Sales & Purchase Agreement

…of our house is signed, stamped, validated and it is right here in my hands! Finally! Alhamdulillah! We are so glad…

I will write in details the chronology of important steps that we took as part of the process of buying a house in Malaysia later. But in the mean time, I am gonna go do that hoola dance that I do when I am happy.. hhhehe

the sales and purchase agreement

Author: Diyana

21 thoughts on “Sales & Purchase Agreement

  1. congrats diyana!!! jgn lupe jemput kalo buat house warming ke party buih ke, hehehe…. sila la mengemas rumah dengan bersungguh-sungguh….

  2. akak eintanz, adik masih sentapz akak tanak ikut adik pegi partay.. muahahahaa

    thanks guys! lambat lagi nak pindah. proses beli rumah sangat lembat ok??? next year baru pindah, kalau bulu2 kaki i laku di pajak gadai, i akan buat housewarming grranddddd panggil kumpulan Hujan…

  3. dah buleh dah wat pot luck n bbq n karaokeing… walaupun aku taknak ‘sumbang’ lagu… hahahah…

  4. Tahniah Dee..
    Aku n apai baru habis frust giler cos tak dapat beli property kat BK7..Sapphire..
    Giler sungguh staf nak buat duit…dalam 107 units,42units yang best2 semua staf dah book..sungguh kejam!!!!yang tinggal semua unit2 tak best serta mmg tak berbaloi la beli..Rasa mcm nak tembak staf PKB/PNB?I&P sekor2..terbayang aku muka jahat diorang tgh gelak kat kami2 yang pi balloting ni…

    So..jumpa di BK9 lah jawabnye….:(

  5. Congratulations Diyana, at last u got it your own house. Hah… nti jgn penig plak fikir untuk decoration. But I’m sure u can do it. Hias bilik Miki cantik-cantik ya. Jgn lupa aturkan his lovely cat ha… ha… ha…
    But akak harap jgn lupa jmput akak housewarming ok.

  6. dah ader rumah baru… kalo ader wat parti seperti mereka sebut.. sila jemput saye… hahah…

  7. Yas, thanks.. tapi hang takyah sentaps sebab aku tengok sappire tak best or luas mana pun..
    beskot, wawaaaahhh ada beskot boleh bercakap uols!!! kelasss.. hehehe
    and to others, thanks a lot! πŸ™‚

  8. Tahniah, diyana n azman…akak faham perasaan diyana sekarang..mmg sgt seronok, kan? akak pun tumpang seronok…mesti dh byk perancangan dalam kepala…masa akak mula2 masuk rumah baru dulu, semua jenis buku deco akak beli…tapi satu pun tak boleh ikut setakat ni..he he he tunggu anak besau dulu…

  9. hey hey.. congrats! πŸ™‚ have u decided on wall colours yet? for each room? hehe. pi visit website jotun. link is: []
    ada colour advisor which u boleh upload gambar rumah sendri and main colour-colour. πŸ™‚
    p/s: this is not an advertisement. it’s something i myself find kinda cool! try it k.

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