The boy that is growing up too fast…

Someday when I am old and grey, as I sat on my favourite chair by the window. I want Miki or my Miki’s children to read this back to me. These are the things that Miki does when he was around one year old…

• The moment he gets up in the morning, whether or not we are already up, runs to the living room, switch on the TV, jumps onto the couch, on his favorite spot exactly in front of the TV, grabs the remote and points it at the idiot box. He even takes the scattered cushion and put in on his lap for comfort.

baby one finger


• If he manages to make a run to the kitchen, he will go straight to the fridge and say “Bukak! Bukak!!” The look on his face once the fridge is open is just like a deprived pirate looking into a chest of treasure of gold and pearls. Then he will name all things he know in there, ee-yum for Calciyum, buah for fruits and so forth.

• Miki has mastered the concept of resemblance, from the word “sama” or the same. He would compare the color of his shirt with his Daddy’s, color of Mummy’s car with the other car at the parking lot, picture of a cat in the book with his own Cat the cat and say “Sama baju!” or “Sama cat!” happily. Miki pronounces “sama” just like the word “summer”, slang KL uolls!! Hanya Tuhan membalas tak sedar diri mak ko kampong!

baby five fingers


• Games – Loves playing Enjit-enjit Semut but his hands must always be the top semut! Loves playing Mak-Mak Pergi Pasar but the baju that Mak buys is always Kuning and no other color else. Plays hide and seek and always exposes his own self from hiding.

• While Miki was hospitalized some time before this is written, he has learned to request for songs that he wantd Mummy to sing. 90% of the time it is Pet! Pet! for the Wonderpet theme song, other times Boowahh for Seekor Labah-Labah ( Malay version of Itsy-Bitsy Spider) or Ai Yea You! (I Love You!) for the Barney theme song.



• Mocks everything that people say more efficiently than a parrot.

• Has been taught to be afraid. The one word that I have wanted to teach Miki last is “takut” or fear because it is important for him to be a brave kid. But at 1 year old I succumb to my own guideline and begin to teach him to be afraid of “Cicak!”, the house lizard. Miki has always have trouble to settle for sleeping. And now that he is smarter, attempt to make him take a nap or sleep at night gets more challenging. I have to spin tall tales, that involving his favourite animals to get him to listen to me, relax and LAY DOWN! I always have to start scolding the imaginary cicak on the ceiling, telling it “ No! No! No! Jangan amik susu Miki, susu ni Miki punya…cepat bom (baring) Miki, minum susu kalau tak cicak ambil..” and “eh eh! Naughty nya bear ni nak ambil buai Miki, nak kena babab ni! Cepat masuk buai Miki kalau tak bear ambil..”

It is very tricky telling him all these, he is not scared of the cicak at all. Many a times he just joins me scolding the cicak and the bear instead of laying down and sleep. Now every time he sees a cicak, he will start telling it not to take Miki’s susu else kena babab!! I have run out of things that the cicak wants to take from him and run out of animals that want to take his susu from him… I wonder what is coming next with you baby…

• Miki has start constructing short sentences but he is very pelat. He says:-
Ai yea you – I love you
Where yaa you – Where are you?
Nacik syup cdap! – Nasi sup sedap!
Pish nyak!! – Fish banyak..
Ayeya tak ujan takyah – Umbrella tak hujan tak payah…
Beyon pecah! – Belon pecah!
Kak tiwi Namni! – Bukak TV nak tengok Barney!!!

He is also bilingual – Bulan/ Moon; Cat/Kucing; Ear/Telinga; Hidung/Nose; Duduk/Sit down; Kasut/Shoes; Fish/Ikan; Bunga/Flower etc
Finally can differentiate fruits from apple (papel) to orange (owen) to tomato (matto), before this all fruits are Buah! And can differentiate ball from ballon (beyon) and bubbles (bahbel)

• Very banyak akal and manipulative! He insists that he is “Emam!” or demam (feverish) so that he must be given more vitamin tablets that he loves so much. Berlakon demam? very drama ok?

world cutest kid

Any kid that can smile like that deserves much spoiling – Mummy
Luth Mikael, 1year and 5 months old

To write about Miki’s eating habits and bullying bigger kids habit requires a different post. Pictures and videos later….

Mummy and Daddy loves you very much Luth Mikael…
July 24 2009

Author: Diyana

17 thoughts on “The boy that is growing up too fast…

  1. hi there! I discovered your blog while surfing about MAN U! Very interesting blog. I’m a die-hard MAN U too but hubby is a KOP (can u believe that *sigh*) – opposite attraction? Sangat suka tgk gambar miki conteng badan :). Anyway, keep on writing kay!!!

  2. Nina,
    he is a KOP???? *pengsan… how did u guys get married? hehehhehe just kidding…
    thanks for visiting my blog..gamba miki conteng perut tu mmg kelakar 🙂

  3. Pak orang Kedah (eh Kedah kan?), mak orang Penang tapi miki ckp slang KL! Ahhh takleh diterima!!

  4. this post is so sweet. eh tapi tak hairan miki speaks slang kl, pasal nunu pun cakap slang KL (hah, camne nak jawab?) semua ni astro ceria la punya angkara!

    and he bullies bigger kids? way to go miki… hihi

  5. Maya nanti kan…makcik Miki cos nak kahwnkan dengan Bani kalau dia fail SPM…hahah
    They grow up so fast…bilalah nak jumpa…Auntie Mel ni tak sabar nak kasi Miki duit raya kaler biru..hahaha..

  6. awww bestnyer u wrote down all these. wished i could’ve done the same. but but cakap slang kl tu yg tak tahan hahaha. i pun sama gak kalau hati sejuk mmg slang kl ngan anak nyah. kalau mak sentapz, habih lorat penang semua keluaq.

  7. eintanz…
    masa miki kecik2 i ingat2 nak tulis tapi tak tulis2… skrg dah ala2 lupa menyesal… esok tua baca balik mesti seronok kan???
    i akan cuba catit jugak semua milestone miki… huhuhu syahdu… dia sangat cepat besar!!!

    u masa marah cakap penang kah? i ada turutan, masa mood baik cakap english, ala2 penat cakap KL, ala2 marah cakap Penang.. bila dah MENGAMUK cakap Perak slang Pah Bedah!!! Ate, udah berapi telinga teman!!!! hanye tuhan ler membaleh!! muahahah
    mummy to chumsy,
    the boy is like a parrot.. always mocking what we say.. 🙂
    Mel, hahahaha… keji giler!!! i pun nak ugut Sarah (my niece) kalau malas belajar sok besar kena kawin dengan Uncle Bani.. sure ngeri trauma seumur hidup budak tu! muahahahahaaa
    Anne, sweet kah? i will write more like this… i think i am prone to dementia *pengsan* so i must jot down everything!! Nunu cakap KL ke?? hahahah cute ok?
    Asroll, hang ingat tulang aku kipas??muahahahaaa.. aku pastikan anak aku cakap Penang slang teluq kumbaq!!! kelasss!

  8. Comelnya post ni 🙂

    Dah lama tak dgr org main –>Enjit-enjit Semut and Mak-Mak Pergi Pasar huu~

  9. eintanz… Sophie!!!?
    *terbayang pengasah pencil mekanikal*
    Shani, tetiba je hang muncul…thanks… you can expect more of this kinda entry… We also play Peram-peram pisang etc.. hhehee

  10. that picture of miki looking at his hands just melts my heart larr..seriously..i wish i have a kid like that.. u and azman are so lucky to have such a darling ..:)

  11. hye diyana n azman ~
    hey my wife oso MU but i bangga jd the REDS hehe
    i think ur miki ni the BLUES kot ..
    nice post especially about mak mak pegi pasar (jarang dengar parents aja game dulu2 kat budak2 skarang ni)

  12. Rina, sok anak hang dengan Usop insya Allah mesti lagi jambu dari Miki… ehehehe
    Hakeem, we all should play those old school games! they are the best!!

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