoz you want your children later to be nice (and say nice thing) too right? 🙁

  20. excuse me but bukan ke budak buas yang kena babywearing? sebab kalau lepaskan dia berjalan dia akan terus lari panjat tingkap terjun longkang bagai?? miki dah boleh berjalan tapi tak perlu babwearing tu maknanya dia mendengar cakap lah!!!! go miki! go miki!!

  21. Mak oi banyaknya comment boleh buat buku! Heheheheh. Ooooh mak girang nyah comment berderu sebakul gittew. Klaaass!

    On a serious note (ehem ehem) ‘babyweared’ or not, we all should be happy shiny people and respect each other. Not partake with cheap slanderous comment about ones child (ittew yg aku tak pueh ati tu dok kata anak orang).

    Other than that…

    Happy senduk u’olllsssssss!

    (Damn I need my morning coffee)

  22. me myself pon veri proud asal dari kampong…!!! coz mak bapak…arwah tok nenek aku pon asal kampong…x dak kampung… x dak la bandaq cek oii….hmmm…sah2 dia tue lupa daratan kot…
    keji sgt ek kampong nie???? pasal babywearing…no comment…biase jek bagi aku…sah dia period D…:p

  23. ” Above all, remember that the most important thing you can take anywhere is not a Gucci bag or French-cut jeans; it’s an open mind ”
    Gail Rubin Bereny

  24. Oyis, hehehe. didn’t know anybody was paying attention to that mother’s day post of mine coz it hardly gotten any comment. anyway, this is not a war. i seriously find it very amusing… 🙂
    Shelly, Ini Kak Shelly pengantin baru yg kelakor itu kah? yeah you are right! everybody chill ya’ll!! 🙂
    Fan of Miki, thanks for becoming fan of my Miki hehehehhe you comment makes me laugh… 🙂

  25. Mom2Que, thanks so much for commenting! I think you truely understand me. I am a babywearer myself too but I do think that there are times and places that babywearing is not necessary. I don’t know why are they angry at me for having that thought. And yes, memang dalam budaya kita tak elok mengata anak2 orang kalau nak anak sendr jd elok.
    Yatie, hi lama tak dengar khabar? itulah ramai orang lain pun terasa dengan pernyataan “kampung” tu. macamlah hina sangat orang kampung ye?

  26. huhuhu sungguh drama issue ini…. aku rase cam banyak plak blog war lately ni la, ish ish ish… nway, miki still kiut tak kire la kena wear ke tak..

    p/s : apasal aku tak penah bbwearing anak aku ek, am i a bad mother????

  27. Marr, hahahaha.. ko lagi keji siot… ko langsung takpenah babywear anak ko… kalau tahu dek extremist mama habis ko dikata kampung tahap gaban.. hehehe.. ada lagi ke blog war? aku kurang blog hop so tak jumpa… huhuhu

  28. Errrr, that was harsh. I wouldn’t have the heart to call anybody’s kids buas or naughty. Afraid that will come back to me. Dramatic habis haha 😉

  29. aku mmg org kg pun, mandi kat sungai pakai kain batik lagi, auwwwwww!!!!

    ppls, nasib baik pn diyana dah jadi retired drama queen, if not dia akan bertukar menjadi NAFSU yang MENGGANAS, hua hua hua

  30. Hi Yan, my friends say I am such a drama they haven’t met Drama Mama… hahahahah… I’m also scared about dissing other kids even when they are my nieces and nephew because my kid is still small I don’t know how he gonna turn out.. 🙂
    Marr, keji ko masih ingat NAFSU amarah ku yang seksayyy itu??? Hey ko tengok tak final AF, si Akim menyanyi lagu Bencinta by Faizal Tahir… sangat2 macam teater aku berlakon dulu kan? deja-vu~~aduh.. teringin naik pentas balik ni camne????

  31. hi! have been ur silent reader! 🙂

    i’ve got 4 kids. tapi jgn kata babywear, stroller pun tak pernah beli.

    agaknya kalau orang macam i ni lagi teruk dari orang kampung la kot..


    apa2pun, i think you are so cool! keep that up!


  32. Ana, hahahaha… babywearing nye sling, pouch bagai tu very expensive tau. agaknya sebab tu la diorang ala-ala marah I de-promote business diorang kekdahnya. tima kasihla datang membaca blog mak ni tapi actually mak ni tak cool, mak hot! *pengsan…
    just kidding ana, thanks! 🙂

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